Welcome, to the first official installment of I Comment Therefore I Am, where I create a post out of comments I’ve left on other blogs and comments you’ve left on mine.
Let’s start off with examples of my commentary genius!
In response to It’s Serious This Time writing, “Thanks pilgrims for feeding the Indians before you killed them all and took over their land so we can celebrate with a feast!!” (Don’t get mad people she was being hilarious.)
This post kicked ass. I particularly like the way you refer to Thanksgiving because even though I love what the holiday has come to mean in my life, let’s not forget about history.
On Columbus Day, I always want to wear a T-shirt that says “Celebrate the Slaughter”, but I know that won’t go over well. I wouldn’t mind celebrating Italian-American Day, but Columbus wasn’t so good for my peoples. I’m just sayin…
In response to The Ramblings of a Disgruntled Secretary eavesdropping overhearing someone say they got a call from a telemarketer speaking “Mexican”!!!
Okay, this one just made the hairs on the back of my neck stick up!
I was a a wedding reception with an ex once and apparently I was the token Mexican there. One woman was talking to me like I was the most interesting thing she had ever seen. She asked me, “Do you speak Mexican?”
I wanted to lecture the shit out of her, but it was a party so I said, “I speak Spanish and English. Do you speak American?” She laughed and said, “Oh, I never thought of it that way.” Yeah whatever! Drives me friggin’ batty. That and calling all Latinos Mexican.
Great now I’m going to have to do a post about this. (But now I don’t have to because I’m posting the comment!)
In response to a guest post by Mr Condescending on Hot Piece of Sass where he refers to a sexual move called the Angry Pirate:
Oh, I’ve been the accidental recipient of the Angry Pirate and I’m still mad!
In response to A Nut in a Nutshell writing about name tags:
I hate name tags! If people want to know my name, they can ask. The worst is when you are wearing a name tag and you forget and people keep calling you by your name. I get all freaked out and think, “How the hell do I know these people and why can’t I remember their names?” Until I remember, I’m the dork wearing the name tag. Duh!
And now from the Peanut Gallery! These comments were left on my blog, maybe from you.
Mommakin wrote:
Ok, I’m concerned. Very concerned. I know I left a comment on your original post about comments. It was probably very clever. When I went back to look for it, it was not there. What if my brilliant comments are being lost in the wide world of web? If I comment, therefore I am – what am I if I comment and it is lost? I am very afraid.
To which I responded:
Oh, I got the comment on the original post and it was brilliant!
And Tammy, if you were a tree and you fell in the forest, I would be there to catch you.
And again from Mommakin, this time she is being a smartass:
Wanna play along? Go forth, spread the comment love, and turn it into a post. Then link up! Recycle, reuse, and reduce my friends; it’s the wave of the future.
Oh and feel free to comment on my comments.
If you play along please link back and/or post the button below. Spread the love, spread the love!You can link up even if you don’t post on Monday.

I need your feedback. I am not 100% committed to doing this as a weekly feature. Would you prefer it as a weekly or monthly feature? Weekly it would be every Monday; monthly it would be the last Monday of every month sort of like a Commentsgiving Day. Please let me know what you think in the comments. Thank you!
Well, at the risk of being one of those irritating people who says: 'I don't mind' when asked a direct question…er, I don't mind whether this is weekly or monthly. I read fewer blogs than many in the blogosphere so there may be some weeks when I won't be taking part – in that sense a monthly round up would probably suit me better, but I'm happy to go with the flow.
I love your response to 'Do you speak Mexican' … see I'm always good at thinking of witty responses to idiots like that about 15 minutes after the incident happens. …Not much use then!
Love the comment examples you posted here. A friend of mine who is Irish once “received a compliment” that her English was really good. Being Irish with a hot temper, (I know, stereotype alert!) she DID curse out the kindly Grandma on the bus, “Of course I F–ing speak English!” If all your comments are going to be like the ones you included in your post above, I'd like it to be a weekly feature. Classic!
I like this…will you remind me so I can do it next week?? No, seriously…remind me…please…
At the risk of going against the grain, I'd love to see your Commentsgiving come to life. It would be a break from the weekly carnival routine. I also like the novelty of appreciating those who take the time to share their thoughts and feedback with you. It kind of makes what you are doing truly about them.
Just my two cents. However it plays out will be great, I'm sure!
I love your sassy style! Once in a while, I leave a comment and I think it's almost too good to leave! 😉
Oh, man – the pressure to be clever is on! And me with nothing. Damn.
