It’s November people! How did that happen? I just got used to writing 2010 and in less than 2 months I’ll have to get unused to writing it. Honestly, when did the Earth start spinning so quickly on its axis? I feel like I’m on a tilt-a-whirl ride.
I don’t really get stressed about the holidays because we take them nice and easy here. Ever since Put Pie was born we stopped traveling to visit relatives and just stay home instead. This year we are doing Thanksgiving lite. We’re not even having a turkey. My husband does the cooking around these parts and he is never excited about making turkey because he doesn’t really like it. Usually, I pitch a fit and he makes it anyway, but this year I decided I don’t really like turkey enough to stress him out. We’re having roasted chicken instead with the usual Thanksgiving fixings. He’s big on the side dishes and those are the things I make.
Christmas will be pretty easy too. We’re broke so there won’t be much shopping involved, which is fine by me. I’ll still get to be surrounded by my loves and I just found out that my wonderful friend will be joining us, too.
Being of Mexican descent, I grew up celebrating Christmas on the 24th by staying up until midnight to open presents. My husband is not Latino and he’s not as fond of the practice as I am, but I refuse to give up the tradition so we compromise by opening one present on the 24th and saving the rest for Christmas morning.
I never believed in Santa Claus because I always stayed up until midnight to open presents and Santa Claus never came by for tamales or to leave more presents. Although there were a few rotund and jolly male relatives around that might have resembled a Mexican Santa Claus, I was pretty sure that Santa Claus didn’t drink rompope, sing romantic songs while playing guitar, or try to get a game of poker going on Christmas Eve.
We’re going to let Put Pie believe in Santa Claus by letting Santa Claus bring one gift after she goes to sleep that will be waiting for her on Christmas morning. Last year she didn’t get the concept at all, but this year I think she’s old enough. Thanks to compensation received via this blog Santa Claus will be bringing her this:
I can write about it here without spoiling the surprise because Put Pie doesn’t read my blog. She doesn’t technically read anything yet.
Can anyone tell me why it gets so dusty under my bed? It’s disgusting. I vacuum under there and the next time I go to vacuum it’s like there are dust dunes under there. I’m sick of it.
The pregnancy hormones are doing a number on me. The other morning my husband made toast for himself and Put Pie and didn’t offer me any. Well, you would have thought he asked me for a divorce. I burst into tears and told him how left out I felt.
While running errands as a family, “Your Song” by Elton John played and I started crying because it’s beautiful and because no one is ever going to write a song like that for me.
It’s a little bit funny this feeling inside
I’m not one of those who can easily hide
I don’t have much money but boy if I did
I’d buy a big house where we both could liveIf I was a sculptor, but then again, no
Or a man who makes potions in a traveling show
I know it’s not much but it’s the best I can do
My gift is my song and this one’s for youAnd you can tell everybody this is your song
It may be quite simple but now that it’s done
I hope you don’t mind
I hope you don’t mind that I put down in words
How wonderful life is while you’re in the worldI sat on the roof and kicked off the moss
Well a few of the verses well they’ve got me quite cross
But the sun’s been quite kind while I wrote this song
It’s for people like you that keep it turned onSo excuse me forgetting but these things I do
You see I’ve forgotten if they’re green or they’re blue
Anyway the thing is what I really mean
Yours are the sweetest eyes I’ve ever seen
My Thanksgiving and Christmas are always busy and hectic. I like your plan. I’m glad your letting Put Pie enjoy a gift from Santa, it’s a fun tradition. Sorry about the emotions getting the best of you but your entitled. I love that song, it’s so beautiful.
Have a nice weekend.
Stinkin’ hormones! When I’m pregnant – and during the breastfeeding/lack of sleep phase of mommyhood – I think everyone is conspiring against me, especially Hubby and my mom!
I like your song. Claim it!
I love Put Pie’s bike and I love that song….It’s bringing back some memories here.
Your Thanksgiving and Christmas plans sound wonderful.
Those pregnancy hormones are in overdrive, huh? Hopefully, your hubby understands. He just needs to pamper you big time!
When I was pregnant this last time I totally burst into tears in my car listening to the Glee soundtrack at “Defying Gravity” from Wicked because it just sounded so beautiful to me. I KNOW where you’re coming from there…!
that is the cutest bike (or whatever it is) for your little girl!! I’m with you, what happened to this year? I blinked and it is over. I like that you are making what you want for the holidays and not going with “tradition”. We do the same thing ourselves. Also love that your husband does a lot of cooking, same thing here 🙂
whatever you do to celebrate the holidays, the most important thing is you are together, right?
