This post was produced on Wednesday, to be consumed starting on Thursday night because I have the 4th of July off and so does my hubby and we are heading off to be with family. Woo hoo! We’ll be in Sacramento where it will be hotter than Hades, but the company will be cool.
I wrote a post at MamásLatinas about a crazy derranged man who held a baby at knife point at Walmart. Awful stuff, right? Well, someone left a comment on it using the “N”-word and I just can’t get over it. Now I’m used to my bloggy world where I have to say we are all pretty polite to each other. I understand that we are not all going to have the same views, but you know what, I’m totally okay with that and I’m okay with finding the common ground that we do have. I would never go out of my way to leave a hateful comment. Just wouldn’t do it. It’s not particularly easy to comment at MamásLatinas either, you have to either register on the site or use a Facebook account. This person used a Facebook account that has no info on it. Anyway, I reported the comment because it is inappropriate, but I just can’t get over it.
Peace, love, and a very happy 4th of July. I hope it was a good day for you.
(don’t forget to add “in bed” at the end, if you are so inclined):

Go out of your way to spread love, not hate.
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Hope you enjoyed your 4th of July.
🙁 I have to say, your blog is one of the few I’ve read where the comments are always polite and positive and I think its because that is what you project even when you are writing about difficult things.
What goes around, comes around… I always leave your blog feeling better than when I came.
Enjoy your weekend…hope your 4th WAS cool in the Sacramento heat.
It’s unfortunate for all of us that people full of hate get such a voice on the internet. Also many have noticed that society has become ruder. I really don’t understand why. Glad to see you added FF hosting to your holiday planning.
The N word really gets me. Good for you for reporting it!
Happy 4th of July. I hope you enjoyed you family time!
That really stinks, about that comment. I wouldn’t appreciate that kind of comment on my own blog. I’m sorry you had to experience that. I hope your 4th was fantastic.
It was a good 4th, too hot, but good. I hope yours was good too. Hugs.
There is never a time when the “N” word should be used. The person was wrong and I’m glad you reported them.
That is so sad. I am so tired of comments like that online and in person. I am so gld you reported the coward. (they are always anonymous)
I hope your weekend is fabulous!!
I am not much younger than Paula, and I was raised in the Deep South. I didn’t use that word as a child. Instinctively it just wasn’t part of our lifestyle in our family. It was offensive 50 years ago and it’s offensive today, too. Some people just like to write nasty comments for the sake of inciting something. Enjoy time with your family.
The only word more appalling than the “N” word is the “C” word.
NO! These words (the implication of hate) WILL NOT be tolerated. EVER.
On the other hand, Have a nice weekend. Xx
I would have a hard time with that too. That word makes me nauseous. =(
It makes me sad that anyone still uses that word . I was raised in the South by a family who told me that it was the worst word I could ever say. It was held in worse contempt than any expletive. My heart hurts with you.
One of my pet peeves is hearing someone use any derogatory word. It especially drive me crazy to hear rappers call themselves the “N” word. Have they no respect for their race, or their own person? Good for you to report it. I hope you and your family had a wonderful 4th.