Before I get into how I was able to get rid of a skin tag at home, let me make it very clear that I AM NOT A DOCTOR. I am simply a woman who had a skin tag that she wanted to remove herself in the privacy of her own home and I found a product that help me do just that. Please, consult your doctor if you have any doubts that what you are trying to remove is actually a skin tag or not. Never take my advice over your doctor’s.
What is a skin tag?
OK, now that I’ve gotten that disclaimer out of the way, let’s talk about what makes a skin tag a skin tag. According to the Mayo Clinic:
Skin tags are noncancerous, flesh-colored growths that protrude from the skin, often on a narrow stalk. They’re common, particularly as you age. They’re also commonly seen in those who are pregnant or who have diabetes. Occurrence also runs in families.
About my skin tag
After having my first child, I developed a skin tag in a rather delicate area. I don’t want to tell you exactly where because, like I said, it’s a delicate area, but let’s just say I got a skin tag near something that rhymes with whipple. For years, I didn’t pay it any mind because it was small and didn’t bother me. Then one day when I was taking a shower, I noticed that seemingly overnight it had grown to GARGANTUAN proportions. OK, I’m exaggerating, but it had gotten a lot bigger and I really did not like the way it was competing for attention with that thing it was near that rhymes with whipple. I decided that it had to go before it got any bigger.
How do doctors get rid of skin tags?
In the process of researching how to get rid of my skin tag, I found out that doctors use several different methods including:
- Cryotherapy, which involves freezing the skin tag with liquid nitrogen
- Surgical removal, which involved cutting the skin tag off using a scalpel or scissors
- Electrosurgery, which involves burning off the skin tag using high-frequency electrical energy
- Ligation, which involves removing the skin tag by tying it off to cut off blood flow
I wondered if I could try ligation at home
When I read about ligation to get rid of a skin tag, it made me wonder if I could find a way to cut the blood flow off to my skin tag without going to the doctor. I went on Amazon and searched for different products to remove skin tags and came across one product that works using a tiny rubber band to cut off the flow of blood to your skin tag. This product has great reviews, some of which include some rather graphic and gag-worthy pictures to prove that it does indeed remove skin tags.
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Ulensy 2-in-1 Skin Tag Remover

I purchased the Ulensy 2-in-1 Skin Tag Remover, which comes with the tools you need to remove skin tags measuring anywhere from 2mm to 8mm. I followed the instructions and used a plastic tool to place a tiny rubber band around the base of my skin tag. It was not hard, it did not hurt. Then I waited. Within days, the skin tag started to change color and eventually turned black. It also started to shrivel and get hard. On the sixth day, the skin tag fell off. Yup, it fell off!
I would show you pictures, but it’s not possible because it’s the skin tag was so close to that thing that rhymes with whipple, but let me just say that were I to show you an “after” picture, you would never know that I once had a very prominent skin tag there.
Based on how it worked for me, I highly recommend the product. Still, remember that I am NOT a doctor, I’m just some lady who had a skin tag she wanted to get rid of. Please, always follow your doctor’s advice over mine.
Buy Ulensy 2-in-1 Skin Tag Remover
If you purchase the Ulensy Skin Tag Remover using this link, I will receive a small commission at no extra cost to you.
I hope it works for you as well as it did for me.
What sounds like a great solution to a common problem. ooh! And, following the link you share, they are available in the UK.