I love my mother, but I wonder if she will ever “get” me. Probably not. For Christmas she sent a huge box of gifts. Most of them were for Put Pie, there were a few for Unknown Papi, and one for me. The ones for Put Pie were great… all kinds of clothes with polka dots on them because Put Pie is a huge fan of polka dots (although, she calls them bubbles). The gifts for Unknown Papi were spot on, things for the kitchen (he loves to cook) and two shirts that fit him perfectly and are totally things he would pick out for himself. Guess what she got me? Come on, take a wild guess. She got me a red FAUX-Snuggie with black Scottish terriers printed all over it.
Now, I realize that most of you don’t “know” me and therefore aren’t familiar with my tastes, but I can assure you that almost anyone that has even a passing acquaintance with me would not pick out a red FAUX-Snuggie with black Scottish terriers printed all over it to give me. I mean, if it was a “real” Snuggie someone might give it to me as a joke and I would laugh, but my mother is serious. Sure, sure, I know it’s the thought that counts, but what exactly was she thinking when she picked that out for me? Perhaps, “Ay mi’ja is so klumzy chee cannot keep a blankit on. Dis one with da puppies won’t fall off. Perfecto!”
She’s known my husband for about a decade and can pick out great gifts for him, she picks out things that her granddaughter loves, she’s known me for 39 years and gets me a blanket with sleeves.
The money is not rolling in, so we are trying to find ways to cut our expenses. I called our DSL provider and got a slight reduction for the next year, I changed our wireless rate plan to save us $25 a month, I filed an appeal with the water department to get a lower waste water fee because we have a garden. I guess I could try eating less too, but that’s probably not going to happen.
I am just about 33 weeks pregnant. Because I am considered a high risk pregnancy, I am going in for weekly non-stress tests and bi-weekly ultrasounds. During my last visit, my doctor said he might want to induce at 37 weeks. Of course, I’ll do whatever is best for the baby, but I would really rather not induce. We discussed the pros and cons and I told him I was leaning toward staying the course. I think he just wants me to know it is a possibility if my amniotic fluid dips too low.
I was watching Modern Family last night and I laughed so hard I thought I was going to throw up. I am a California girl and pretty much sound like one, but my mother has a very thick accent which leads to many misunderstandings. On last night’s episode of Modern Family the character of Gloria asked her husband’s secretary to order a box of baby cheeses, but because of Gloria’s accent they ended up with a box of baby Jesuses. That is so something that would happen to my mother. Hilarious!
I hope you all have a wonderful New Year!
And now your Friday Fortune Cookie (don’t forget to add “in bed” at the end, if you are so inclined):
A new perspective will come with the new year.
Wishing you all the best in The New Year And may 2011 be a wonderful year for you. I have to watch Modern Family. I have been hearing good things about it but have yet to watch it. I am glad you had a good laugh. that is the best thing for you. My Mom one year got my two sisters and I red jogging suits….I swear we all could have fit in one….now I wish I had mine,,,might be better than tight clothes after Christmas…..some things I think we are not meant to understand…lol. be well my friend. I do have you in my thoughts and prayers. hugs.
I watch Modern Family with my teenage daughter sometimes. I often think of you when Gloria is on. I suppose that’s because she’s a latina. I often try to visualize my blogging friends and it would be interesting to see how close I am to the truth.
I think your mami is thinking about what’s best for you at this time rather than what your taste is. That’s mothers for you.
Induced delivery is somewhat like ‘planned normal delivery’. I was high risk in my last two pregnancies (being over 35) and was delivered in the 37th week both times. The hormone doesn’t always ‘take’ but it did in my case. Both results are perfect, let me tell you!
Happy new year. Thinking of you amiga and praying to God for your safe delivery.
Hau’oli Makahiki Hou, Unknown Mami & family 🙂
Gracias, Haolewill. Hope you are well.
That episode of Modern Family cracked me up, too!
Happy New Year!
