Is it possible that I’ve lost that bloggin’ feeling? I don’t know, but lately I’m so friggin’ spent that when it comes to this blog I have very little left to give. It has something to do with the fact that I spend Monday through Friday writing a minimum of 1,250 words a day. I’m writing, I’m writing a lot, I’m just not writing on this here blog much, but I love this here blog because of you and the interaction I get from you. I’m not going anywhere I just need to re-find my inspiration. If you see it laying around will you let me know?
The next couple of weeks, both of my daughters will be home with me while I continue to work full-time writing during the day. It will be a challenge, but I’m totally looking forward to it. What can I say? I like my kids even when they drive me crazy.
Oh, I’m getting old! My body the last few weeks has not been cooperating. I get aches and pains all over the place. I’ve been exercising and my body hasn’t been enjoying it. For some reason, I feel that if I’m exercising it has to be some kind of calorie-burning endeavor, lately my body has been saying, “Mujer, what you need to do is stretch!” I finally listened and did just 20 minutes of yoga last night before going to bed and guess what, my body totally rewarded me by feeling better. Imma do it again tonight and so on and so forth.
Alrighty, that’s all I got to give at the moment. I’m just glad to be chattin’ at ya. Like I said, it’s been kinda quiet over here lately. I used to post every day. Oh well, it’s winter, maybe I’m just in blog hibernation. Okay, so maybe it’s not officially winter until December 21, but it sure has been feeling a lot like winter.
And now your Friday Fortune Cookie
(don’t forget to add “in bed” at the end, if you are so inclined):
Never fear the ho-hums because you never know when inspiration will strike.
Hosted by Mrs. 4444
Actually, yes, I totally understand the blogging feeling, or lack of. I am trying to find a restart this January. But holy cow, you are writing so much, don’t beat yourself up too much. Seriously. Folks will be here when you find your groove again. I find legos at the bottom of the dirty clothes hamper, maybe it’s there?? 😉
My body started falling apart a few months ago, or so it felt. Did yoga help you feel better? I may have to give that a shot.
You cracked me up with the Lego comment. Okay, so yesterday was my second evening of doing yoga in a row because my body aches like never before in the strangest places like never before and I can really tell that it is helping. Right now I’m only doing about 20 minutes because with all my aches and pains I’m really stiff, BUT I can really feel the difference that it is making and it obviously makes me want to do it more. I’ll increase slowly. I’m just happy for some relief of the stiffness and getting some flexibility back.
Ok this reminds me of my post on my less than visited blog, I can’t blog, titled, “Bring Back that Linky Feeling”.
Here’s a piece of it:
You never reply back anymore when I like your post
And there’s no updates like before in your feed list
You’re trying hard not to post it
But baby, baby I know it
You’ve lost that linky feeling
Ooh that linky feeling
You’ve lost that linky feeling
Now it’s gone gone gone oh oh oh
I hope your linky/bloggin feeling comes back strong.
Great! Now that tune and your lyrics are going to be stuck in my head all day. They are clever.
Life gets busy and it sounds like you have enough writing to do each day. I know I haven’t blogged very much, have things to share but can’t put my mind around them since other things are going on the have angered me. My family is on thin ice! We are always here for you when your ready 🙂
Hugs, Claudya! I was just wondering if I was missing updates from you. Relax – rejuvenate – after all it is the holiday season. I go through the same things – I guess everyone does. Listen to your body. Love you!
Take a break if you need to, especially at holiday-time. Give yourself time to rest lady!! =)
Exercise keeps up flexible doesn’t it? Well don’t get too tense about not blogging. Your life is full now. My advice would be to let it go a bit if you need to because your passions are being fulfillled with your job and raising your daughters right now. Blogging. Pfff. It can wait.
Have I told you lately how awesome I think you are? I think you are spot on. Blogging fulfills my need for interaction, communication, and creativity. Right now, I’m lucky to be getting enough of that elsewhere so the drive to put it all on the blog isn’t there like it once was, but I guess I miss the writing just for myself part and that’s what I want to remember to do. Even if it is just drivel, it’s my drivel and what blogging showed me was that there are a whole lot of other people out there that identify with my drivel.
I take a 10 minute yoga break every hour while I write. If I don’t I need a chiropractor. When my grandkids are here and I have to write I put a sheet down and put lots of craft stuff and paper down for them and tell them its their job (no help from me) I also give them bowls of Cheerios and M&M’s. It is usually good for an hour or so:)
Maybe your inspiration ran off with mine.
I feel like I have been editing forever.
Have a Merry Christmas!
I think this time of year brings so much extra busyness that we all suffer from writer’s block. Enjoy your daughters and have a wonderful Christmas!
Totally understand how you are feeling. I am hoping to find my blog mojo.
It’s like I’ve lost my blogging direction. I write so much that I can’t remember what I used to write about on the blog. Thank goodness for Fragmented Fridays (Friday Fragments) and Sundays in My City because those two give me a foundation.
You need a break for blogging.
I understand. I blog 2 times per month now.
That is enough!
Merry Christmas! Xx
I’m pretty sure no one ever regrets doing yoga. I’m so excited, because Mr.4444 has agreed to help me turn Kyle’s room into my own yoga haven! (You may live vicariously through me, friend 🙂 I’m very glad you check in here; it’s like you never forget your roots 🙂
It is cold enough for hibernation even if it isn’t officially winter. Maybe the blogger’s muse union is on strike, either that or the muses have all taken a winter siesta. I finally wrote a post the other day about having writers block and one reader commented that many are experiencing a blogging slump. So hang in there and we shall certainly hang in with you.
Working at home with little ones running around is challenging but hey you are super mom! 😀 I am sure you will find creative ways to enjoy the girls being home and still get a bit of work done.
Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas filled with love, laughter and priceless memories!