I’m on the sofa with the computer propped up on a pillow, a Boppy around my waist (which doesn’t really resemble much of a waist yet), and a nursing infant. I know multi-tasking is sooo last decade, but how else is a tired Mami going to get any blogging done?
Wait, did I mention I’m tired? Sometimes the exhaustion hits me in waves that seem to flow down my body and yet, I feel pretty darned good… delirious, tired, frazzled, but good.
I gave birth to a 5lb 13oz baby on February 3rd (which happens to be Chinese New Year). Already, I’m up and about which is good because we’ve had quite a bit of doctor’s appointments since coming home.
Many of you have been here for my entire pregnancy and you know that at one point it seemed like the baby might not have any kidneys. That diagnosis changed to her having just one functioning kidney and low amniotic fluid. It was stressful and worrisome and left little room for true joy.
Now she is here and she is beautiful. She indeed only has one kidney. Her left kidney is functioning just fine and we’ll have to take good care of it for the rest of her life. Where her right kidney should be, there is actually no kidney tissue and just a bunch of cysts. She will have to get an ultrasound every year until she is about 5 and if the cysts shrink on their own then nothing will be done, if they grow they must be removed. There is a tiny chance that the cysts could turn into cancer, but our doctor tells us that is so rare that he has never seen it and he doesn’t know any colleagues who have ever seen it and he has only read about it in studies.
At the moment, my life and conversations revolve around poops, pees, and feedings, not just the baby’s mine too. All details I will spare you.
Put Pie our eldest daughter (she’s 2 1/2 ) is adjusting to being the “big girl” in the house. She wants to kiss her sister constantly and thinks it is rude that her little sister does not cover her mouth when she sneezes or say excuse me after farting. We have noticed that Put Pie is more prone to crying and needs more snuggle time since our new arrival. Both Unknown Papi and I are trying to spend some solo time with her everyday.
Becoming a mami for the second time is both easier and harder. I am much more skilled (ha!) and confident than I was the first time around. I’m not as worried that I will break the baby. However, this time around I can not sleep when the baby sleeps because I have a toddler that wants my attention.
That’s all I’ve got floating around in my brain right now. Hope you are all well.
And now your Friday Fortune Cookie (don’t forget to add “in bed” at the end, if you are so inclined):
We are born naked, wet, and hungry, and then we get slapped on the butt…then things get worse.
Glad to hear you are home and resting! (sort of!)
Can we see one pic?? Pretty please?
I’m so glad your new baby is beautiful and doing well. Take care of yourself. Don’t be afraid to as for help from family and friends. My oldest was 18 mos. old when I had his brother, so I know it’s exhausting!
Congrats again on the new little one! Her birthday is only 10 days before my baby’s. 🙂
It is tough when the only Baby, becomes the big sister. My oldest was a week short of turning 15 months when her baby brother was born. It was Hell for the first few months then we all adjusted. Now that they are 4 and 3, they are best friends! E was about 2 1/2 when J was born and it was much easier. He understood so much more. I have faith in all of you. It only gets easier!
Seems like all is going good, considering. I’m glad to hear the report that your precious little one has one good functioning kidney; that is good news to hear and it is good that they will help you guys to make sure it stays functioning through her life. Do take care of yourself and accept any and every help offered, LOL. I remember when we adopted our second child and our daughter was 3.5 years old, those first weeks/months were very hectic but eventually it all evened out, schedules made and kept, attention given to all etc. Just don’t do what I did and eat to stay awake for your older daughter; did that to stay awake and gained 50 pounds.
take care of yourself!!
Glad to hear all is well for the most part. Hope the cysts disentegrate. Also hoping you can find some time to rest.
Like Eva said, be sure to ask friends or family for help with Put Pie when you need a nap. Most would be happy to help, I’m sure. Look after you! 🙂
Look at you all multi-task-y and wonder woman-y.
I’m glad to hear the good report!
Again, congrats! Other than the regular “stuff” so glad all is well!
Don’t beat yourself up about not being able to spred yourself out between new baby & put pie, things just have a way of working themselves out. I’m sure you guys are doing an amazing job!
