Don’t you just love a good love story? I know I do and I’m particularly fond of my own. I met the man I love and married over 14 years ago. Time flies when you are having fun. Via the social media magic of the How We Met App on Facebook, I can share a bit of our love story with you.
Feel free check out the rest of our online How We Met Story.
What about you? What’s your story? Do you have a love story to share? Don’t be shy.
Okay, what if I sweeten the deal? What if in exchange for sharing your love story via the How We Met App on Facebook you get a chance to win 2 Windows Phones, one for you and one for your sweetie?
I’ll tell you what, I am in the midst of another love story. The more time I spend with my Windows Phone, the more in love I fall with it. I have no doubt that when you #MeetYours, you will fall in love as well.
The Giveaway
Follow the instructions in the widget below to enter for a chance to win 2 Windows Phones. Good luck!
Click here to create your own How We Met story!
Content and/or other value provided by our partner, Windows Phone.
2 cute!!
Love it! (Michelle Hudak)
That was fun!
How fun!
I just thought after reading this, that I should update my last post (about windows 8 – how strange is that?) and mention that I was not sponsored in any way for it. Don’t tell you got a phone from this.
Content and/or other value provided by our partner, Windows Phone.
Wow!!. Amazing.
Our story <3
correction from the above link
Link to our love story 🙂
Funny enough, we met through his mother! Something he’ll never be able to live down as long as he lives. She’d met me long before he and I’d ever met and made it her personal mission to get us together. It took some time…but she didn’t relent and finally succeeded. We celebrate a decade of an amazing love this year and we thank his mom on a regular basis!
That’s a great story.
I’ve heard that the camera is better than that of an Iphone. My phone is dead, so I could use a new one.
Not currently with anyone, so I just did it with my sister… haha
Perfectly acceptable.
rachelmarietravis at gmail dot com
excellent giveaway!
great fun
How I met my friend Samantha…
So cute!
great post. I love the Windows Phone layout and how it is totally new and different from the other phones on the market
Awesome –
My boyfriend and I love the new Windows Phones!
Beautiful! Windows phone is amazing, hope you get yours! and congratulations, its a good story =D
One phone for me, one for Felicia Day, my future wife.
Can’t use the “How we met” app 🙁 so i share it here:
But ist the Story of How my Girlfriend met her WP 🙂
Maybe it isn’t a love-story.. but when my Girlfriend and I met nearly 2nhalf years ago, she needed a new mobile. I gave her my Omnia 7 to “test” it because she wasn’t sure if Android, Apple or Windows was the best for her. She was so in love with the Omnia that she bought herself an Omnia 7 as well.Yesterday I updated hers and mine to 7.8. Now we “share” a startscreen. I got her in the middle of my Startscreen and she put me at her Center…. But there’s stille a little difference between our two years old phones: I go with steel-grey while she’s with Purpur 🙂
You are so freaking cool : )
Not as cool as you!
Good Memories!
e: double post.
Much to my Girlfriends disdain, I don’t have a Facebook account! Here’s my story, however!
I was walking home from a rather terrible day at work when I noticed two people pulling a dozen shopping bags out of a taxi in front of my apartment complex. After how dreadful my day was I figured it might make me feel better to help someone else.I approached the taxi and discovered a young lady and her mother deliberating over how they would transport all the groceries to their apartment.I offered to help them and carried the bulk of the groceries, chatting happily as went to their apartment. The young lady introduced herself as Maggie and told me her mother was visiting for the weekend. As we drew near to her apartment I discovered she lived on the floor beneath me and told her where I lived. Upon delivering the groceries and helping put them all away I was invited by Maggie and her mother to stay for dinner. However being the shy boy I was I declined and politely left.An hour later I received a knock on my door and opened it to find a plate of cookies and a thank you note on my doorstep. The cookies were delicious and after much excitement and anxiety I went downstairs to return the plate. We talked for hours and really hit it off. 3 weeks and a half dozen successful dates later I asked her out and we’ve been together ever since!
Sadly, she has since moved to Louisiana for college, leaving me in Florida. We still Skype daily and mail each other letters (just the other day she mailed me bacon and choc chip cookies!) however Windows phones would do wonders for our relationship.
The plan is to surprise her in New Orleans on Valentines Day with flowers and an enormous hug. Wish me luck!
Here’s mine:
my hubby Jose is not on FB but one of my BFF’s is… so I used her in my how we met:
Here is mine
i dont have a love story to tell
No love story, but my sister does mean the world to me.
Here’s mine!
We didn’t meet on Facebook, tho… We met WAY pre-Facebook. 😀
I’m having issues with the story.
I met my wife by accident, and it was the best accident that has ever happened to me.
Made me realize that I have been with my now wife for eight years. I feel old.
