Sometimes I get irritated because all Unknown Papi has to do is take the kids to the store on his own and someone will stop him to congratulate him on being a great father. I’ve never once had a stranger come up to me on a regular day and tell me I’m being a great mother. I feel lucky if someone begrudgingly holds a door open for me while I’m nursing one in a baby carrier (as I walk), holding the other one’s hand, and carrying 3 grocery bags in my “spare” hand. Doesn’t seem fair.
Mother’s Day is totally different. All I have to do is walk out of the house with spit up on my shirt and people trip over themselves trying to wish me a happy Mother’s Day. I have to be honest and say that I enjoy it so much I might be guilty of just aimlessly wandering the streets and making eye contact with strangers to pry well-wishes from them. On Father’s Day, I was looking forward to my husband getting the same kind of treatment. Didn’t happen. The poor dope spent “his” day running errands with his family and not one single stranger wished him a happy Father’s Day. Not even when he was carrying both kids at the same time. Doesn’t seem fair.
Unknown Papi takes exception with me calling him a dope in the previous paragraph. Please note I meant it affectionately and do not have a problem with dope or dopes.
Have you heard the exciting news? This Sunday at 9:00 am the planets are aligning in a way that will make it possible for Unknown Mami to meet Mrs. 4444 (pronounced fours). Unknown Mami is getting her paper bag all gussied up for the occasion. Unknown Mami thought this bit would be more interesting if she wrote it in the third person. Unknown Mami was wrong.
And now your Friday Fortune Cookie (don’t forget to add “in bed” at the end, if you are so inclined):
Just ’cause you’re paranoid doesn’t mean they aren’t out to get you.
(I overheard it while typing up this post on the TV show Without A Trace.)
It strikes me as entirely reasonable and necessary that the meeting between Mrs 4444 and yourself should be astronomically determined, it’s no doubt the universe’s way of compensating for all that unfairness. 🙂
Have a fabulous weekend!
It’s almost here! I hope you enjoy your visit with Mrs 4444.
Tell Unknown Papi Happy Belated Father’s Day from me. Weird double standard, huh?
I love the fortune cookie – I told people I knew Happy Father’s Day while I was at church…but I am not sure I would say it to random strangers…and no random stranger has ever wished me Happy Mother’s Day either. hmmmm
I think women are expected to be great mother’s it’s our job so that’s why nobody stops us and congratulates on job well done. Why is it different for Dads damn I wish I knew….I’d have written a book and been touring talk shows with all my insight! lol! Not fair thats for sure! Have a wonderful visit with Mrs. 4444 so cool you two are meeting.
I’m very excited for you and your wonderful event with Mrs4444! It will be fabulous for you both, bag or no bag!
I still walk out of my house with spit on my shirts, except it’s usually mine from brushing my teeth!
Have a wonderful weekend!
well, if Unknown Papi gets kudos every other day except Father’s Day and you ONLY get them on Mom’s day, I’m thinking you need to let him do ALL the grocery shopping from now on with kids in tow. 🙂 you get a mommy break and he gets pats on the back… sounds fair!
I prefer knucklehead to dope, but sometimes either fits!
Enjoy your Mrs. 4444 meeting!
And have I told you what a great mother you are?
I think everyone expects you to be a good mother, so it only draws praise on Mother’s Day. Many Dads, on the other hand, have very little to do with raising their kids, so when people see a guy actually taking responsibilty for and doing something with their kids, they comment because it’s a rarer sight. (Sad, but true)
I think people see men in public doing mundane with their children so rarely that they assume they are good fathers. 🙂 Mothers always have the kids.
Give Mrs4444 a big hug for all of us.
Here’s another lisleman idea (which means off top of head and likely dread) – Get two paper bags and have the server (maybe the paparazzi ?) take a picture of both of you together.
Oh life is not fair and we are strangers and you are a great mom.
I didn’t know I would feel this way, and I am ashamed to admit it, but I am jealous that you and Mrs4444 get to meet in person. There I said it.
Oh Mami, I just love you. And yes, there’s a definite double standard when it comes to being parents.
I thought the third person paragraph was VERY fun/funny.
I’m officially jealous that you and Mrs. 4444 get to meet in person! Yeah for you!
And I’m totally with you on dads getting all the props. What’s that about!?! Oy.
xo jj
Traci thought Unknown Mami writing in the third person was quite amusing. Anyways. Very exciting that you and Mrs.4444 are getting together. I can’t wait to hear more about it.
I was kind of wondering if unknown Papi would take offense to that. I’m so glad you cleared all that up. LOL! We know he’s a gem. After all, did he read his father’s day post? Wonderful man indeed. Happy Father’s day AGAIN! Unknown Papi!! ~
I know that feeling well: kids attached all over the place, your arms and hands full, you may even be carrying something on your head because you ran out of room and THEN someone asks you for the time. Ugggg!
Have a great time meeting Mrs 4444 ~ I can’t wait to see the post.
I like dopes ; )
Very funny.
No one ever tells me I am a good mother when I am in public and I am pretty certain that is because I am always screaming like a maniac!
So true… my brother and Jase both do stuff with the boy and get accolades. Oh well.
How interesting that your husband didn’t get any Father’s Day wishes. I guess that’s because he is lavished upon so many other days of the year 🙂
I think I’ve cracked it! I have to sign out of EVERYTHING ELSE then I can go to your blog and comment!
YOWSERS… now I can catch up.
Poor Unknown Papi! I call my hubby names too… but he’s used to it! lol