A friend on FB posed the question: Is humankind, in general, evil and selfish, with a few smatterings of goodness and integrity to be found, or is humankind filled with goodness and integrity, with small pockets of people who are evil and selfish?
My answer: I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for the goodness and integrity in so very many. Good rules, evil just has a better publicist.
I’m interested to know what you think.
I was a day ahead this whole week. I posted something that was meant for Wednesday on Tuesday. Oh well, I’m sure it was Wednesday somewhere and I hope that wherever that is there are people who checked out my blog post and appreciated it.
I wrote about this video for MamásLatinas, but it’s so darned cute, I have to share it with you here. It’s a pregnancy time-lapse-video. You see this woman’s entire pregnancy in 2 minutes. Just the good parts of course. They left out the puking and hemorrhoids because I guess no one really wants to see that.
(don’t forget to add “in bed” at the end, if you are so inclined):

Focus on the good.
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I love your Frags – short and sweet and always so interesting! I’m an optimist so I think people are basically good. I love the line that Evil has a better publicist – that’s great!
the video made me nervous
I believe and my experience tells me most people are good, caring and helpful. Of course the idiot in the fast lane yesterday is not included. Remember what Diana Krall sang, “S wonderful, it’s marvelous ….”
Definitely more goodness and integrity in the world. The media would have us believe otherwise, but I don’t. Thanks for hosting!
I love your quote and completely agree that there is way more goodness out there but the bad stuff gets all the press. As an adoptive mom, I feel adoption is a huge area where the bad outcomes are the main ones heard about but I know of so many adoptive families with really good stories that will never be heard on TV.
First I want to thank you for stopping by my blog and commenting. It was just the nudge I needed to get off my backside and get back to posting. I agree with the more good than evil, I refuse to think otherwise no matter how good of a publicist evil has. As for the video; It was more than cute it was fantastic!
90% I’d say of people….good! But the rotten apple always spoils….and I would say the ‘rotten apple’ is M E D I A!!
I think goodness and integrity still rule, but those pockets of evil and selfishness certainly seem to be growing.
Loved the video! Wouldn’t it be grand if pregnancy actually progressed that quickly 🙂
What a cool video… I’m amazed how she kept her shirt in the same place every day 🙂
I agree. I think the majority of us are inherently good. The bad just gets more attention.
My world view is just a tad different but alike in some ways. God rules, not good rules. But God is good. Evil has a better publicist? That’s a good way to express a truth that evil has not been vanquished from this planet . . . yet.
I vote for good, always.
But sometimes I wish FB would ask themselves that question. I often feel like they’re pulling a fast one over on users with their changing terms & conditions.
Thank for your Friday Frag! I really appreciate it.
xo jj
I agree with you about FB. They are about as committed to their users as credit card companies are. It feels like their terms and conditions change far too often and never for the user’s benefit.
I am with you on your answer, I agree! Love the video, thanks for sharing it. Enjoy your weekend.
We have four daughters and not one single time did I ever suffer with morning sickness or anything else. BUT, my husband DID. How funny is that????? 🙂 Have a great weekend!
I envy you and I sympathize with your hubby.
I had to break the link back rule this week cause I’m blogging from my phone. I hope breaking rules and joining is better than not playing at all.
Oh my gosh, I had no idea you could be such a rule breaker. It’s fine, you know the party is always more fun when you party along.
That video was so cute, I’m glad you shared it. I participated in a stop motion video once, it was a lot of work, so I’m impressed.
It’s so wonderful of you to spread the gospel of goodness. I think sometimes people are taught something different and because of good influences, they choose to be better. The world does such a great job knocking people down, heck no do I want to contribute to that.
I’m with you. I do believe that humans are mostly good and empathetic creatures. There will always be bad seeds though.
Yes, good does rule..it’s just that the few bad seeds make everyone else look bad.
Looking forward to watching that video! As for the good vs. evil question, I think the answer lies in the middle 🙂 Thanks for hosting!! Love you…
I totally agree with you–more good than evil, you just hear about the evil more. That video is great! What a clever idea. Have a fabulous weekend!
I have always believed there were so many more good but suddenly it seems to be flipping. I hope I’m wrong. There just seems to be so much rage and anger that is mis- directed.
I love that video. Did you see the one with the newborn-18-year-old. Amazing. Have a great weekend!