This week Unknown Papi and I celebrated our third anniversary. We are broke so it was pretty low key, but we got to spend the day together and we had a great time. We had agreed that we would not exchange gifts, but that stinker cheated and got me a present anyway. Can you believe his duplicity?
He got me something I have been wanting for awhile now. A pair of silver Toms Shoes!!! They look like this:
Do you know about Toms Shoes? They are awesome and aside from being sported by hipsters all over San Francisco, they are shoes you can feel good about. You see for every pair of Toms Shoes that is purchased, one pair is given to a child in need. Why shoes? Because there are children all over the world that grow up without shoes. Did you know that there are soil-transmitted diseases that penetrate bare feet, that sores on bare feet can become a health issue when they become infected, that some kids can’t go to school because shoes are a requirement? Check out the video below if you want to see a shoe drop in action.
I am telling you about this company because I like them and support them. I have received no sort of inducement to promote them, I just thought you might like to know.
On Wednesday, Put Pie and I joined a friend and her daughter at the S.F. Zoo. It was a wonderful day, especially since admission was free. The only problem is that my friend got mugged in plain sight and no one did a thing about it, except Put Pie. Put Pie admonished the mugger and yelled, “No! No! No!”, while wagging a finger at him. Don’t worry, the assailant wasn’t armed, unless you count a beak as a deadly weapon.
We were sitting at some tables eating our lunch when a seagull jumped on the table and stole my friend’s cheese. It all happened so fast that it was over before we knew it was happening. Then a few minutes later as my friend was holding her sandwich in her hand, the bird swooped down and stole the sandwich right out of her hand. To add insult to injury, her two year old thought it was hilarious. I did too, but I managed to stifle my chuckles.
That’s it for me today! I hope you have a great weekend and that a seagull doesn’t steal your lunch.
Birds are mean. When we were at the Grand Canyon we sat on the stone wall outside the main lodge eating ice cream cones. This maniac squirrel tried desperately to steal Matthew’s cone. I have some great pictures of it. And no, I didn’t try to help. All he had to do was stand up…but he wouldn’t. Stubborn man.
confused – a squirrel bird? Mean birds – that’s what Alfred Hitchcock thought.
Cool- i wouldn’t have known that. Hipster shoes around Cowtown are hiking boots-LOL! I love that they give one pair away for everyone purchased!
Happy Anniversary Lady! Cheers–and yours will be sparkling apple cider! Wink!
Okay so I don’t think I’ll run around barefoot anymore. Next time you go to lunch take Alka Seltzer…birds explode when they eat it.
You made me laugh.
I would rather have them take my food than have an exploded bird on my table. YucK!!
Had this post been written in the 70’s, Jonathan Livingston Seagull would come up in discussion I’m sure. But since I just throw out that bird’s name I guess it still comes up.
Sweet info on the Tom’s shoes… I had no idea!
I love Tom’s shoes!
Congrats on your Friday frag award. You so deserve it!
What fun shoes! Hilarious about the Zoo, I had a bird swoop in & steal my daughters cheeze-its before. 🙂
Thieving birds!
My daughter loves her Toms!! She actually paid for them with her own money and loves the idea she helped give someone a pair of shoes.
Congratulations on 3 years of wedded bliss, and a toast to many more.
Oh, you had me there for a minute. You got me. My wife had that happen to at the shore. A gull swooped down and grabbed her entire hoagie right out of her hand. She was hungry and not a happy camper about it.
Those are some fun looking shoes – I’m glad UP got them for you 🙂 Even though he was being sneaky about it. Love the bird story – how funny!
Tom’s has an awesome program. More corporations should follow in their footsteps. (No pun intended….ok, maybe a little one.)
My Aunty Liz was mugged by a pelican at Western Plains Zoo in Dubbo. She was holding her wallet in her hand with her hands clasped behind her back and the bird snuck up behind her, grabbed it and flew off into the wetlands area. It decided the wallet wasn’t a fish after all and dropped it. Liz waded out into the knee high water and managed to retrieve it to much applause from the watching crowd!
Toms shoes are great, thanks for reminding me about them!
Your aunty Liz was truly mugged by a bird. That is a great story.
i really want a pair of TOMS. so bad. just can’t swing it right now.
birds… i just ate outside with a friend and she was completely creeped out by the little birds. i would have had to sedate her if that had happened to her!! what a funny story!
I know, I’ve been wanting those TOMS for a long time and I’m so broke I couldn’t afford them. It was such a nice surprise that he got them for me.
