Sometimes reality is funnier than parody. You know, when you look at something and you think, “Is this for real? This has got to be a joke!” But the joke is that it is not a joke. I’m sure many of you have seen this before and I know that parodies of it have been done, but all I have to do is watch the original to get a chuckle.
and just in case you can’t figure out why this is funny, here is one of the parodies…
Like I said, not as funny as the original.
I’m not gonna lie, it’s been a dreadful week. The whole family has been sick and I, in particular, am a mess. I’ve spent the worst moments reminding myself that this too shall pass and you know what? It will pass; it is passing. Slowly we are getting healthy and soon this will all just be a memory.
It’s official, I’ve stopped working outside the home for the rest of this pregnancy. I was only working two days a week and hoping to keep it up as long as possible, but my body is telling me it’s time to stop and I’ve decided to listen. Not to mention, I still have a lot to get done before the baby comes.
And now your Friday Fortune Cookie (don’t forget to add “in bed” at the end, if you are so inclined):
Ideas are like children; there are none so wonderful as your own.
Ha ha ha! Those commercials are pretty funny! We get them in Mexico too.
Glad your family is starting to feel better. 🙂
That commercial makes me laugh every time.
It is good to listen to your body and be kind to yourself. I hope all of you get to feeling better this weekend.
They are funny. I hope you feel better soon, it’s getting closer!
Lots of prayers for a safe and timely arrival of baby mami!
The commercial itself is funny enough to be a parody.
Good for you for listening to what your body is telling you.
What was the inventor of that thing wanting to prove? I just saw one of those on a store shelf. I thought of the SNL skits. I wonder if people make up excuses when they buy them. “Oh this is for grandma, her arms are getting flabby.”
All the best – stay funny.
Love the shake weight commercial! I hadn’t seen the parodies, what a hoot!
This too shall pass. I know, I know. feel better and rest.
Those commercials are hilarious. i love parodys. i hope you get the rest that you need this weekend.
Those commercials are hilarious. i love parodys. i hope you get the rest that you need this weekend.
You going to laugh but my son had one on his Christmas list if I needed to buy something extra after his good list and I bought it for him.
It’s actually pretty amazing.
I actually saw a woman BUYING a Shake Weight over Christmas. Really? Come on!
I hope “this, too” passes quickly! What’s with everyone being sick lately?
Glad you are on the mend and that you are not working until after baby comes. those shaking weights. I don’t know,,,they are funny, think of you often. big hug to you
ha ha ha so funny! So glad you are starting to feel better.
I find this funny too…as I do many of the crazy things they try to sell us…when I was having some shoulder issues and unable to sleep in a bed or at all for that matter, I would sleep in the recliner and try to watch tv to take my mind off the pain and my god I couldn’t believe the infomercials…it’s a good thing I had no money to spend because I was very tempted in my sleep deprivation to buy.
Glad you are taking care of yourself and listening to your body. Happy weekend!
At least you have a good sense of humor while you are not feeling well. Humor helps, doesn’t it? I hope you and your family regain your good health soon and are able to prepare for the arrival of the baby.
i am so glad you are getting better! it is so miserable to be pregnant and ill. i really do like the fortune cookie this week, how true, really!
i also get a kick out of the get in shape shaker. it cracked me up the first time i saw it.
i am so glad you are getting better! it is so miserable to be pregnant and ill. i really do like the fortune cookie this week, how true, really!
i also get a kick out of the get in shape shaker. it cracked me up the first time i saw it.
First time I ever saw a commercial for that thing I thought it was a joke. Then I saw it in Bed, Bath & Beyond. I have half a notion to buy it and make a blog post about it. I might just be worth it. 🙂 I should have given it to my sister for Christmas…
I’m glad you are starting to feeling better. Thinking healthy thoughts at you.
Guess the parady would seem funnier if ywe were men! Glad you’re feeling better, and glad you are getting some rest!
I actually can’t bring myself to watch those videos, the still images are quite cringe-worthy enough thank you! LOL
Sorry you’ve been sick, glad to hear you’re on the mend though, hang in there!
