This Week has been a B@tch! That’s right I said it. If she has a problem with it then you can tell her to talk to me about it. Stupid Week better watch her back. She’s lucky she’s not Next Week because I’m kickin’ a** next week (at least I hope so).
I’m not the kind to drown my sorrows with alcohol, but you better believe I’m going to enjoy a bottle of this:
They say you are what you eat, well I want to take it to the next level and drink what I am.
I’ve been told that I am too sensitive. I prefer to think of myself as tender.
I started working out again this week. Actually, it’s quite encouraging. I’m not as out of shape as I thought. My wonderful friend, who is a personal trainer and is guiding me on my journey back to fitness, met me at the park. We exercised in the morning with our babies. The babies got to socialize and we got to workout together. I thought I would feel self-conscious out in public, but actually the people that did stop and look said nice things and smiled.
My mother is still staying with us. This is the longest time I’ve been around my mother since I lived with her and I have to say I am enjoying it. It is wonderful to see someone who loves my daughter so much. I think perhaps Unknown Papi is ready to see her go, but he’s been very understanding.(Of course as soon as I finished writing that my mother did something that drives me crazy.)
Lately, I’ve been feeling guilty about the paper bag I wear over my head. I try to do my part for the environment and I know I should switch to a canvas bag. I don’t mean to be vain, but the truth is I just look better in a paper bag; it holds it’s shape better. I’m torn. I guess I’ll just be good about reusing the same bag.
*Hugs* mama I hope you have a better weekend. Try to get some rest and take some “me” time.
August 27, 2009 11:12 PM
La Belle Mere UK
The MOST environmentally friendly thing to do is not change the bag.
That way you have only used one bag and not two. Although, you do know
its not ACTUALLY paper? It’s made of, sort of, pixels n crap?Hope you have a better week next week!LBM xxx
August 28, 2009 1:27 AM
I love your bag! Good for you on the working out…I’m trying to
motivate myself to do that too. I wish I had a good friend that I could
go work out with!God bless!
August 28, 2009 2:13 AM
4 Lettre Words
So sorry it’s been a tough week, but I’m glad you are enjoying your mom’s visit! Happy FF!!
August 28, 2009 3:11 AM
Tammy Howard
I’ve worked out in the park, too, at a boot camp class. I was nervous
about it at first, but people don’t care – everyone is there to do their
own thing.Enjoy that Chardonnay, you mad housewife, you!
August 28, 2009 3:20 AM
Sara Elizabeth Bonds
Bummer that is has been a hard week. :(I too have been told that I am too sensitive.Your
last bit about the paper bag cracked me up. I think you should TOTALLY
change your header and button to a canvas bag. Then you could be the
‘Green’ Unknown Mami. Haha!
August 28, 2009 3:39 AM
Stacy (the Random Cool Chick)
Awww! Sorry you’ve had a bad week – you and I will kick her a** next week, hmmmm? ;)That wine cracks me up – I would so totally buy it because of the label! And drink it, too… ;)Wouldn’t
a canvas bag be harder to breathe through? I’m just sayin’…plus,
like La Belle said, you’re doing your part by using the same bag over
and over again! ;)Happy FF! 🙂
August 28, 2009 4:02 AM
Sorry you had such a bad week! I am cracking up about the bag dilemma.
The paper does look good on you, as long as you don’t go with plastic, I
think you are good.
August 28, 2009 4:02 AM
I think that bag is a good look for you…It has a perfect even tan
without any blemishes and it’s giving you a certain characteristic
square jawline… Wearing it will definitely make you stand out in a
crowd!Too bad this week has been crap… Hopefully next week will be better. At least I hope you’ll enjoy your wine!Working out? Good for you! I’m impressed, girl…
August 28, 2009 4:29 AM
I hear you about the week. Happy weekend!
August 28, 2009 5:16 AM
I totally agree and wish I could join you for a drink. Once this kid comes out of me I’m getting sh*tfaced.
August 28, 2009 5:28 AM
Hope next week is much, much better for you!!!! And enjoy that wine! I love the label on it!
August 28, 2009 5:30 AM
Caution Flag
I think the paper suits you! Good for you for hosting your mother. It
does feel odd to live with a parent again, doesn’t it? Congrats on the
work-out. I should be so motivated.
August 28, 2009 5:52 AM
confused homemaker
*hugs* it will get better. And wine (according to my family)
isn’t even alcohol, it’s like water. So enjoy a big refreshing glass of
water & know it’s going to be better.
August 28, 2009 6:16 AM
Multiple personalities..
Good for you on getting back to working out! I’m about to do that soon,
too, if I can muster the will power to do it. Glad you’re enjoying time
with your mom. I miss mine as I don’t get to see her often. Oh, by the
way, you are gonna share that bottle with the rest of us, right? 🙂
August 28, 2009 7:02 AM
As long as you re-use the paper bag, I think you are good — besides, cloth bags are unbecoming on anyone. My week hasn’t been stellar either; I feel you.
August 28, 2009 7:23 AM
Boy I had a rough couple days, but it’s looking up. I mean, it’s Friday
and I get a date with hubs…and 7 days till vacation. I think I can
hold on!
August 28, 2009 7:33 AM
la aventurista
Hahaha I love your blog! I can understand your paper bag dilemma, but
it’s not like you change it every day, so I doubt it can be that bad for
the environment. Or do you?