I love that show! Glad you’re still hanging in there and are surviving this pregnancy; I know it’s been stressful for you. I’m praying that all goes well for you and a healthy baby! My hubby bought me a Snuggie for Christmas, and I have to say I love it. But it’s cold here in Maine. He also bought me a fifth of Disaronno, which goes very well with the Snuggie! lol
I think you should decorate your head bag with Scottish terriers.
I’m not a big or baby cheese person. What is a baby cheese?
Here’s a toast to you having a funny and enjoyable year.
I have to tell you that I giggled for almost a full minute thinking about you unwrapping that faux snuggie with doggies. It is making me giggle just typing this. Oh, what a hoot.
Oh my goodness, you are already at 33 weeks. Considering I’m not the one carrying the baby the time has just flown by. I hope you can carry unknown babe for as long as possible, as safe as you can. My continued prayers for a healthy happy baby 🙂
Oh, I’m sorry to laugh, but my mother does this same thing.
I am 51 years old, and my mother bought me pajamas with feet.
Oh thank you for sharing, you made me snort. I’m glad I’m not alone.
Happy New Year!
I love my Snuggie, but I wouldn’t get one for anyone else unless they’d asked for it. They’re just not for everyone! Me, I love anything that keeps me warm. lol
I love Modern Family and Gloria is my favorite! She is gorgeous and I love her accident and you translate your mom’s accent to written words so well, I can just ‘hear’ her!
I am saying a little prayer that you do not have to be induced.
I hope 2011 is a wonderful year for you. xoxoxo
I wish I could come up with a good excuse for your mom’s choice in gift, but I can’t.
Modern Family is AWESOME!
I’m very happy for you–that your pregnancy is progressing well. Keeping fingers crossed fro you 🙂
Good job on cutting costs! I’m impressed! I called last week to see if there was any way to reduce my cell phone bill (which is up to $180 per month!) and the answer was no. Damn those “Smart” phones! They should call them DUMB phones!
Have a great weekend!
Girl you mother is nuts obviously! Or she just doesn’t think?
My Mother gave me NOTHING. She gave my husband NOTHING. She gave my 6 grown children NOTHING. she gave my two grandchildren who we are raising a towel each.
Babe…. your mother wins in my book!!!
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! *smiles*
Sometimes I think it’s a mother’s job to be as asinine to her kids as she possibly can… but this is only coming out of my personal experience with mine.
I hear ya sister! Mothers!?!?! I love my mom too. There are so many ways we are alike but even more ways that we are different. I too love Modern Family. One of the funniest shows out there.
Happy New Year Mami! Hope it’s happy and healthy.
Here to wish you the best of everything that you so well deserve.
May every day of the new year glow with good cheer and happiness for you and your precious family!
Lots of love and hugs!
B xx
i have to agree with the snuggie. my family laughs at them anyway, who has trouble managing a blanket anyway??? been doing it for years. with a pregnant lady the sure bet is on pedicure or preggo massage. had that once and it was amazing!!!
i hope you won’t have to induce. each induction has been horrible for me! but i am glad you would be willing to for the baby’s sake. how is your swelling doing? i swell badly.
i am thankful that you were able to re-negotiate the bills. that can be hard to do, but at least they were willing to deal. my sister lost her house a couple years ago when the bubble burst and the mortgage co wouldn’t deal at all. i hope the green comes rolling in soon!! happy new year!
Hearing your version of the interaction between you and your mom is almost comical. You should write a book. Can you return the Snuggie and get something you want? My deepest wishes to you for a wonderful year in 2011 for you and your family.
Because of finances we have made some of the same cuts to our monthly bills…figuring out ways to cut costs…can drive a person crazy…I continue to pray for this little girl that grows…LOVE Modern Family…it is my most favorite show because I know I will laugh…my husband and I both laugh so hard each week…I’ve seen the episode you speak of with the “baby Jesus” twice now and I laughed just as hard the second time…like the fortune as I have gained a new perspective as of late. Happy New Year to you and your loved ones. XX
Happy New Year Mami! I am cracking up over that snuggie…plus? My mother does the exact same thing. Every year she asks me what I want and every year she gets me something else that is not at all me. It’s so funny.
