Went to my latest ultrasound and my amniotic fluid remains steady! Yippee!!! The baby’s left kidney looks totally normal, the right one is still looking pelvic and cystic (we’ll deal with that when and if it needs to be dealt with). All in all, I am stable enough that I no longer have to go in every two weeks for an ultrasound and I am thrilled.
We had a different technician this time and I really liked her. She was competent and funny and she gave us a 3D ultrasound pic of the baby’s face. I had never seen one of these. They are totally trippy, sort of like an impressionist painting. Wanna see?
Crazy, no? It’s amazing what technology can do. I think she has my eyes, don’t you agree? Don’t worry, she will grow into her paper bag. I’m sure of it.
Do you get wrapped up in numbers? I do, I try not to, but I’d be lying if I said I’m not aware of my numbers.
I’m not talking about my weight or finances, although I can get pretty wrapped up in those numbers too. I’m talking about numbers as they pertain to this blog. I was visiting Cheesboy, who has a great and witty blog, and he was bummed because he had lost 4 followers. I was all: don’t worry about it you will get others. Sometimes I can be so cool and nonchalant. Then I lost two followers right after that and I was all: what did I do, who are you and why don’t you love me anymore, did I piss you off, will you come back if I tell you a funny joke, look what I can do…
Not just that…ever since I moved to WordPress I’ve had issues with Feedburner. One day it tells me I have X number of subscribers, the next day it tells me I have X-200 subscribers. Minus 200! How can I lose 200 subscribers over night? Then a few days later I have X+250 subscribers. Why do I even bother looking? Because I care that’s why. There I said it, “I care!”
I don’t want to write in a vacuum; it’s dusty in a vacuum! I love the interaction and when someone leaves I’m sad. I know it’s silly, but it’s true.
Alright, insecure blogging moment over.
Seems like a good time for a daily affirmation courtesy of Stuart Smalley:
I’m Good Enough, I’m Smart Enough, and Doggone It, People Like Me!
Don’t worry, people like you too. Maybe not all people, but I’m sure some people do. I probably like you, but I’ll like you even more if you leave a comment.
I don’t have very many followers, but if you like me then it is all good, so of course I will leave a comment.
Yeah for the good baby news.
I just realized that I wasn’t a follower! Now you are at least +1 more. xox MoMo
I have finally reached 100. I have almost 70 that have subscribed through Google Reader and 34 through Blogger, but I only get 2-3 comments a day – so I’m assuming that my BFF has subscribed through several dozen email addresses just to make me feel better and she’ll never unfriend me! LOL
Those 3D photos are crazy looking – I’m not sure if I like them. Then again, I’ve never been pregnant so that might make a difference. I’m so glad that the paperbag is growing with the baby 🙂 That’s the way it should be – ha!
That affirmation is my all-time favorite; I use it all the time 🙂
Glad to hear the good baby news! She’s adorable!!!
I am only vaguely aware of my numbers; I couldn’t tell you how many followers I have right now and have never noticed losses, though I probably would notice -200!!
Have a great weekend 🙂
She is beautiful 🙂
and anyone who would stop following you is crazy and ya dont need them anyway;)
Where are you? I can’t get to your blog.
Visit me at: http://www.unknownmami.com.
Yea for the good kidney! And she does have your eyes!
The baby news is great! And the 3D images are pretty great – they’ve come along way in my 34 years. I am new to your blog courtesy of Mrs. 4444’s Friday Fragments. And thanks for sharing.
I am so thrilled with your news about your little one!! Thanking God for answered prayers! Love the ultrasound picture too! She does look like you a lot 🙂
I blog to blog because I love to blog and I decided a long time ago it is not about numbers so I removed my followers gadget. People can still follow but I have no idea who is following the silly words I write. Keeps me more sane (and humble) this way 🙂
have a great weekend!
Well, it just goes to show what I already knew about you- that you are wise.
I’m glad there’s good news with your baby!
I too feel a little sad when I lose a follower. I don’t have many to begin with. I don’t lose them often, but I don’t want to lose them at all.
