My husband is getting laid off soon (this happens yearly) and although I am concerned about our already strained finances, I am as giddy as a little girl. I love spending entire days with him. It seems that the more time we spend together the better we get along. I’m not trying to say that we need to be joined at the hip or anything (I just thought of a dirty joke to insert here, but I’ll let it go), it’s just that when we don’t spend a lot of time together it seems that the little time we do have together gets sucked up by chores and “to-do’s” and nothing puts me in a bickering mood like chores and “to-do’s”.
We will be taking a road trip to San Diego (where I will be attending BlogHer 2011). On the way we will stop and visit with a wonderful friend of mine and her family. I haven’t seen her since she got married and now she has two beautiful kids. I’ve known her since junior high and I get to spend so little time with her, but she is near and dear to me.
I’ve been getting lucky lately (another perfect set up for a dirty joke). I won a $50 gift card to SuperCuts from Wrestling With Retirement and this great salad spinner from What the Grimmgirl looks forward to.
I also got this free book that my daughter Put Pie loves just for commenting at Powerful Latinas.
I love children’s books with Latino characters in them. No big deal is made about them being Latino, they just are. I think sometimes, if you are not part of a minority group, it is easy to take for granted that you see yourself represented everywhere, in literature, on tv, in general. That is not the case if you happen to be part of a minority. I happen to be of Mexican descent and the Latino characters in this book are not Mexican, which is great because it helps show my daughter that Latinos are diverse and multifaceted.
You know, I’ve been thinking about how I haven’t told you how great you look lately. No really, you are glowing. You have a certain spring in your step. Have you been working out? Whatever it is you are doing, keep doing it because it is working.

Special thanks to Mrs. 4444 for voting for me multiple times (it’s not considered stuffing the ballot in this case) and encouraging others to do the same on facebook, google+, and twitter. Seriously, if you ever run for office you should consider hiring her as your campaign manager.
And now your Friday Fortune Cookie (don’t forget to add “in bed” at the end, if you are so inclined):
Never be afraid to laugh at yourself.
I thank you for noticing my looks, since I reached one of my “early goals” today at Weight Watchers! You are one of the first to comment on it. (I voted already today.)
Congratulations of reaching one of your goals! So proud of you.
congrats on the lucky streak! i hope you and your hubby enjoy your time together, but also hope it doesn’t last TOO long on the job thing.
I was just in San Diego a week or so ago, and the weather was to die for. Now I’m back in sweltering KY and WANT to die. Nothing left to do but eat salad…wink, wink!
I can’t wait to meet you at BLOGHER!!!! I hope you have a safe trip!
It sounds like it is all going your way these days. Good for you and thanks for the compliment. I have been trying to hit the treadmill a little more and I have voted.
funny and lucky, you have it going. Have fun spinning salad with Unknown Papi.
I purchased a salad spinner in the States a few months ago. But I forgot to pack it in my suitcase for Honduras. Argh! I have trouble finding basic things like Diet Coke or Dr. Pepper in Honduras, or rocking chairs, or lemons, or toilet bowl cleaner. I will never find a salad spinner. i hope you enjoy yours. I also have voted for you many times. It makes me feel like I am back in New Orleans where voters are encouraged to vote often. In the same election.
I hope you enjoy your time with your hubby. Keep up that good luck!
Hope your lucky streak continues, maybe you should take a bit of a detour and stop by the casino’s. Have a great time in San Diego and a safe trip.
My husband is self employed, so sometimes he will take a couple of days off in a row just for no reason, and it is always nice to have that extra time together. I hope y’all have a blast while your husband is off.
BlogHer? I’m not going to say how jealous I am!
I’m on my way to vote!
the book look really interesting, i wonder what is it about. it is nice to be able to spend more time with your husband and that drive to san diego would be so much fun. will you be taking route 1?
So glad you are going to Blogher this year. I was hoping to get out there, but it didn’t work out. I hope you enjoy the drive, the conference, and everything in between. Congrats on your winning streak! I voted!
