This week kicked my ample butt. Frankly, I didn’t even really make it until the end of the week. I found myself having to call in sick today (Friday). It’s a little weird to call in sick when you work from home.
Of course calling in sick still means being at home with the girls, which means its not even 9:00 a.m. and I’ve already cleaned up messes that no human being should have to even lay eyes on, given baths, fed them breakfast and built a Father’s Day present. I’m sure the neighbors were thrilled with the hammering that started before 8:00 a.m.
I’ve never worked as hard as I do since becoming a mom and that’s even on my days off. Still, I got to sleep in until 7:20 instead of getting up at my usual 5:45 and both my girls complimented me on my hammer skills. Woo hoo!
In case you are wondering, this is what we put together for Unknown Papi. It was actually sent to me for Mother’s Day by the good folks that I work with at Lowe’s, but I wasn’t about to build it for myself, so it has been repurposed for Father’s Day.
I’ve got some links to share with you of pieces I wrote this week at MamásLatinas, that I would love for you to check out…
- This video of a daddy making his baby laugh for the first time is all kinds of wonderful.
- 6 plants you can grow from kitchen scraps. Put Pie and I are growing celery right now.
- This video of women seeing their vaginas for the first time is both funny and sad in a touching sort of way. Don’t worry, it’s not at all obscene.
And now your Friday Fortune Cookie
(don’t forget to add “in bed” at the end, if you are so inclined):
No one said it would be easy.
Hosted by Mrs. 4444
Ha! I love that you made it work for dad’s day! Very cute. I hope you feel better and glad you got to sleep in. That always makes me feel better. 🙂
hammer skills – just think back in the 90’s with those skills you could have had the “U Can’t Touch This” fame.
Hope you get refreshed and recharged.
I was cleaning up a mess early this morning too; my kids are older so now it’s my DOGS who are keeping me busy. Sigh!
Hope you are feeling better now. Have a good weekend!
Hope your feeling better and I love the little truck, it came out so cute!
That’s so pretty! Unknown Papi is going to love it! Hugs. Take care of yourself, Claudya!
Now that’s a gift that could keep on giving (to you, flowers-wise). Well-played, my friend!
Mothering doesn’t stop just because we’re sick. Sometimes it’s so hard when you feel like crap but have to keep going. Your FD gift is really cute! Hope you feel better.