I wasn’t going to do my regular Friday post because I intended on hosting an anonymous post for Blerapy, but I am a bonehead who can not follow directions. Oh well, maybe next time. Do stop by and check out the anonymous posts.
Fortunately for me Pocketful of Bliss tagged me to write 25 random things about me. I did this on Facebook a while back so I happen to have it handy. I am renaming it 25 Fragmented Facts about Me.
1. I learned how to speak Spanish before English, but now I speak English better than Spanish.
2. My mother has a 6th grade education. When she moved to the U.S. she won a radio contest sponsored by Burgie Beer and she chose to go to cosmetology school with the winnings.
3. I’ve never been anything but poor. When I was young there was a time when we were on welfare.
4. I have never felt poor.
5. I grew up with just my mother and never really got to know my father. I have a few faint memories of him, like him teaching me to eat spaghetti with a fork and spoon.
6. My real name is spelled with a “y” instead of an “i”. My mother always told me that my name was spelled that way because that’s what my father wanted and it always made me feel special. When I was 16, I got a letter from my father and he misspelled my name. It broke my heart. It still makes me tear up.
7. The first time I remember falling in love was when I laid eyes on my baby brother. I knew what love was and I had certainly felt it, but I had never “fallen” in love.
8. I believe that love is easy to find and I am confident that no matter where I find myself I will always be surrounded by love. It’s easy for me to love and I think that is why I have never lacked love.
9. My husband is 6 years younger. When I met him he was only 21 years old and when we got together I thought there was no way we would stay together, but I wrote in my journal, “this person is here to teach me something.”
10. Before I met my husband, I was never convinced that I would get married. I just didn’t think it was necessary and I had so few examples of a marriage working out. Then after being with HIM, I felt this overwhelming need to be family.
11. I had a very difficult pregnancy. I ended up in the hospital because I was having severe panic attacks. There was one week where I slept no more than 3 hours a night. I really thought that I was going crazy. Apparently, this happens to many women. I’m blessed to have such a spectacular, caring husband and grateful that I have health insurance because I got the help and support I needed.
12. I was mugged at gunpoint. After the mugger took my stuff, he pointed his gun at me and said, “Now walk up the hill.” I thought to myself, it’s one thing to take my stuff, but to take my person? I didn’t move and he repeated the command. I looked him in the eye and said, “No.” I turned slowly and started walking into the street. I was terrified, but I told myself that if the only choice I had left in life was where and when I would die, then I chose here and now.
13. I love making people laugh. If you want to compliment me, tell me I’m funny.
14. I played the accordion with Lawrence Welk.
15. I can fold my tongue into a clover.
16. I can burp louder than most people can yell.
17. Sometimes I feel unbelievable awkward and like an outsider. I can be sitting with people I know and love and just feel like I don’t belong.
18. I consider myself bi-cultural.
19. I’m really embarrassed about this one. Before I discovered FB, I would get so upset thinking that some of the people I’ve known and loved would be gone to me forever. Really. I would even cry about it because some people were in my life for such a short time, but they touched my soul and I would never know what became of them. Now these people are slowly reappearing in my life because of FB and I’m convinced the entire world will be on it someday. It feels so good to know that even in a small way I can connect with all these magnificent people.
20. It pains me to pay full price for anything. I get an absolute thrill out of announcing how little I’ve paid for things.
21. Sometimes when I want something, anything, I just announce it and wait for the universe to deliver. The universe has yet to let me down.
22. I am blessed.
23. I have a beautiful daughter. It scares me to love someone so much. It feels like there is just so much at stake, but I remind myself to love in the present and remember that some stories do have happy endings. (I meant to write, “live in the present”, but I think “love in the present” is even better!)
24. I am learning to embrace life-all of it.
25. I am an actor.
Have a great weekend!
Hosted by Mrs. 4444

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