I’m French-Canadian. We stay up December 24th and do Christmas then. December 25th is for doing nothing! But my husband is not French Canadian, so on December 25th, I’m miserable as I shoudl be doing nothing, but it’s the busiest day of the year of me…babble babble, why have I just written all of this?…I guess I was using this opportunity to bond with you. Did it work or are you rolling your eyes? don’t answer…
I was just thinking about writing did go fast! I love the bike..we always do our gifts to each other on the 24th and then Santa comes for the kids overnight…it is getting a bit out of hand (the 24th) but thank goodness with 11 grand kids I start shopping in January and get some ridiculous deals..I am very thankful for that this year because I missed so much work because of my gall bladder…
Have a blessed Thanksgiving…
It’s going to be tight around here this Christmas for us as well. You’re very blessed to have a little income coming in from your blog. I still haven’t quite figured out how to do that yet. Ha!
I hope you have a fantastic Thanksgiving with your family.
I have never heard of the staying up till midnight thing. We always did the open one on Christmas Eve & the rest Chirstmas morning. I do that with my girls too. Put Pie is going to be in heaven with her new bike. How exciting! Not to laugh at you because seriously I totally know how hormones can do a number on your but toast… really? I love it.
Love how you are blending holiday traditions and making them your own for your family… I’ve started dedicating my Sunday family stories to holiday memories and it’s bringing them all to the surface for me… I’m sure put pie and the new baby will enjoy the traditions that you create for them!
In my Friday Fragments post I said that I burst into tears because a blogger, Pioneer Woman, was on TV. I don’t even have the whole pregnancy excuse lol I hope Unknowm Papi made you some toast. I think Put Pie is going to love the Santa gift. Love it!
I am originally from the Philippines and we do share the tradition of waiting up ’til midnight to open gifts. Not sure if you do, but we also cook up a feast and eat Christmas eve “dinner” when the clock strikes 12, “noche buena” we call it.
We’re ex-pats in Sweden with no family, so there is no stress either. And we open all our presents on Dec 24th!
Hope you enjoy your time with your loved ones!
We celebrate on the 24th also and we always will. *puts foot down*
Happy Thanksgiving Mami to you & your immediate family, Put Pie & Unknowm Papi. Things will get better for you, I am sure.
My parents used to put a present at the bottom of our bed on Christmas Eve too. I loved waking up early and finding it there! Here’s a link to a post I wrote about if you are interested:
I do have to say it’s hilarious that you are so emotional. Only because I was the same way while I was pregnant. I was constantly a mess. I think my husband just tried to coddle me so as not to hit a war zone. One day a month I am still that way, the joys of hormones!
I think your little one is going to love that little bike. Super fun!
We always did the Santa thing and now we are doing for our kids. I think it’s too adorable to hear the excitement in a child’s voice when they talk about old St. Nick!
I like that you don’t just follow tradition and make a turkey. For years it was our tradtion to make a big mexican meal on Christmas day. Some years we just do fun finger foods and snacks.
Like you and your family, our holiday’s are pretty simple as far as gifts and those kinds of things. Because of finances it will be even more so this year. We’ve made a conscious effort to focus on just being together, playing games, playing in the snow(of course, what else is there to do in Minnesota at that time of year?) :), decorating the tree and looking at the lights, doing crafts related to the holidays, eating good foods we enjoy(of course 🙂 and just having fun. This is how I’ve celebrated for the last 30 years and so far it’s worked. 🙂
Damn hormones. I’m not pregnant but having hormones just the same. 🙂 ((((HUGS))))
Good Morning! We do the holidays like you… I don’t like getting stressed over it all. When we don’t do a turkey we make cornish game hens, my daughter loves them! Someone else is making the turkey this year, so we will just bring a side dish! We open some gifts on Christmas Eve – I might or might not be working on Christmas Day, so we might just do all our gifts then. I was glad when the “Santa” years were over! Have a great weekend. Thanks of reminding me of Your Song, haven’t heard that in years!
I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks the year has flown by!
Your holidays sound wonderful – relaxing and putting emphasis on what’s important: family.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
I grew up with a tradition that on Dec 24th, we all open one present. And it is always new pajamas. There is nothing like new PJ’s! Then we celebrate the rest of the holiday the next day.
Beautiful song! This year really passed by so fast. I am still not ready for holiday season and winter. Glad to hear your friend will be with you. I wish you and your family&friends a delightful, fun and relaxing holiday season.
