Gerbera daisies are my favorite flowers. If you ever want to give me flowers, don’t bother with roses; go for the gerbera daisies. I love that such a big beautiful bloom looks out at the world joyfully on a seemingly delicate stem. Its unabashed beauty magnificently displayed is like a dare to own your own beauty and beam it out into the world. I told you I love them.
These gerbera daisy decals were put on the side of a building not to far from our home. Thank you to whoever put them there. Considering the heartbreak I feel at all that is happening in this country, I’m latching on to every little bit of beauty I can find.
San Francisco, CA
ALSO READ: San Francisco Women’s March
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They are lovely flowers. My heart is breaking for the USA right now. As you probably know my husband is an American and we are both utterly devastated by the turn of events there. I am really very scared that this is only the beginning. The only way forward it to fight for what is right in any way we can. Love and hugs to you
That’s so cute!