I’m thinking of changing my name from Unknown Mami to Mami the Grouch. Aren’t you glad you don’t live with me?
I noticed that as the week progressed my mood went from worse, to worser, to worsest. Don’t you dare tell me that worser and worsest are not words! If I say my mood is at it’s worsest, it’s best not to correct my grammar at that moment.
Yesterday, I was thinking about it and realized that my mood keeps going downhill because on Monday I have to go back for yet another ultrasound. I’m just so tired of worrying.
Technology is a blessing and a curse. Because of it I know that my amniotic fluid is low and that my baby may or may not have one kidney. Everything hopefully will turn out fine, but in the meantime I get to brood and worry about something I can do nothing about.
I feel like I am not allowed to be happy or excited about this pregnancy because who knows what will happen.
So I’m grouchy!
My daughter, Put Pie, turned 2 less than a month ago. Oh my goodness, someone at the playground must have alerted her that now is the time to start acting up. I wouldn’t say she is terrible, but there are moments when she is not delightful.
She does however crack me up when she brags about the size of her poop. She will yell while on the toilet, “BIG CACA! BIG CACA!!!” She follows it by cheering for herself. If only I could get so joyful about such simple things. She also claps for me when I go to the bathroom. She says, “Yay, Mama go caca!” It’s nice to have someone rooting for me and my bowels.
I haven’t figured out how to make money for doing nothing, yet, so my finances are suffering. If you guys have figured out how to make money for just being please share the secret, unless it’s a pyramid scheme.
The other day I was on the phone with Unknown Papi while I was feeding Put Pie (she happened to be bare-bottomed at the time) and I said, “Do not put your hands between your butt cheeks while you are eating!!” Unknown Papi got irritated and asked me why I was saying that to him when he wasn’t even eating (I guess if he were eating it would have made perfect sense). I had to explain that I was addressing his progeny. She obviously gets that habit from his side of the family. I jest.
That’s it for me!
I think you’re entitled to use any words you want to! Thinking of you ♥
I have said the same thing to my kids when they were eating bare-bottomed! I WISH I were joking.
I’m a former English teacher, and I say “worser” and “worsest” are words. Hugs!!!
I know you are worried and being angry would be what I would be too! Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. ((HUGS)) I love the stories about your Put Pie. Thank you for the laughs.
I think the only time I ever cheered someone for pooping were my kids at that age. Positive reinforcement.
And don’t you know that men put their hands “everywhere” whether they’re eating or not? LOL
Yes, I know all about grouchiness. I’m not smart, but I am wise. I know when not to say something around here.
Here’s to a positive follow-up that will bring a smile and cheery disposition.
You have every right to be cranky – I can’t imagine the stress you are going through with all this waiting… I really hope that things go well Monday and that Unknown Papi and his progeny can keep you happy and occupied this weekend so you don’t have too much time to worry…
And here I thought bragging about the size of your poop was just something dudes did. Still hoping for the best for you. I think you deserve to be grumpy sometimes.
I’m sorry, friend. Wish I could make it easier.
At least you can poop, which as I recall isn’t always that easy when you’re pregnant. 🙂
The fragment about PutPie rooting for your bowels is my favorite 🙂
I totally blame all my daughter less than favorable actions as coming from my husband’s side of the family!
I sorry for your worstest feelings. Lots of hugs to you and lots of prayers for you!
Are you telling me Put Pie is already potty trained? ‘Cuz that’s amazing!!
You’re my second friend this week to tell a funny caca story. Today something happened with one of the girls and it is most definitely a caca story. Except that it’s not funny. At least, not yet!
And finally, I really wish this was a happy and easy pregnancy for you. I hope that Monday brings you more good news so that you can relax a little bit.
She has been going #2 in the toilet consistently since about 3 months before her second birthday (she’s had a handful of accidents), but she does not go #1 on the toilet very often at all.
We have not really tried to potty train her, but when she was 1 and switched to whole milk I could tell when she had to go #2 so I would sit her on the toilet. Eventually she started telling us when she had to go.
There’s a guy that makes 250,000 a year blogging. He has 20 blogs, though. If you have that many they’d better make a profit because you won’t have time for anything else.
What is it with kids and the size of their poop? My oldest says he doesn’t want to poop big on the potty and can he still have a sticker for pooping medium or little? Because He’s too scared to poop big!
And tell me about the 2 year olds! My youngest cant behave to save his own life these days!
I agree with the Bipolar Diva you are entitled to any words or mood you need to get you through.
I’ve received many a “Good Job Mommy! for my poo and pees too! It cracks me up every time!! My girl is three and a half and is still delighted by hers and mine…. wonder when it stops?
Your deteriorating mood as the week progresses is totally understandable. Isn’t it lovely, however, to have little Put Pie around to give you some smiles in the midst of all this?