Put Pie will love that bike! Chicken is a great compromise for Thanksgiving. I have an uncle who doesn’t like turkey, so he made steak. Chicken sounds better. 🙂
that’s a great song – too bad you didn’t have some rompope available at breakfast. Since it’s has egg in it you could consider it a breakfast drink. That wiki page shows it being poured on a snow cone – that’s a cool idea (no pun intended).
No!! It’s my song 🙂 A long ago boyfriend used to sing it to me, so it’s mineminemine. Shoot, I have no pregnancy hormones to blame for that outburst.
We never pushed Santa, but the kids loved him and as each one has gotten to the middle elementary grades, that belief had just kind of faded away.
I don’t like turkey either. Maybe your husband will come and bake a chicken for us???
Pregnancy and the commercialism surrounding this season is enough to freak anyone out I hope you have a calmer weekend.
Can I borrow your non-stressy holiday behavior? I lost mine somewhere along the way and now behave poorly when presented will ill-mannered holiday guests. Maybe I just need to drink more…
Your Song makes me cry for the same reason and I am not preggers.
My husband’s family – and MINE – have always done Christmas Eve gifts and then Santa Stockings in the morning. Make the planning, you get this year – I get next year. And a PAIN when my SIL’s muck it up by coming on MY year to go to MY parents. sheesh.
Thanks for the heads up. Amazon gift cards fit everybody on my list.
I am soooo tired of traveling for Christmas every year… Do you know how much stuff these 3 kids get for christmas each year. It’s ridiculous…. seriously! We actually have to have someone bring us part of the stuff later in the year because we can’t fit it all!
I have seen kids on these adorable little bikes… it is hysterical to see them “flinstone” those things around… I love it. And I know she will too!
Have a great weekend!!!
It’s going to be the exact same here for Thanksgiving and Christmas. I’ve said it for year, but this year it’s really going to happen. The kids are so used to being spoiled from Santa, that the whole reason of Christmas has been lost. They get a rude wake-up call this year…even though they’ve been warned.
I love that little bike for Put Pie! Sweet!
Have a good weekend!
I love the Mexican xmas tradition!! The Santa thing is fun and all – EXCEPT for two very big things: 1) you get no credit for santa gifts and that sucks. and 2) you are lying to your child and someday they will find out and will cry and scream at you (this happened to me!).
Your song is beautiful.
I feel for you. Your Song is a pretty good choice. When my son was born, the radio was playing Cats in the Cradle. Talk about crying! I absolutely can not listen to that song anymore.
I love the bike, I am sure your daughter will too. We have my sister-in-law and her entire family here for ten days so Thanksgiving will be hectic. Christmas we will be on our own which is not so much fun. Elton John might be many things but he is a great song writer and this is one of my favorites too.
I agree that the year has gone too quickly! We, too, try to keep holidays easy and fun without too much fuss.
Love your song! I’m a huge Elton John fan from 3rd grade. Loved seeing the words to your song.
Great bike. I’m sure she likes it.
I didn’t know that about the Mexican culture. Interesting. You learn something new about the world every day.
i love that song……..make me choke up.
love put pie’s bike!
and I have made roasted chicken on thanksgiving too
this year will be lite for us too, broke as a joke oh wellz
I have a friend who brings me homemade tamales on Christmas Eve– OMGosh! They are the greatest and a wonderful way to celebrate the holiday.
LOVE the bike and I’m sure Put Pie will too!!!
Feel good, xo jj
We stopped traveling during November and December once Sam was born.
She will LOVE the balance bike!
nice skuut…that looks really cool…bet she will be surprised with that…ugh the holidays are going to be crazy…
Staying home for Christmas – sounds Glorious! But all our parents and other family live right in town – there’s usually no avoiding crazy schedules and attempts and getting everyone at the same place at the same time. CrAzY! I say usually because this year might just turn out different – we’ll have to see!
One gift from Santa sounds nice 🙂 Keeping the magic alive – but also not too hard on the pocketbook! 😀
Have a great Thanksgiving!
Loved catching up with you here 🙂 The “bike” is adorable; she’s going to love it!I want to know why it’s such a big deal to some of my siblings that we don’t join them on Christmas Eve. We do our own thing, and a couple of my brothers act like it’s a travesty, for crying out loud. We see them the next day! We didn’t spend OUR Christmas eves with aunts and uncles. Not so sure why that one day of the year is so necessary–If you want to see me that bad, pick up the phone any other old day! 🙂