Glad you are feeling well, and the baby is so cute. like mama. it is weird about followers, there one moment gone the next, and I only really have a small amount. But you are right I sometimes wonder why too. oh the insecurities. lol. have a wonderful weekend. hugs to you.
It’s too dark to write in a vacuum.. and hard to breathe! You’re great and there are lots of us who enjoy your writing!
She’s beautiful and yes, she does have your eyes … although I’m a little concerned at what looks like a tail! 😉
Oh, I think it’s a leg not a tail.
I am exactly the same, one moment I’m all whitty and nonchelant and everyone comments and says how brilliant I am not that I’m boasting, cause I’m really not that great 😉 then I have an up and down week and I feel all blah, blah, BLAH. you know what I mean? I just think we all need to be true to ourselves, shout a positive daily affirmation like you say and people who we connect with with definitely connect with us! Those who don’t well it’s no less here or there. Glad the untrasound went so well. I am so pleased for you. I remember when Youngling was just nicknamed my little Peanut! bless….
I’m glad the baby is growing and you are doing well and oh – I like you!
I’ve never been good at reading ultrasounds. Especially when it comes to the baby’s sex. And in this view your Mini Mami isn’t “cooperating”!
Glad she’s doing well. She’s darn cute.
P.S. I have a couple patients with pelvic kidneys/kidney agenesis and they’re JUST FINE. Both are girls, too. hmmm….
And, gosh darn it, I like you too!
Oh and baby to be has your lips as well! Glad to hear the good news. You da Mami!
I may have 471 fewer followers than you, but that won’t ruin my day. Nope. Seriously it won’t. I really mean it. I DO TO!
As for the baby……well, I don’t think she could be more beautiful 🙂
I don’t even understand what following means, all I know is you are on my favorites and I check every day to see an update.(sometimes I get a little impatient but then I realize we are in 2 different time zones) I haven’t put you on my “reader” yet but because it’s too many steps. Have a wonderful weekend. Yippie for good baby news.
Yay! for well behaved amniotic fluid. 🙂
Every so often I think it might be nice to have a few more followers, but then I decide I don’t really have the energy to do the audience building required, so I’ll just potter along as is and bask in the knowledge that you, at least, probably like me 😉
Know that I absolutely like you!
So glad things are looking up with the pregnancy! I’m sending positive thoughts your way that you will have a strong and healthy little girl who will grow into that paper bag in no time!
I’m always watching my numbers, too. I hate when I lose a follower. I have no idea how to check how many subscribers I have. I’m on Blogger–do you know how I can find that out?
The only way I know how to do it is by burning your feed through feedburner. I was using feedburner even when I was on blogger. The instructions are pretty easy to follow if you want to do it.
I like you Mami! Great to hear things are going well with the baby. 🙂
Great news about the ultrasound. Cute picture of the Unknown Baby. I hope the tail is shorter when she is born. Will get in the way of all the messy poo poos.
I won’t lie, I check my numbers every day—and as I have many fewer followers than you—I notice when someone leaves me. It makes me sad.
But your baby news makes me very happy!
WOW. That baby is going to look JUST like you! Genetics are just amazing. 🙂
Followers? What are those? Most days I’m just happy to get a comment!
I really don’t look at my stats…I guess I’m glad I don’t!!! I’m so glad to hear the ultrasound news!!! Sigh of relief.
I try to focus on the quality of readers/commenters and not quantity, but I definitely have my moments where I obsess over my numbers.
Yay for the good baby news! I hope it continues!
I’m not a follower, but I love you anyway. I wish I didn’t care how many followers I had, but I must confess I do notice when the number decreases. Why! I don’t know either.
We are both just as witty and fine no matter how many people agree, or read. I always enjoy what you write and you have the nicest commenters, too. Good luck with your lovely little girl.
I do have the nicest commenters, you included.
are you having a chipmunk?
I am glad you get to just start to enjoy your pregnancy a little. 🙂
As far as the numbers go the GFC drives me insane as it is up and down everyday. I just moved it towards the bottom of my blog so I can be done with it and am contemplating seriously about removing it all together. I mean I care that people read but I don’t want that it to consume me.