August 28, 2009 8:04 AM
Green-Eyed Momster
I’m ready to see last week off. I have 2 more days of this one though. I’m
glad that you are feeling better and working out. Maybe you’ll be
contagious and I’ll catch the working-out bug from you. :)I’ve never such a hot woman wearing a paper bag! You’re smokin’ hot Mami! I love you with or without the bag! Hugs!!
August 28, 2009 9:02 AM
Real World Mom
I’ve also been told that I’m overly-sensitive. I like your word, “tender”, much better! Mind if I borrow it? :-)Happy Friday!
August 28, 2009 9:10 AM
Joanna Jenkins
Ahh honey, stick with the paper bag. Canvas would be boiling hot this time of year :-)Hang in there, the week is almost over.xo
August 28, 2009 9:15 AM
Sassy Chica
Enjoy your wine, you deserve it!I will toast to you and a better week,this evening as I enjoy a glass of Chardonnay myself.Smooches,Sassy Chica
August 28, 2009 9:33 AM
Aunt of 14
I hope that wine was as good as you hoped!! Bad week, indeed! Next week will be better, it will, it will, it WILL!!!
August 28, 2009 9:56 AM
so glad you are working out hope the next week looks better for you now that the bad one is behind you
August 28, 2009 10:22 AM
Tammy Howard
There will be an award for you on my blog Saturday morning… (I know this because I can see into the future)
August 28, 2009 11:16 AM
Earlier today I ran into This Week, she said she knows what’s what and she’s staying far away from you.Oh, and I’m very oversensi — tender. Thanks for that, I’m keeping that word, tender. You go, Mami!
August 28, 2009 11:20 AM
You are funny, enjoy your wine!
August 28, 2009 11:53 AM
If you change your paper bag then how will we ever recognize you on the street?! 😉 I hope this weekend is better for you than the week was.
August 28, 2009 2:22 PM
One Sassy Girl
You know, it’s hard to be a woman. There, I said it. But really, we’re
supposed to be all empowered and multi-tasking and efficient and
brilliant and creative and caring and funny and sexy and fit and
everything else. Blah. Shit, open that wine woman!! (actually,
I’m already drinking. got a beer in hand, a cake in the over and am
eyeing up a bikini for a dip in the pool… what am i complaining about
August 28, 2009 3:18 PM
Mom of Three
A little wine is good for the soul. 🙂
August 28, 2009 4:06 PM
I don’t know…I’m thinking the paper bag suits you. It has that certain je ne sais quoi. There
was a time when my mom would have made me nuts to spend more than a
couple of hours together. Now, like you, I kinda dig the chick.
August 28, 2009 4:45 PM
Eternal Lizdom
I had to giggle that you are torn about your bag… isn’t it the paper bag that is more likely to be torn?Good
for you on the exercise! I am trying and trying to talk myself back
into the great fitness routine I had going. My motivation is completely
numb, though.
August 28, 2009 5:31 PM
kick ass next week, unknown mami. and paper or canvas, you look great!
August 28, 2009 6:00 PM
kick ass next week, unknown mami. and paper or canvas, you look great!
August 28, 2009 6:00 PM
Hope the week-end is better to you the week has been. Stick to the paper, at least it’s not plastic !!!
August 28, 2009 7:03 PM
Eh, so long as you keep reusing that bag, you’re fine. Just make sure you don’t tear it or stain it!Let
me know if you’re up for sharing some of that wine. I couldd use some
over here. I’m soooo done with this week. Next week had better be
better, right?
August 28, 2009 8:16 PM
sarah m
Oh my gosh, that wine is hysterical!! I need to get some of that to have on hand.And I love your paper bag….you’re too funny!!! 🙂
August 28, 2009 9:43 PM
Oh, you are a silly one 🙂 (And that’s a good thing.) Way to go on that
exercise thing. I wish I had a friend to kick my ass into the gym.I really look forward to being a grandma (later than sooner, but stil.)Can’t
play tomorrow, I’m afraid. No time to take any pics this week!
Tomorrow, though, Kendall and I are going to ArtStreet–LOTS of good
stuff there. I can’t wait 🙂
August 29, 2009 9:05 AM
Life with Kaishon
You are very funny : ). I love my Mom too. Sometimes though, well, she sure knows how to push my buttons.
August 29, 2009 11:32 AM
You are too funny!Good luck with the workouts!
August 29, 2009 2:59 PM
Happy saturday sharefest – I gotta get me some of that wine!The818
August 29, 2009 4:40 PM
Grace Matthews
I say stick with the paper bag. It looks good on you.
August 29, 2009 7:07 PM
Grace Matthews
Oh by the way ~”Happy SITS Saturday Sharefest” 🙂
August 29, 2009 7:08 PM
Helen McGinn
Don’t give yourself a hard time about the bag; it looks recyclable to me and you can pretty much wear it for some time yet. I
hope you enjoyed that wine…I enjoyed far too much this week and have
put on a few pounds but I shall endeavour to shed them quickly. I love being back!Helen xx
August 31, 2009 6:41 AM
Helen McGinn
it’s made of, sort of, pixels n crap?*ROTFL*La Belle Mere UK, you crack me up!
August 31, 2009 6:42 AM
Single Mama NYC
I just started working out today after a month-long hiatus. All I can say is UGH!!!
September 1, 2009 8:10 PM