I think you’re very wise not to push yourself too hard if you don’t have to, enjoy the getting ready time and stock up on sleep 😉
I always wanted one of those shake weights but couldn’t get beyond the commercial images replaying in my head!
Shake weight…oh boy. Hang in there, Mami. It will pass.
I can’t believe someone let that out of the studio. Can you imagine the laugh that the patents office must have gotten out of that thing when the inventor came in to register it! Hope you are all feeling better really soon. Hugs! – G
HA HA HA HA. I had not seen the parody before now. Thanks for that. I’m embarrassed to admit I’ve thought of buying this.
I so hope things turn around and everyone gets healthy and feeling better NOW. I’m so sorry.
I like the original better than the parody too! I’m so sorry everyone has been sick. I hope you are feeliing better. Enjoy your time PRE-baby. It will go fast!
Ha ha, that Shake Weight commercial and parody are funny! I hadn’t seen them before.
Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy! It’s nice to be able to take it easy while also getting things done before the baby arrives. Have a great weekend!
Hi Unknown Mami!
How are you? I hope you are feeling better and I hope that the little one is ok too. I saw the said exercise equipment above on Ellen! Haha 🙂
What’s interesting is I thought the commercial was funny for a completely different reason than the parody suggests… I just thought it was a ridiculous and unnecessary contraption.
Listening to one’s body is usually a wise thing. Or so I’ve been told. By my body.
The parody won’t load for me but what could be funnier than the original? Glad you’re on the mend. Take care of yourself and yours.
WOOOOO!!!! More time to play on the internet! Now make sure you REST!
WOOOOO!!!! More time to play on the internet! Now make sure you REST!
I’m glad you all are starting to feel better….sounds like a rough week!
Ellen Degeneres has been making fun of those Shake Weights for a year – hilarious stuff!
My son was sick last week, I was sick this week. Nothing but misery in this house.
You’re getting close to baby day!!! Woohoo!!!!
Glad you’re able to stop working and take it easy before baby arrives. When’s the due date?
Baby is due Feb. 20th.
That commercial cracks me up every time. They sell them in our CVS and I am really thinking about getting them; I am so crazy!
How exciting to be able to stay home and get your nest ready..
We have finished with the stomach mess here and moved onto colds..just yuk…
Then there is the snow, LOTS of snow. It is so pretty from where I sit now but my limbs hurt from trying to navigate outside, it is so icy!
Have a brilliant week 🙂
We went from the stomach flu to colds, too. It has been exhausting.
I dunno how someone wouldn’t see what was funny about that commercial! It cracks me up! I am glad you’re all getting better. Hope you stay well.
The first time I saw the Shake weight commercial, I thought it WAS a parody!
Get lots of rest, you need it!! If you’ve never heard of them, I swear by Shaklee’s “Defend and Resist” (lots of Echinacea and zinc among other things)
This SNL skit is so funny.
Hope you and your family feel better real soon.
The videos cracked me up girl. How are ya feelin’ sweetie. I’m glad your home until the baby comes, you know your body better than anyone else…’cept for the baby maybe. Heeehehehe!!!!
God bless ya and know my prayers are still with ya and the baby!!! Have an awesome weekend!!!
I especially liked the informercial I saw the other day for this, LOL! The men had a much larger shake weight, it was hysterical. I don’t think I could use it, I’d be laughing too hard.
I hope all the sickness is gone away and you are feeling much, much better.
OMG thats hilarious!!!what WILL they think of next!!LOL
Hope you get to feeling better real soon!!have a wonderful weekend my friend
You must be a mind reader. I was thinking of you today. Hope you are well.
Kendall is the queen of infomercial gullibility. That said, I did cave on the Magic Bullet, and we do use it a lot 🙂
Keeping fingers crossed for an uneventful delivery. Happy Nesting!
BTW…planning our trip for late June…
I am so sorry that the whole family has been sick. But am happy to hear that you are taking a cue from your body and take a rest from work so you can have more time to get ready for the baby.
And now the SNL vid. THANK YOU!!!!!