I’m with Sami, I wanna see a sweet picture… even if it is just her feet or of you or PutPie hold her & looking at her in the most strategic way as to not show anyones faces LOL.
Best wishes to you & your whole family. I am really so very happy for you!
I am so glad to hear that she is doing well, and that you are doing well. And that all of you are doing well! I wish I were there to help you with Put Pie so you could nap. Take care of yourself, Mami! xoxo
Glad to hear you’re settled back at home with your little family and that all is well. Give everyone a kiss and a cuddle from me. xo
Mami, congratulations, I am so glad to hear your news. I am glad everything went well and that you are feeling good. It sounds like your new baby is in great care. Best wishes to you and your family. hugs.
They say that real parenting begins when the second child arrives!!!!
I’ve been away too long! Congratulations, I’m so happy for you. Unknown New Baby will be just fine.
I used to put everyone in the bed with me and nap. I still do.
Ongrats! Yay babies! Do we get to see a paper bag head picture?
So happy to hear she is doing good and so are you minus the extreme tiredness! Does she have lots of hair and curls like Put Pie? Hope you have a restful weekend!
I am so happy for you. And relieved she is doing well. Hope you get some rest!
I know how exhausted you must be but it’s a good exhausted because it’s caring for your little loves….so glad she is doing well…putt pie will adjust…just give her extra lovin…blessings to you all…enjoy this time. XX
Congratulations! There is nothing better (other than sleep) than a new wonderful life. Blessings to you and your family.
Sorry I am late but congratulations to all of you for the birth of your baby girl.
About the kidney. I have a cousin in her late forties who only discovered she had only one kidney when she herself was pregnant in her mid twenties. She is fine. The baby was fine, he is now a lovely young man.
Your baby will be fine. Take care. xxx
PS: It is lovely of you to still take time and blog so we can keep up.
It sounds like you are having all the typical new mami experiences and that is exactly what I have hoped for you. It is good to hear that you are tired from taking care of your beautiful, healthy baby and you precious 2 1/2 year old.
Congratulations! Those first few weeks are absolutely exhausting, so I’m very impressed that you’re blogging 🙂 I’ll be praying that those cysts do shrink and do so quickly and that will be the end of that part of the worry.
Yeah for the update!! Glad she and you and PutPie are doing well!! Oh and Papi! 😉
Put Pie will be the best big sister ever 🙂 and it’s great that she wants to kiss the baby so much. I can’t help kissing babies, too lol I have never heard of the kidney problem you’ve talked about, but it sounds like it’s a well documented problem and she’ll be fine with just a little monitoring 🙂
Congrats on your sweet baby! I’m glad she’s well, even if for one kidney, she can function and that’s the good part. Love her up, it sounds like Put Pie will help out, too!!
I am so glad to know you and the baby both are doing well! I was wondering about the baby’s kidneys. Sounds like it’s pretty good all around. YAY!!!!!
Hi Mami, You and your sweet family have been on my mind so much. I’ve been sending you positive vibes, good wishes, healthy thoughts and lots of love. Keep up the great job your doing rest when you can. I’m so happy for you all.
xoxo jj
HOLY COW!!!! CONGRATS! I totally missed the post that you had delivered and had to quickly scan back to find it. YAY!
You have plenty on your plate to worry about what-if’s. Just worry about today and the cycle of pee, poop, and eat. She is healthy and beautiful and HERE! I’m so excited for you!
I am so happy that your little one is doing so well. I was so worried about her. I know she will need special care but you have been blessed. I can imagine your exhaustion!
Such a sweet big sister she has. Love the way your muti-tasking! Have a wonderful weekend.
I was just thinking, “I’ll bet that mami is about to have her baby anytime now…” and here you are, new mommy again! Congratulations. I’m so glad everything turned around. Enjoy that beautiful baby of yours!
So pleased she’s doing so well after all the stress and worry you went through in your pregnancy.
Love you guys and lots of prayers for Mini Mami!
Congratulations!! It sounds like you are handling things superbly. Your spirits seem high-Congrats on that too!