Hugs and positive vibes coming your way …
It’s nice to have someone rooting for me and my bowels.
Sometimes it’s the little things… you should feel grateful. I, for example, have no personal cheerleading squad to commemorate my defecation and so sadly I must endure this experience alone… ::sigh::
Unknown Papi got irritated and asked me why I was saying that to him when he wasn’t even eating (I guess if he were eating it would have made perfect sense).
I can’t be too sure, of course, but I get the sneaking suspicion that I know where his hands were at that moment.
“Do not put your hands between your butt cheeks while you are eating!!” So funny! One time I was on the phone with a representative of some sort and while I was on hold my 2YO made a mad – and completely naked – dash to the front door. I said, “Oh no, we do NOT run outside naked in this family!” She started to cry and the representative (who I didn’t realize was back) started to laugh at the same time. Oh the things I never thought I’d head myself say…
Grouchy Mama is kind of catchy–I think I’d go with that if I were you. I understand though about technology being both a blessing and a curse–it’s true. I love the Internet, but boy does it gobble up my time! Good thing your little cheerleader is around to cheer you up!
Stopping by from Friday Fragments. Here’s the link to mine if you get a chance to visit:
Worsest is totally a word. My tot is 3 and still gets excited when he makes a “big poop”. He also has to look at it and tell me what it resembles. Most of the time it looks like a manatee. Go figure.
I will be thinking of you and sending all my positive thoughts your way…
You’re still funny when you’re grouchy!
You’re totally entitled to be grouchy. so there. 🙂
Oh that last paragraph cracked me up!
Sorry you aren’t feeling so hot…I know what you mean though. A hug for you to help you feel betta! 🙂
I think you are entitled to be grouchy/worried. I hope you get some good news!!!
Love the butt cheek comment and that for just a second Papi really did think you were dispensing advice to HIM!
Ha Ha HA HA I love that he wondered why you were yelling at him about the but cheeks and the hands. That made me seriously LAUGH OUT LOUD!
About the worrying… and such… I am sure I would be just like you. And do know this, you are in my prayers. Your precious baby is in my prayers. I am praying God will take perfect care of your baby. I am excited for your new adventure.
How do you make money for doing nothing? I have no idea. I have a job as a social worker. It pays like 30K a year. I think that is fabulous. Gary? not so much. He wants me to get a real job…. No way Jose! We have just learned to live within our means. I know you do that too. I actually failed miserably at living within our means this summer. Naji was here and we wanted to do lots of fun stuff so we did. And now my credit card bill is out the wazoo crazy. I am just taking it day by day and doing the best I can. Trying to be thankful that we had a great summer, that I do have an income albeit small, and that every day when we wake up we have a chance to live and be happy.
Goodness only knows, life is short.
Wishing you a WONDERFUL weekend.
Love, Becky who is also grumpy because her husband works 7 days a week EVERY SINGLE week….. can you even imagine?
Worsest? That’s not so bad. At least people know what you mean!
Ha! My neice says the worst thing! She says “I just took a big ole dump!” Seriously.
I am so sorry your are going through this! I pray everything will be OK. Just be glad that your husband, unlike mine, also likes to announce his big poops to the world. Its just not cute past kindergarten!
Jeez…grouchy??? Are you pregnant of something? And I don’t know why you would get all upset over Put Pie’s ca-ca pronouncements, I still do that. Although it does annoy Mrs. MM. Must be a female thing.
Put Pie is giving you lots of good ammunition for her wedding-day speech!
I’m sorry about the worrying, as I know it puts such a strain on you. We had a health scare with my second pregnancy, but everything turned out just fine. I have strong twin boys to show for it.
I’m saying a prayer for you and the little one you carry. Be well.
Oh it’s not just you. I’ve been rather grouchy myself this week. You have far more reason than I do, though. Being pregnant is enough of a challenge. I am praying that all goes well with your coming baby; I can’t imagine waiting with the unknown like that.
I’m still trying to figure out what it is about their posteriors that children are so interested in. We have issues at our house, too!
just a sec while I pull my hands out of my .. Ok, you are still funny as ever.
Technology is a blessing and a curse. – wow you could write a blog just about that. I agree. I was born before “the pill” (who know if I would have been) but it was already common by the time I was an adult. It is hard to imagine our society before the pill and that’s just one of the many technologies. Much of this stuff is good but it comes at us so fast.
Keeping you and Baby in my thoughts!
Hang in there Mami. I’m sure everything will turn out OK. I’m finding out I am so much like you, worry, worry, worry about things I can’t control, but want to know the answers NOW, not next week or 2 weeks. Anxiety is the word, so I do know what you are going thru. It’s not fun, but the time will pass. Thinking of you.