(I can explain the duct tape picture…
Here is my wonderful love story!!! 😀
My wife and I met in college and I love the way this application could sum up the beginning of our lives together. I’ll never forget when I first saw her in English class. I sat in front of her and would try to make small talk. She remembers how I kept asking where she worked because I’ve never heard of the city she was from even though it was about 30 minutes away. about September or November I had to drop the class due to my full time job needing me to be there earlier. I didn’t get to tell her I was dropping it. I received an email from her through our school email a few weeks later. She was asking what happened to me. I responded explaining why I had to drop the class and I sent my cell phone number. It was a long shot I thought but why not. Well I didn’t check my school email again until after the holidays in January. I found an email from her responding to what sent which included her phone number. I was excited and nervous and felt bad because its been months by now and I know in her mind she must think I didn’t want to talk but I did. So I took another long shot and sent her an email back apologizing for not responding and explaining why and I also told her I would call tonight after work. So that night after work I called her and I was scared that maybe she didn’t get the email or maybe she forgot who I was. But I was wrong. She answered and we started talking. I later found out she had stored my number in her phone the day I sent it to her. She didn’t call me because she always wanted the guy to call first. We started dating that month and about two years later we were married. This year will be five years married to the woman of my dreams!
my story –
Here is mine
Uhm I don’t really know how to start. He started out as my best friend
like any other story, I play games. Video games, and I met him on Call
of Duty 4 Modern Warfare 2. It was afghan map. He was constantly noob
tubing and rpging me. Everytime I spawned he found me. I would get so
mad and yell at him. I was playing with my ex boyfriend at the time. He
was laughing to. Eventually we kept playing Cod together or other xbox
360 game we had together. We became very close friend. When I was having
problems he was there. More so than my ex who had ignored me for days
just because he wanted “guy time” He wouldn’t even tell me why he did
it. I eventually dumb that guys ass. Dylan who I have been talking about
had been my friend for over 3 years and one day he had told me he was
dating a girl, and it upset me. I was really bothered by the girl. I
didn’t think she was right or anything. I would tell him. I eventually realized I felt like jealousy. I had liked him. I didn’t tell him I held it to myself for the longest times.
They eventually fell out because she lied about her age. They lived in
the same town and told Dylan she was turning 17 he was 18 at the time.
So he was cool with it. Than when his mom met her, and found out from
other people she was actually 14 that was not happening. I was there for
him, like he was for me. I cheered him up like he cheered me up. Than
one day he was like I think I like you Raven. I was speechless Like
what? A thing I haven’t mentioned is…I had lived in Chicago at the
time, and he was in New Jersey. We decided to try it out. We dated for a
while his mom wanted to know who this girl he talks to all the time
was. So her and I started to talk and it was great. She asked if I
wanted to fly out there for a visit. I said sure. I flew to Jersey, and
never left since. We’ve been dating for almost two years now. We still
play video games together. Do so much together. I couldn’t imagine a
life with out him or his family. His family has helped so much and are
so wonderful.
thuy vu
Thanks for the chance!
Our story.. I was a small town football player, she was a small town 80’s rocker chick. She normally liked long hair rocker guys, not short hair athletes. But when fate steps in, nothing can stop it. After two years of dating in High School, I went off to college in another state. She had 2 years of high school left and didnt want to hold me back, or be the girl waiting at home. With many tears we broke up. By the time I returned home, it was too late, she seemed to have moved on. What I didnt know was everytime she saw me, her heart broke a little more. I moved off to the big city, she was the only thing in that town I wanted, and started a new life. 20 years later I was sitting in my local Dallas sports bar doing some work. I was recently separated from a 16 year marriage. I took a break and opened up my facebook. There staring back at me was those green eyes of emerald and red hair that you wish every sunset was the color of. Tonya. My first love. I sent a message saying hi and we started talking. Work forgotten, I found out she was recently single and coming to Dallas that next friday to bring her daughter to Six Flags. I wouldnt have missed it for the world. That was Oct 2010. On April 4, 2011 we went to the NASCAR (our favorite sport) race at Texas MS. With the help of a friend, I set this up… … and now after 20 years apart, my first love is my last love, my best friend, and my wife.
Anyway to enter without facebook?
Unfortunately, that is the mandatory requirement.
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Me and my husband went to school together all of our life. We was friends for awhile and I never had 1 thought of US. Then we graduated high school and met a few yrs later and I have been with him every day since we saw ech other out that day. We are happily married and will celebrate our 12 th anniversary this yr. Our phones are almost as old as our relationship…lol and I would love to surprise him with this. Thanks!
My story begins late one night in front of my computer. It was just me and my son living in our small 2 bedroom house on Route 4 just outside of Dayton. I was on one of those chat programs, you know, the ones that have more adds and bots than actual people. Well after about 30 mins of non-stop bots propositioning me to visit them on their web cams and rate them I was fed up. I decided to answer one last chat request and then I was going to uninstall the program and be done with it! Well she came on said hi and I said hi back and then I asked her if she was going to try to invite me to some website to rate her or something like that? She said no, so we began to talk a little bit and then she had to hop off. Well we befriended each other and if any of you have ever chatted with someone and then befriended them, you know that is usually as far as it goes, not a whole lot of talking after that. Well our conversations continued on and off from time to time, very sporadic. It was very cool to find out that she didn’t live a million miles away from, she actually lived in the same state, on the same street, she was about 3 hours north of me! Well as time went on we kept talking on and off, we even advanced to text messaging each other and talking on the phone. We even exchanged a few photos to put a name with a face. Well after about a year or so we decided that we were going to meet in person. So we picked a place that was about 1/2 way between the both of us, a public place. Well I am not sure about her but when she stepped around the side of her van and I actually saw her for the fist time in person I knew she was the one. We kissed for the first time on that day and all the cheesy romance stories about fireworks, etc. I felt them! We got married a year later and have been happy every since! She is all the strengths to my weaknesses, the ying to my yang.
We are getting ready to celebrate our 3rd year of marriage and fyi – after the doctors told me that it would be very difficult for us to have a baby, due to my low number of swimmers we were blessed with a little boy who will be turning 1 the same month as our anniversary. We still live on Route 4, I chose to move up to her!
Aww, thank you for sharing your story; it’s beautiful. I wish you much continued love and joy.
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