Wishing you all the best. 🙂
So glad your home and well, home 🙂 I didn’t know you had this trouble with your new sweet baby. It’s tough having a sick new born. I remember to well! I was told for the first year of my son’s life my baby would surly die. He is now 18! Yes, 18. . .He will be 19 in April. Yes, I’m WAY! to young to have an 19 year old. So I still call him the baby. NOT! 🙂 You know, the drs. said the same thing to me a when my second son was born too. He’s 16. Your darling girl will be okay!
You know, sleep is over rated! Take care! Watch movies with that 2.5 year old.
I’m just so glad you have a beautiful baby girl! I knew it would be okay. I say that now that I KNOW it was okay. 🙂
Also, that is the best fortune for adding “in bed” to at the end!
I’m so happy for you and your family- It sounds like things are going well!! I’ve had a couple friends who have had a 2nd and they are a total wreck for months trying to figure out how to balance two kids.
Keep up the good mommyness!! You are awesome!!!!
congratulations mami!!! i am so glad your birthing went so well and i totally get your exhaustion! i think spending quality time with your older daughter is a great idea! my oldest still needs quality time away from his siblings 😉 i hope everything will be okay with your new little treasure.
So glad things are good with the kidney situation and i feel your pain with the exhaustion… my little guy is 3 months and I am just starting to have days where I feel rested…
Felicidades!!! Wow! You were lucky on that delivery time. One of the best advices I received when each new addition came into our world was, to name my toddler the official momma helper. My boys knew they were in charge of helping me through the baby years. They would get me water, grab a diaper for baby brother, they even helped burp too (sort of), and so much more. It made them feel important and needed. Just a thought chica. So, what will baby girl’s name be? 🙂
You sound great, happy , tired.
Enjoy the precious times.
Oh, I’m all verklempt! I’m so very, very happy for you all 🙂 I’m also so very, very glad it’s not me doing the sleep deprivation thing 😉 *massive hugs* for the whole family.
Congrats on the new arrival! What a blessing! Hope you both are resting well and continue to get healthy. 🙂
OMG the whole thing went so fast…for ME anyway! So glad everyone is home safe and sound. My first and only labor was two hours long. Some say I was lucky but I found it traumatizing going from water breaking to baby born in that quick a time. And guess what, I begged for an epidural, got it, and 10 minutes later had a baby!
Oh, what wonderful news. Congratulations on your lovely girl!
Congratulations Mami; I am so happy for you and your family. Do not fret about your little angels kidney you have so many friends if she ever needs a new one; one of us will be a match.
I thought going from 1 child to 2 was the hardest. 3 & 4 were a piece of cake and I am serious…
I remember those days well. I hope you are getting lots of help from family and friends. Congrats again!
Awesome. I’m so happy for this update. Glad to hear things are going well 🙂 Have a great weekend!
How joyful that your new daughter has arrived…it is a shame she has only one kidney but people function very well with just one and, God willing, she’ll go through her
whole life never missing that second one! I know you will be sleep deprived and
weary so don’t overdo the blogging though it is wonderful to get updates from
you. Love and blessings to you and you lovely girls and the man in your life.
::GASP!:: did I miss my congratulations window? CONGRATU-FUCKING-LATIONS!!!!
Happy birthday to the baby…
happy birthday to the baby…
happy birthday to the baaaaaaabyyyyyy…
happy birthday to the baby!
Congratulations on the safe arrival of your daughter, it is good news that her health issues are something that she can live with given the right care, she will of course always be special, but so is your other daughter for different reasons. Take good care of yourself and your family, I hope you start to feel less tired very soon.
Congratulations on the safe arrival of your daughter, it is good news that her health issues are something that she can live with given the right care, she will of course always be special, but so is your other daughter for different reasons. Take good care of yourself and your family, I hope you start to feel less tired very soon.
Congratulations again my lovely. Am so happy for you all. I was told that we all have cysts at some stage and that they can dissapear on their own. I had one large mass on my overies during pregnancy which was painful and worrying but true to the doctors word it dissapeared and all is well again 🙂 She is a strong little fighter that little girl of yours and I have faith she will get rid of them on her own 🙂 xx
Congratulations on your new baby girl!
Sorry I’m late. I’ve been away and was just wondering today, as I prepared my SIMC post, if you were about to deliver. So happy to hear it all went well.