And now your Friday Fortune Cookie (don’t forget to add “in bed” at the end, if you are so inclined):
You find beauty in ordinary things, do not lose this ability.
Hosted by Mrs. 4444
Funny San Francisco Latina Blogger
And now your Friday Fortune Cookie (don’t forget to add “in bed” at the end, if you are so inclined):
You find beauty in ordinary things, do not lose this ability.
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VERY beautiful!
Pretty Pictures! Thanks for sharing…’s these little things that make us smile! :):)
Great photos….I like the way you made each one closer!
“…and they all played games…at the ladybug picnic.” My favorite Sesame Street song.
Awww, you gave me a very nice start to my day and 3 wishes on 3 ladybugs, thanks!
wow, your camera is amazing!!! mine won’t get that close and discern what is on the leaf.
Thank you. I’m pretty smitten with my camera, I just need to learn to use it better.
Not fair ladybugs getting such a welcome and the ants or grasshoppers just don’t cut it. I always thought (well not too often actually) that june bugs are under appreciated too.
Good Entomology going on here.
Wise words and beautiful pictures — thanks for sharing both!!!
Gorgeous! Have a wonderful weekend!
Wow! Nice!
Freaky, I think you are a mind reader or I’m psychic. I was just thinking about you when I got your comment.
My girls are going to love this! They love lay-ee-buh. 🙂
PS: You had me all confused–I thought it was Sunday!
Too tired to write, opted for pictures.
P.S. You know you can go to the garden store and buy lady bugs to release. Put Pie and her playdate had a blast doing it.
wOw the things you can see when you stop to look! Thank YOU!
oh, that’s pretty! i like it!
Nice shots. I like how you gradually come in and end up on the close up shot.
Fabulous shots 🙂 *Has camera envy*
Nice, nice, nice! YOu have a good eye, Mami. These are fabulous photos that made me smile. And I’m pretty sure ladybugs bring good luck 🙂
xo jj
Beautiful succulent plant and ladybug! It truly is the small, ordinary things, in or out of bed, that matter. 🙂
I love ladybugs. 🙂
aw, what a cute little lady you got there…smiles.
gorgeous shots and close-ups!
well done to you!
see you tomorrow!
betty xx
Very cool!
Love succulents. Nice cool home for a lady bug. Happy weekend.
I LOVE these photos!
I truly love these. I had so planned to do a SIMC post this week, but I just couldn’t seem to get my camera to cooperate with flowers 🙁 Maybe next week!
Love this! I am always attracted to those succulents when I see them and the ladybug is just the best surprise.
I love ladybugs! They always make me smile!
Oh that is so cute… very clever photography U.M.