I am so confused right now. I thought I wasn’t supposed to encourage my kids to sniff glue. If that is the case then why make glue that smells like delicious fruit?
Here’s what happened, we were at Target and Put Pie, my 5-year-old, asked me to buy her a Scentos two pack of glue. Honestly, I didn’t even pay attention to what I was buying until I got it home because I was in a Target-induced buying frenzy.
When we got home both of my kids wanted to bust the glue open and make something with popsicle sticks. I’m thinking, great way to keep them occupied for a good 20 minutes or so and as I’m opening the package of glue, they start telling me which glue they want. Put Pie wants the blueberry scented one and Luna Pie my 3-year-old wants the strawberry one. Wait, what?! Since when is glue scented?
I hand them the glue and the first thing they do is put it to their noses and start sniffing it, then switching it back and forth between each other so they can smell the scent the other one has. Hey, wait a second, I’m thinking…did I just buy my kids glue that they are supposed to sniff? Apparently, that is exactly what I did. Now, I realize that this glue is not going to get them high or anything, but it seems like a terrible precedent to set, don’t you think? Who came up with the brilliant idea to make and sell scented glue to little kids? Confusing much? Here kids, sniff this glue, but when you get older if someone tells you that sniffin’ glue is cool and will make you feel good, don’t you dare believe them?
Oh boy!
This reminds me, I really should pick up some bubble gum cigarettes for the girls. They are so much cheaper than the real deal too.
Image via Old Time Candy
Am I really the only one that thinks buying kids glue they are meant to sniff is kind of asking for trouble?
I see your point. However in this case I don’t think it’s going to encourage them to huff things later on. It does offer you a way to discuss this subject. Our 5 yr old granddaughter had a discussion about alcohol/drinking with her mom recently. Granddaughter thought only boys get drunk.
Target-induced buying frenzy – now that’s potentially dangerous situation especially with the Target hackers hiding in the digital wings.