Dear Santa,
I am 39 years old and this is the first letter I have ever written to you. I did not grow up making lists of what I wanted for Christmas. I loved Christmas and I was happy for any gift that I got. I don’t remember ever being disappointed because I never had any expectations. It was all gravy.
Here’s the thing, I’ve always been “poor” (I prefer to think of it as financially challenged because in reality I am quite rich), but I’ve always had everything I needed. All the basics: shelter, food, and clothing have always been covered. For that I am grateful. I have never known real hunger or cold and I hope I never do. This Christmas I will again be surrounded by people I adore, that’s really all I want for Christmas.
So why am I writing to you when I know that I will get everything I want? Well, last night I saw a segment on the news about the Letters to Santa Program run by the United States Post Office. I never even knew this program existed. It broke my heart to hear some of the letters read aloud. Children and parents alike wrote asking not for toys, but for things like food and clothes and jobs.
Santa, I know you are not “real”. I know you are not an overweight “Caucasian” male that originally discriminated against Rudolph until you saw the usefulness of his red nose. I know you are not a person. You may not be a “real” person with a penchant for “ho, ho, ho’s”, but you do indeed exist. You are perhaps the giving nature in each and every one of us.
Santa, I don’t have much to give or much to spare, but I can certainly spare some food. I will give what I can and hope that my tiny effort provides a little bit of comfort to someone else. What I would like from you, is for you to inspire others to do the same. I know you will. I know others will recognize that they are Santa and they will give, not out of pity, but just for the sheer joy of giving. We’re all Santa.
Yours truly,
Unknown Mami (although you know who I am)
We finally got a Christmas tree and I love it! This is my daughter’s 3rd Christmas and it was the first year that she was able to help me decorate the tree. It was so much fun and I look forward to many years of decorating trees together. I used to love decorating the tree with my mother and I hope she feels the same way growing up.
And now your Friday Fortune Cookie (don’t forget to add “in bed” at the end, if you are so inclined):
Give me the strength to change the things I can, the grace to accept the things I cannot, and a great big bag of money.
Good Santa message – we give to various charities with food, used furniture, clothes, through the year. I just dropped off a recliner last week. I’m grateful these places exist.
So where is the FF queen Mrs. 4444 – I see we both are ready to submit – I hope she is not stuck in the snow.
How cute with your daughter helping decorate the tree; I am sure she will enjoy the tradition (well at least until she is a teenager and then she will continue to enjoy the tradition, but she’ll want you to put it up and decorate it).
Our church started a rescue mission almost two years ago to help the “least, lost, last” as my pastor characterizes the homeless or hungry. It is amazing the work they have done feeding lots of people in the valley where I live and providing temporary housing for them etc. We donate food weekly to it. If everyone just did a little, it would multiply to a lot and everyone’s basic need of hunger might be satisfied.
It makes one look differently at their “struggles” when they see the struggles of so many others around them; I’m always humbled when I see or hear of others and what they don’t have and I complain because of a car repair and I still have money in savings. Sobering.
Like beauty, rich and poor are in the eye of the beholder.
And gifts come in many forms. Some are even free to give and to get. Like kindness, hugs, and smiles.
Your request from Santa is noble, and will not go unanswered.
This is beautiful, Mami. I’m right there with you on this one. All the way.
I love your letter to Santa. And decorating the tree with your daughter sounds like it was a lot of fun and rewarding. I hope you were took some pictures (for the memories)… By the way, have a great holiday.
Very well written. Very heartfelt. I hope Santa listens.
I hope all the Santas out there get your letter. We were very fortunate this year in that my husband got a bonus. It’s been 3 or for years without one. So we’ll probably be donating a little something to the local food bank.
what a nice letter! so true!
I hope Santa…and a lot of elves respond favorably to your letter.
Yay for the Christmas tree. That really is a special moment.
Beautiful letter. Last Christmas financially sucked for me, so I could not do much even for family or friends, but this year is a bit better, and I am trying to do things for those I know who are struggling and will least expect a little something extra in their stockings. I tend to try and do this all year long… not just at the holidays, but several people have been on my heart this past week! My 13 yr old put most of the decorations on our tree. I love that she loves to do it, because as much as I LOVE a great Christmas tree… I really don’t enjoy the decorating (or undecorating!)
Good letter. I had a similar childhood — we didn’t have many “things” but much love.
Each year with Dominic gets better with the holidays. He’s so excited and happy that it is contagious. Even my Scroogy husband is enjoying the season.
