I am not a fan of the group text. In fact I think group texts are annoying. Especially those ones that people send out on Mother’s Day or Christmas or International Group Text Day (yes, I know it’s not an actual holiday, but it may as well be).
Most of the time I don’t even realize it’s a group text so I’m all, “Oh how sweet that this person who NEVER texts me is sending me a text to tell me I’m an awesome mother!” But then other people that I don’t even know start responding to the text and then I don’t feel special at all. That’s when I start to feel all dirty and not like a special someone, but just one of many.
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And then the texts keep coming and coming and I don’t want to freakin’ read what all these people are saying. It’s not like with group emails where you can just reply to the sender. No, group text reply to everyone in the text and I don’t know how to get out of this sordid communication loop, do you?
And really do you even have to text back something as inane as “XO” or an emoji of an alien smiling? Save the alien emoji for emergencies like when we are being invaded by creatures from outer space.
Anyway, I was pondering this group text thing because College Humor made this super funny video of what it’s like to be in on a group text and all I can say is YES!
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Watch it and then think long and hard before you partake in a group text next time. Sure it all seems like good clean fun, but non-consensual group texting sucks big time especially when you can’t opt out.
How do you feel about group texts?
Image via UnSplash
That’s a cute video. I do send a group text at times to my kids when something important needs to be told.