I have no words for the Snuggie. I guess, to be positive, your mom at least got most of the gifts right. Sorry yours was the “not right” one. 🙂
Modern Family makes me laugh no matter how many times I have seen an episode!
So glad that unknown baby is doing well! Not too much longer (although I am sure you feel like you have been on pins and needles for 33 weeks!).
I don’t like bills and more often pay and ignore. Good for you to really look into how to save!
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year! My MIL got me a snuggie last year….that was the cherry of all horrible gifts she sends me. Hope this year brings you happiness, health and riches.
Really, a Faux-snuggie. That is just wrong.
I totally wanted a red faux snuggie with scottish terriers on it! I could read the book Angus Lost (a children’s book about a scottie) while wearing it! Sorry, Mami, but I’m still laughing picturing you wearing a snuggie and a bag over your head! Happy New Year!
I have to agree with you, that was a strange gift to receive. I guess you just have to wait and see how each week progresses with your baby. I know your doctor just wants everything to be the safest for the baby. Can’t believe your at 33 weeks already. I love Modern Family, it is one of the best shows around. Happy New Year!
I love listening to the girl with the accent talk. Cracks me up!
I’ve been thinking about you and the baby.
AND…I love that putpie calls polka dots, bubbles! Reminds me of my daughter who called the balls on the Christmas tree the same thing…bubbles!
Happy New Year! 🙂
I swear my mom doesn’t know me either, as I was opening my gifts my husb just kind kept giving me that look like really? I got chaffing dishes for all those catered parties I do … lol
Thank you so much for your kind words, your a blessing!
Happy New Year!
And i agree, terriers on red and black?? What was she thinking?
LOL. I wonder what baby cheeses are…
Have a wonderful new year. 2011 will be amazing. 🙂
The faux Snuggie is hysterical! Last year my mother bought me a boat-load of Bare Minerals makeup — the starter kit and bunch of brushes and extras because my sister and my nieces use it. I told her I would probably never use it — too many steps for me. I’m a five minute make-up gal. Even on my wedding day…well, maybe ten minutes on my wedding day! She guilted me into trying it anyway, and I have perhaps used it twice. I could have used the cash instead! — Good luck with these last weeks of pregnancy. Both mine were high-risk as well because of my history with lupus, and I had both boys at 36 weeks by c-section. They were fine!
At least I got a good laugh out of your story. Mothers never change, do they? Your hubby did get nice gifts so I guess you’ll just have to grin and bear it….er, or should I say, grin and wear it.
I am praying that the pregnancy progresses without further complication and that all will turn out well in the time it should. It is so hard waiting! My daughter-in-law is ten weeks pregnant ( my first grandchild ) and hasn’t gained a pound! Her doctor told her she should gain between 25 – 35 pounds. She works 12 hour shifts as a paramedic in the Sacramento area and runs half marathons – I worry about her not taking the time to eat adequately! She has felt great, so far, through the first trimester which is wonderful.
Blessings to you, dear Mami, in the year to come!!
Friend, I don’t “know” you in real life, and even *I* know that you wouldn’t want a FAUX Snuggie with dogs on it. For reals. 2011 will be a great year for you because you are going to have a beautiful baby girl in just a few weeks! Do you have a name for her yet??
We have a name that started out as a joke, but is somehow sticking. Poor kid.
Happy New Years, Mami 🙂 May the next year bring you even more happiness, fulfillment, joy and love. Stay Healthy! 🙂
I am sorry about the Snuggie. That just sucks. I’m sure it made you feel unspecial. I am praying for everything to go smoothly for the rest of your pregnancy. You deserve it. And…that episode of MF is the best!!