Thank you.
don’t you love the exuberance of little ones? everything is exciting for them, even going to the bathroom 🙂
keeping you in my prayers
don’t you love the exuberance of little ones? everything is exciting for them, even going to the bathroom 🙂
keeping you in my prayers
Oh my friend..I wish good thoughts traveled on the wind, cause I know myself and so many others are sending them your way…thinking and praying for you:)
and you can use any word you so choose my friend 🙂
It’s understandable to get more irritable as the days get closer to the next test. I can imagine that it’s terribly stressful. I hope the news continues to be positive, even if it’s just a whisper of hope.
Oh goodness, the butt cheek comment has me in stitches!! lol Thanks for that 🙂
hehe….too funny on the big caca!
I think you are being anything but a grouch and amazingly brave dealing with all your current worries and all the waiting for more news. Love the story of the hands between butt cheeks, just wonderful. Hate to tell you also that the tantrum threes are worse than the terrible twos, especially with girls 🙂
I hope all goes well on Monday.
I love it!!! you have every reason to be grouchy!I will keep praying all turns out ok!:)
I, too, am a miserable B$%#@!! yes ,I said that! with my son In and our finances a mess I have been soo down!!
I love you girl and I know that all will be okay!
I love your baby girl and her ability to even go on the potty!!:)
stop by sweety! and keep me posted!
You have every right to be grouchy! Although you managed to make me laugh anyway! My son used to sit on the loo and say things like; “Wow! I*ve done a dinosaur poo today” (For the biggest ones.) or, if it was smaller, “Nope.. Just camel poo today.”
Oh – the joy of little things!
I had no idea you were expecting again. Where have I been? I know you will worry but worrying will not change the outcome one way or the other and you will have burned up all the energy you need to cope. I have special friends in heaven and I am sending massive prayers your way for some good news.
My youngest daughter was so difficult to potty train that we literally had to have the whole family in the bathroom cheering her on..we would do the potty dance and everything.
Today at 30 with 3 little girls of her own..my baby still calls me to discuss the size of her caca’s…I say whatever works.
Two is a very trying age..pick your battles and do not stress over the little things..save your energy for the important battles..
I hope you can get some R & R over the weekend..
I have an 8 year old who STILL cheers when he has a HUGE ONE! Anyone would think they gave out awards for them! lol
Good luck for Monday … and try not to worry about something that there is nothing you can do to change.
And just for the record, thousands of people live long and healthy lives with only one kidney!
Seems like one can always find things to worry about. Technology or not.
Good luck with the terrible twos.
Worrying is like a incessant throbbing pain. You are entitled to be worser and worser.
I am learning to applaud myself for my small victories from my grandson. Babies are very wise.
Prayers for the u/s on Monday. My hands will be folded, not between my butt cheeks.
You know what? A returning sense of humor is a good thing.
I’m happy to see it…Stay pos for the baby!!
We’re still cheering my 7 yr. on in the bathroom. He has issues. (To say the least.)
Prayers going up for you and your little bean lady. Hang in there!
I am thinking about you, grouchy in your house…listen to this, I said to my hubby, lets do something different today….he responds by saying oh does that mean your going to be nice to me…..we were not off to a good start, hopefully you get the very best of results, hope tomorrow is a better day. hugs my friend. take care.
Loving the stories about your Put Pie.
B xxxx
Be where you are. It is okay. Take care of yourself and know that we will all be thinking of you tomorrow.
You remain in my prayers and I remain always your friend.
All my best,
Bowl movement is a very important topic in my conversations with my kids. That’s our privilege as mothers, for giving birth to them. 😉 Will be thinking of you today when you go back for more test. *Keeping my fingers crossed*
Your random cracked me up!!! I will for sure not mention that your grammer totally sucked in the 2nd paragraph… especially since mine totally sucks too. I still say funner & i don’t care that it isn’t really a word! Hope everything went well today. I think about you a lot ♥
awww, try your best to be faithful. it’s hard for me, you are blessed. hope it goes went well.
You are so funny! You tell your stories so awesomely!!! ( :
I’m thinking of you friend and sending good thoughts your way all the time! Hang in there.
Audrey is 2 also, and the terribles are going around our home too! She seriously thinks she is the “boss” of the household. She tries to punk her 10 year old brother…and it usually works. She just ignores me. And has her papi wrapped around her little finger. Ay!
I love that your potty training is going so well! Audrey goes in the morning but other than that, you can forget it, I have even started just forgetting about the whole thing…she is just not into it!
Do not put your hands between your butcheeks while eating. That is always good advice. Don’t understand why he wasn’t thrilled to hear it. Hahahaaha. xoxoxox
You’ve been quoted!
Boys and their butt cheeks have been the ruin of many a decent girl. Please don’t ask me how I know.