I don’t want to write in a vacuum either, and I think we all care to an extent. true. maybe we should go back to blogger.
GREAT NEWS on the BEBE……….. 🙂
I see you have great photoshop skillz!
So happy to read your news, continue to take good care of yourself and that baby 🙂
You know I adore you. I get way too caught up with the numbers. It’s easy to do when you regularly visit someone with high numbers (AHEM…meaning you! More than 500 ain’t shabby sister!) Anyhoo…I was thinking about taking the follower thing off because it’s really the comments that help me feel heard and valued. Some people that follow little ol’ me have never even commented. Cause they are like major rockstars or something.
So great about the news with the ultra sound. But I wish they would have told you that your baby is a puppy. I’m just telling you because I adore you and I wouldn’t lie to you. Your baby is a puppy my friend. Prepare yourself.
Very good news. And yes, she has your eyes. LOL
As for followers, I’m even thinking of deleting the followers box from my blog. I just don’t care about it. It’s just a number, and especially when only a very small fraction of people leave comments anyway.
I’d say about 10% of people end up leaving comments and usually it is the same 10%.This is based on my scientific observations, of course.
Yes! You ARE good enough!
Such great news about your baby! I’m so happy for you.
Have a great weekend!
Feedburner and I don’t get along. I had the same problem when I moved to WordPress and it ended up being because of the Google somethingorother. Just one more reason why Google is ruining my life. Ugh. You and Cheeseboy are clearly awesome and so any lost followers must have just gotten confused and accidentally hit the wrong button. That is the only explanation.
And that’s why I love you because you are so friggin’ nice to me, always.
A huge congrats to you. Glad you can find a sense of relief from the unknown for your new Unknown Little One.
Glad the baby is doing good. **HUGS**
I love the pic of Unknown Baby!! So funny! I am glad things are looking up in your pregnancy… such a relief.
That is wonderful news from your latest ultrasound, congratulations. What a striking resemblance to you your new daughter has too 🙂
Ah numbers and stats yes, I don’t obsess about them but when someone unfollows I am always left wondering why.
Feedburner DOES do that. It’s fickle. Personally, I think it may have a bipolar issue.
And, hello. What a cute paper bag baby you’re carrying!
Well, since that time, I lost another follower because I offended someone by calling one of the girls on Glee “fat”. A stupid reason to lose a follower as of course, I say stupid things.
How bout we make a pact never to unfollow each other. And if we are each other’s last followers on the face of the planet, we will repopulate the earth with new followers?
Great news about the ultrasound. Hope all still continues to go well.
It’s a deal.
So glad to hear that everything is going well with the baby. Love the picture 🙂
Yes the numbers come and go. I don’t take it personally mainly because I am a button pusher and sometimes you realize that you just can’t follow that many people!
Sometimes I come here and see that I’m no longer following you….but I didnt’ unfollow you. I’m trying not to take it personal, but it’s as if google doesn’t want us to be friends.
Your fetus looks just like you!!!
I think the 3D things are a bit too much….it’s just weird looking.
It is weird looking!
I’m glad to hear the pregnancy is going well and that you won’t have to have an ultrasound every two weeks. Hoping that the next bit of news is even better.
I’m so glad everything is going well with baby girl.
Pffffft to the paper bag! *sniff*
I like you. I really, really like you 🙂 And your ultrasound photo is hysterical.
Have a fun weekend, xo jj
Yeah for you and the baby! (Love the picture!)
I took down my follower widget and don’t check my feedburner stats. It’s very liberating.
First, I’m thrilled to hear that all continues to go well with your pregnancy. And yes, this baby SO has your eyes. Too cute. 🙂
The followers thing. I notice. I’m aware of the numbers but it doesn’t bother me one bit if I lose a few. I never even click on the Followers thingy on others’ blogs (well I just did the first time the other day) but that doesn’t mean I don’t “follow” blogs regularly. I just use Google Reader for updates. I figure people drop out because they’re already following too many or they’ve found other ways to follow. I try not to take it personally. 😉
So wonderful to hear that things are moving along well and that you don’t have to have as many ultrasounds.