Hi there,
I didn’t realize you’re also in the Bay Area. (I’m in the East Bay). Thanks for the warnings about the SF Zoo. Geeze. You’re not safe from crime anywhere!
Those shoes are very cute, too. Happy Anniversary to you and your hubs.
That seagull has some guts! I would have died laughing. And then I would have shot the seagull.
I’m pretty sure you are not allowed to bring guns into the zoo unless it’s hunting season.
Awesome shoes, it’s a wonderful program. Those seagulls are the most annoying!
Oh I do not like seagulls, they have no fear!
I love those shoes! What a great cause too, I am just going to have to get myself some now. Thank you for sharing this with us.
those are neat with the Toms shoe; truly a worthy endeavor! too cute about the “thief” stealing your friend’s sandwich 🙂
I am totally jealous of your shoes! Love them.
What fun shoes!
Congrats on your well deserved Friday frag award.
I really enjoyed your post. 🙂
B xx
Got back last night.
Those seagulls are pretty aggressive, especially the mugger variety! Wow!
Happy anniversary!
Oh no! I love the shoes…maybe I can convince the hubby that it is for a good cause. 🙂 That zoo story was hilarious! I will never be able to look at seagulls the same way again after seeing Hitchcock’s The Birds. Evil creatures.
Toms are so awesome I love the silver one! So comfortable great for your feet during pregnancy. I can’t believe that bird …! Have a wonderful weekend!
Spending the day with your husband? Priceless.
I love Tom’s Shoes and have been buying them for years. Cheers to good works!
And the bird snatching? I would have laughed my considerable a$$ off.
Very cute!! Love my Toms… I have them in grey but I have been checking out the Gold ones lately! You must look awesome in them!
Must have been one hungry bird! A swan once stole an entire Brie from me…
Those shoes are great – and what a wonderful cause.
I saw a documentaRY on Toms shoes, what an awesome thing;) love yours .
hugs friend
Gorgeous shoes! I love TOMS, too. In fact, he was just featured in the Costco Magazine this month.
And grrr birds. They’re so “cute” to feed, aren’t they? Bummer for your friend.
OH! And Happy Anniversary!
Love the shoes! I bet you look like a movie star in them! I remember the birds on the Southern California beaches…they are just as nasty!
Congrats on your anniversary!!! Best wishes for many more!
Isn’t that so lovley about the shoes being donated to kids in need, excellent idea and a shame more big brands don’t do the same.
too funny about the seagull being a mugger! We have Keas here that do the same.
First, love the shoes.
I now know better than to eat anything outside near parks, trees or nature. If it’s not the birds, it’s the squirrels 😀
Happy anniversary! I want a pair of Toms. Maybe I’ll get some for Christmas.
nice shoes. did not know that about them being given away as well…very cool. dang. brave birds…
I didn’t know about Tom’s Shoes until the daughter recently ordered a pair and told me about them. Awesome idea.
Catching up here with a coffee, just read your last three posts. Great words of truth in the last one about the ‘present’. As for this one Happy Anniversary and I love the shoes!
The zoo post made me laugh 🙂 Have a good Sunday.
Oh my gosh…I thought you meant a real mugging!! LOL!! Phew. 🙂
I can’t tell you how pissed off that would make me; I am very offended by seagulls stealing my shit. Still, I find this funny 🙂 LOVED the intro about the mugging; that was fantastic. You are brilliant.
I keep telling my husband that I’m brilliant and he just rolls his eyes. I guess I’m not modest. Who needs modesty when you have brilliance?
I love those shoes, and the company! Yay! Happy Anniversary to you both – some of my most romantic times I’ve ever spent with hubby where when finances were slim, and we’d chat and cook whatever we could by candlelight and cuddle. I actually prefer those times better than anything else. You know.. you could dress up like you’re going out and just stay at home and eat ramen and sip water in fancy glasses or something – much more intimate and rewarding if you’re camped out on a blanket on your own floor <3
Your poor friend, but I can’t help laughing! LOL 😛
Glad you had a good time at the zoo and it was F.R.E.E.
Toms shoes will be doing a charity fundraising thing with Charity: Water again this year I believe.
TOMS shoes are wonderful — both stylish and wonderful for the world!
P.S. Lucky girl.
oh, i love those shoes! i was in seattle this summer and passed by the downtown nordstrom a few times and was salivating over them in the window. but i didn’t get them 🙁 maybe i will now so i can be cool like u!!!
Happy Belated Anniversary! Love the shoes.
I would have laughed at the thieving birds too.