You are so funny! I who hardly know you would never ever think of a faux snuggie or anything with little dogs on it for you! I have 3 daughters and I always try to get them things they would never spend the money on for themselves. This year it was very good sheets. I hope they like what I get for them you have me nervous now. I should just give them money…
I cannot believe you are 33 weeks already…I know you so can believe it 🙂
If my mother gave me nice sheets I would be thrilled.
Happy New Year!
Our dog, Tootsie, is part Scotty and part Bassett (I know, I know). Speaking as a mom who never fails to give her children something they don’t really like… maybe you could store it away and bring it out when she visits…maybe she’ll fall in love with it and want to keep it for herself. It could happen!
Keeping you and your family in my thoughts. Wishing you all a wonderful year filled with laughter and adventure!
The character of Gloria is who immediately came to mind when you faux quoted your mother. I saw that episode too. As for the faux snuggie with Scottish terriers, your mother must just agree with Gloria.. “It’s a doggie dog world.” 😉
A Faux Snuggie!?? Not even a real one? Wow, that would be like getting a fake clap-on-clap-off Clapper for Christmas. Or a counterfeit Chia pet. Who knew that there were manufacturers lining up to make knock-off Snuggies! (Somebody in the patents office ain’t doing their job.)
Here’s to hoping that you can get through the rest of your pregnancy without having to induce. I can’t believe you are already at 33 weeks (although I know for you it has probably felt like a long time). Fingers crossed that all goes well the rest of the way! – G
PS – Thanks for the comment luv yesterday.
My mom gave up buying me presents years ago because she couldn’t get it right. However, my MIL INSISTS on getting me things even though I tell her not to. This year she bought me a mini-cupcake maker. I have no idea why. Last year it was a purple velour jogging suit. *shudder*
Hope you have a fabulous 2011!
I’m pretty sure I remember reading about the purple velour joggging suit.
Happy New Year!
Stopping by to wish you a happy new year!
All the best to you and your family in 2011. I’ve heard so much about Modern Family also; I think I will give it a try soon.
Hi Mami!! Happy New Year!!great post!!
my Mom does the same thing!! she spanish too they must be sisters!!!LOL
I am so glad your pregnancy is going so well!!!
I have missed you alot!i just don’t blog right now!I will be stopping by to check on you~Hugs my friend!
Happy New Year, Olga!
I can so picture you in that Snuggie…NOT! Too funny! My BIL’s DIL bought him a camo stocking cap with faux hair…it is hilarious and he wears it all the time! Wishing you a healthy and happy 2011. I hope you’re able to hold out full term on the baby delivery.
Snuggies should be banned, and Modern Family should win every emmy there is. I loooove that show.
I love Modern Family… every episode makes me laugh out of my chair. I can’t believe you’re so far along already- it’s amazing.
Just too funny. Stay the course, Mami. We are praying for ya every step of the way.
I love, Love, LOVE Modern Family! And Gloria is one of my favorites and her face when she receives the box of Baby Jesus was priceless.
But I don’t love Snuggies (Faux or otherwise) and I just can’t imagine your gorgeous, sexy Latina self surrounded by Scotties!!!
Happy New Year — may you not need an induction, may your daughter continue to love her “bubbles” and may you receive the best gift of all — a happy, healthy family of FOUR in 2011!
That is really funny about your Mom. I am sitting here trying to psychoanylize her. It isn’t going well. Wishing you a wonderful 2011 in your pretty snuggie with puppies : ) XO
Just catching up a bit and wanted to mention that I was induced with Luke and it went beautifully. (I tore a whole in my stomach muscle at 32 weeks…OUCH! And, the further I got in my pregnancy the more horrible it all was, so I think they were actually worried about my state of mind when they suggested the induction.) I wanted him out, don’t get me wrong…but I was super nervous about it all. Especially since my labor and delivery with Sam was so quick and easy. Anyway, I was induced right at 38 weeks and was immediately thankful the docs even suggested it!
Hehehe. Loved it. And why no picture of the snuggie, even if it is faux?