You know, I’ve been thinking about how I haven’t told you how great you look lately. No really, you are glowing. You have a certain spring in your step. Have you been working out? Whatever it is you are doing, keep doing it because it is working. hahahaaha
you’re absolutely beautiful! and that brown bag brings out the best of you! :))
It’s great having time off work is you can afford it. We look forward to retiring. Goting to vote for you now.
I swallowed a light bulb today. That’s why I’m glowing. Oh, and I voted.
Did I hear you mention that you would be at BlogHer? I’m planning on lurking around those parts… and when I say “planning” I mean the opposite of that… but God Willing I’ll be there… we should “plan” to meet up!
I’ll be down there. Drop me an email.
woohoo, vacay!! i think i can comprehend having a heroine of a book look like me, i notice that the ‘fluffy’ gals usually have some attitude issue, the slender beauties get all the glory… hmmm, book idea!
i hope you have a great visit in san diego, i have actually been there once and loved it!!!
I really want a salad spinner!
How can you stay unknown at Blogher?
I make people sign non-disclosure agreements before I tell them who I am.
Visit me at:
Voted! And tweeted it, too!
What type of work does your husband do that brings annual layoffs into the scene? Dang. I do know what you mean about enjoying spending whole days with your husband. My hubby and I are pretty much together 24/7 since retirement, and it is awesome.
Enjoy your time in San Diego (my old home town) and BlogHer 2011. I wonder how many pictures from BlogHer 2011 will have your picture and we won’t know it is you? I hope your luck holds and you win all sorts of fun stuff there.
I voted. Have a great time at the conference and catching up with your old friend!
Wow Congrats on all the winning! Have a great time on your road trip!
Thank you for visiting my blog. I’m a new follower of yours now! How lucky, I love San Diego. The weather there is so perfect!
time together is good, they say absence makes the heart grow fonder, but I think its actually time together 🙂
yeah for time together, sugar! and now that i know i can vote once a day, i will! xoxoxoxox
Hey, thanks so much for the shout out re the book! Glad you liked it; I really enjoyed it as well. I look forward to meeting you at BlogHer, and will keep voting… (have already done so multiple times, but I guess I need to keep up with the others) 🙂
We have a large Latino population at my school and I am always looking for good books. This sounds like a good one.
Also, I am home all day during the summer and my wife loved it too. Until July hit and now she wants a break from me, I think.
That’s so nice that you get along when you spend a lot of time together. It was just the opposite for me when I was married! We got along great when we never saw each other…
I voted for you again today. If you keep putting out reminders, I will. I forget easily. 🙁
I’m glad you enjoy spending time with your husband. It would be super awkward if you didn’t and he was home all the time. 😉 xo
Yes it would be awkward and unfortunate.
Thank you for the tweet, Beautiful!
Disqus generic email templateYou’re welcome!
I loved the part about me. 😉
nice…glad you can see the positives in the lay off and i hope that the finances stretch for you…have sun on that trip too!
I know what you mean about spending time together. It’s nice to have quality time, not rushed.
Those are some really cool prizes.
I’ve voted for you a couple times but I have to figure out the best way to advertise. My brain’s not awake yet.
Yay for road trips to San Diego. It’s been absolutely beautiful down here.
I hope it stays beautiful and doesn’t get too hot.
Enjoy your hubby. Second Honeymoon!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂
damn!! I wish I could make blogher this year… I simply could not afford the trip 🙁 will miss meeting you!
Sorry about your husband being layed off. Have a great time visiting your friend and a nice time at BlogHer. I don’t belong to BlogHer but thought about going to meet all my dear friends. I only live 1 1/2 hours away but that is our annual trip to Mammoth Lakes for the week.
That was a sweet/funny/cute surprise fragment there, my friend. Thanks 🙂
I’m so happy that you’re going to BlogHer—You so deserve the fun (and SWAG)! I’m also glad UP gets to go with you on your trip AND gets to spend more time with his family.
Thanks for linking up–Sorry it took forever for me to get here.