“I know others will recognize that they are Santa and they will give.” I think you are right Mami, and I love all that you said in your beautiful letter. I’m sure you have inspired a few new Santas with your words.
What a lovely message 🙂 You always say things with such elegance and grace.
Lovely message – there is a spirit of kindness in most of us!
My hubby & I only bought presents for our parents and something small for each other. I was able to use any extra I came across to help others that are experiencing hard times (which is soooo many people right now). It’s been one of the best Christmases to date I think.
You are so right about this. I heard about the heartbreaking letters that were being sent in too. I work in the charitable sector and this has been one of the hardest seasons we’ve seen in a long time. Thanks for this lovely letter and for reminding us all that we have the power to make things better for others. – G
Great post, friend. Love that letter to Santa.
Very heart-filled letter to Santa. And being your first one, you did an exceptional job. Better than any I have written. May all of us have Santa hearts this year, giving as much as we can, and receiving what we will with a jolly heart.
You make a good point. Why do people want to have so much stuff? And why is Christmas more about presents than in sharing and giving and caring and being real? Great writing and you say it in a way that won’t turn off the non listening readers but will attract the attention of the readers who have open hearts.
I love your Santa Letter! Can I link it on my Xmas post next week?
I mentioned you in my Fragment Friday post today. 🙂
Yes, you can link it. I’ll check out your FF post as soon as I get a chance.
Love your letter. When we went downtown to watch DoodleBug’s African Dance class perform, we saw a homeless man a couple of blocks down and he was looking at something. By the time we got there, said man was gone but it was a pair of shoes someone left on the street that his gaze was upon. I felt TERRIBLE that we hadn’t been close enough because I wanted him to have my shoes. We couldn’t find him. I’ve been thinking about him since and am in the process of finding out how to help. And you’re right–it’s not whether you have millions of dollars to throw out there it’s the giving heart that makes a lasting difference! Beautiful post!
I love your letter… I grew up the same way. There was no Santa, only human kindness and the spirit of generosity. And religion. Lots of religion.
that is a sweet letter to Santa! it is a whole lot of fun decorating with the kids, right?? i am so glad you get to pass along that tradition with your own daughter.
Right on! A big bag of money….I have always wanted to stand on a street corner and hand out money. Wouldn’t you love to watch the looks on people’s faces?
Oh Mami, you have such a good heart. What a great letter to Santa.
So happy Put Pie was about to decorate with you this year. It’s a wonderful tradition to share with her.
Feel good and Merry Christmas, jj
Love this post!
Thanks for your visit to The Everyday Mommy. I’ll let you know when the next trip to Hawaii is… do you fit in carry on?
I’m sure I could turn into a contortionist by your next trip.
Yes we are all Santa and giving is our gift.
Yes, I love to give just as much as the next person, I guess I need to be reminded of that…how awful is that that I need to be reminded?…dont’ answer that.
Great post Unknown Mami!
I saw that program too…and lost it. “All I want for Christmas is for you to give my Mommy in heaven a kiss and a hug.” Oye vay. Merry Christmas, Mami!
Love your letter and the comparison that Santa is the giving nature in our all! Thanks for a great post!
Beautiful. ((HUGS))
Wonderful message in your Dear Santa letter. It is amazing how much consumeristic Christmas has become in our culture, even so much more than even when we were kids it seems. I love the idea of doing a service project or giving to charity at Christmas time. When I worked at the children’s hospital, each year, instead of giving gifts to each other, our dept. adopted a family and gave them all the things they had on their Dear Santa list. Things like shoes, pants, socks, underwear, a watch, a rubber ball for the kids, etc. It was really wonderful to give to a family that really needed it and to give things that were actually useful and not just junk that people will throw away or re-gift. Thanks for keeping it all in perspective, Unknown Mami. That is why I love you!
Boy’s contribution to the tree was grabbing the balls and throwing them. Hooray for the shatterproof ornaments!
I don’t have a lot either this season, but I know I have enough food & I have donated numerous times this year. It is those little things that people forget about. So sad!
LOVE that you got to decorate with your little one. I had a great time this year also. My girls ooohhh & awwwed over everthing. Such great moments!
that was a lovely letter 🙂 merry christmas!!
LOVE this, my friend! And, I pray that all 4 of you have a very Merry Christmas. XO!
Yes, a bit of Santa should be in all our hearts throughout the year. And yes, those letters are heartbreaking. I’m doing my little part.
How fun about your tree! And the first year a little one can decorate it is so precious!
Your letter to Santa is so sweet!