I read Cheeseboy’s lament too and I couldn’t believe anyone would stop following him. He’s hilarious. And for the record, so are you, so I have no idea why anyone would unsubscribe from you.
To be honest, I’d love to switch to WP, but being an technical luddite, I’m afraid that I would screw it up and lose people. There, I said it, I don’t want to lose readers either! – G
Well, I’ll tell you what, if you ever switch you will not lose me. I will find you. You are one of my favorites.
I am getting so excited for your new little one! Ultra sounds are just amazing! Unless they are showing nasty old gall bladders filled up with stones that need to come out…my gall bladder is gone and I am feeling ‘ouchy’ and ‘grouchy’!
I’m with you..I get really sad when my followers go away without even saying by or anything. I cannot help it; I care too.
Can you tell I am on serious drugs?
I’m so happy to hear that things are looking good for the bebe. He/she is totally adorable, just like his/her mama.
I don’t pay too much attention to numbers, but I remember just before I stopped posting regularly I was just a few below 400, but since I don’t blog often now, I’ve definitely lost a few.
Oh well!
Great ultrasound – she will grow into the paper bag. You’re too funny!
I think it’s natural as a blogger to follow stats -but I don’t think you need to worry. There are still hundreds who really, really like you.
I notice when followers leave to and it’s like “was it something I said?”
It’s funny you should post about losing people! I was an avid reader of your blog and one day it just disappeared of my feed! I thought perhaps you went away so I didn’t come looking for you. Then out of the blue you appeared again with a list of about 40 posts. I’m glad I made it back over here!
I don’t know how many subscribers I have but I look at how many people have read my posts everyday! I get bummed when it’s only a few. Then I remind myself that at least people are stopping by for a look around:)
I disappeared off of a bunch of people’s readers and I was so sad because I truly appreciate that anyone bothers to read me.
When I started blogging, I had no idea that anyone would ever read me and when they did I was overjoyed. I know it’s silly to get bummed when folks leave and it’s not about popularity, it’s just that sometimes when people leave I become insecure and think that maybe someday everyone will stop reading.
I hate that I not only care about the stinking numbers, I also care about individual bloggers who follow me. Did I measure up to their expectations? Do they still love me? Did they ever love me? Do they love so and so more? Of course Mami, I will deny ever having said these things if you tell anyone else.
BTW…that little pre-born looks exactly like you. Love her! I am still waiting for you to tell me what color to crochet her blankie.
Lavender with dark blue for the blanket. I know you only asked for one color, but that’s what came to mine.
Yes, I’m so glad for steady fluid levels, congrats!!
She definitely has your eyes!!! I am glad everything is going better now!
Thanks for the lift everytime I visit your blog!!!
She definitely looks like you! I think it’s the shape of her bag.
Oh yeah. I’m with you all the way. When I was blogging on my own site regularly, I was stalking the numbers constantly. But now that I am rarely there, my numbers suck and I don’t even want to see them.
Oh and I keep wishing the folks at SK would let me get into their analytics site, because of course I am constantly dying to know what my numbers are over there. I even dreamt about it the other night. Now that may just be bordering on a sickness, huh?
You ARE good enough and smart enough and people DO like you!!!! I try not to focus on my numbers these days…takes the pressure off and helps me remember why I write my blog. Yes, Unkown Baby looks just like you!!!!!
I have been feeling the exact same way lately which is why I haven’t been posting as much. I know we are supposed to be all noble and say that we don’t care about the numbers that we are just blogging for the good of blogging. But who wants to blog if barely anyone reads it?? I haven’t had much time to visit blogs and I notice when that happens barely anyone stops by. It is sad to think that most times people aren’t coming by to hear what I have to say but rather out of “feeling like they have to” because I visited their blog. Wishing I could write incredibly humorous or gripping posts so that people might want to visit anyway 😀