I'm sorry my comment thingy doesn't like you because you know I do. I know you've had issues before. I've looked into uninstalling it, but I can't stand the thought of losing all my comments.
Do not fear sex, just fear mean spirited partners and keep your husband off the internet.
I like it so I wouldn't mind seeing it weekly, however, if I saw it only monthly, I would be thrilled for the last Monday of the month.
Doing it weekly might leave a shorter post…but doing it monthly might make it a really long post.
Either way, I'll keep coming back.
I would love this to be once per month…last Monda is good!
This is so much fun!! I will have to remeber to d this next time.
First of all, your comment thingy doesn't like me. I'm serious! I opened the page and read your post and then proceeded to go comment but I couldn't. The comment box didn't exist. At first I forgot that you had Disqus Comments and was looking for the link for comments like most of the blogs have. Finally after refreshing the page (and thinking I lost my mind) the comment box showed up.
I looked up the Angry Pirate. The page had many other “moves” listed, probably 98% involve pain, mean-ness and discusting acts toward the woman. I am so glad that my husband doesn't have many friends and that he doesn't get online much because if he discovered these he would probably try one thinking it was funny. Now I fear sex.
I kept trying to write my comment in Mexican but then I remembered, I only speak American.
You made me laugh! Yes you did.
My comments suck dirty monky butt lately. I would be embarrassed to showcase them. Although, I have come up with some witty responses…the comments are better than the post usually!
This post kicked ass! Haha. What a great idea. Your Columbus comment is funny.
Married late-30s latina in the SF Bay Area… do you have a single sister? (I'm a single dad, on the prowl…)
Love your comment about Columbus Day, I'm with you on the t-shirts.
I love your clever comments. It shows you've taken the time to read the post and aren't just leaving the typical overused phrases. I think it's a good idea and because I enjoy your blog so much there is an award waiting for you on my blog. Congrats!
This dork doesn't get it…you take comments people have left you on another post and comment back to them in this post? Sorry, the old lady in me is taking over my brain right now. Do I have it right? Thanks!
liz at noexcuses
Cheese is one of my favorite food stuffs, closely followed by garlic stuffed olives. Thank you for a delightful read 🙂
Oh going to college as the lone islander in a sea of boarding school kids, I got some “fun” comments…
“Oh you're from Trinidad! Is that in Jamaica?”
“I think I've seen that on the Discovery channel. You guys live in thatched huts right?”
“So… are those like the first pair of shoes you've owned?”
And my favourite… “Speak English!”
Because my lack of American accent obviously indicates a weak grasp of the English language. Because we all know the US is the only English-speaking country in the world.
I'm going to play but it might take me a day or two to get the post up on my blog. I'm buried in daily life.
I save comments that I left on other people's blogs that are interesting and I make a post out of them. Or if someone left a particularly interesting comment on one of my posts I will share it.
No worries. I left the linky open so you don't have to post on a Monday.
Oh my gosh, can you imagine if you wore a shirt like that on Thanksgiving? I think many people forget the origin of that “holiday.”
“Do you speak Mexican?” Makes me think of the movie Clueless.
I still think you need a whole post on speaking Mexican and the like so people can search it out and find it more easily. It's one of my pet peeves, too. Our preschool has a very high concentration of Hispanic children, and it always disappoints me when people assume they're all Mexican. Then again, I'm always disappointed when I run into a child who doesn't speak a word of English yet was born in Chicago, but that's an entirely different issue.
You are a comment genius. I love your style lady. Witty, classy and you have Big, Beautiful Brown Eyes!!
I feel compelled to be witty and incisive when commenting on comments and yet nothing is coming. Never fear, however, I'm sure at 2 am something brilliant will come. That's the way it works for me. I would never have come up with the “Do you speak American” comeback at the time. I'm the girl that tends to say things like “Oh, yeah?” and other such zingers. So I will go to bed now and when something great comes, I'll know that's what I should have posted.
In the mean, I love your comments, almost as much as your blog, so I would certainly read it weekly or monthly. I don't know that I leave comments worthy of Mclinking, however. (As this comment probably points out!)
Truth is, if you do it… I'm gonna love it! 🙂
I don't know I might have to showcase this one on my next I Comment Therefore I Am post.
I do WANT to participate, however today I had to blog about Prematurity for Prematurity Awareness Day, a cause near and dear to my heart.
I probably am not witty enough to do a comment post every week, but either way works for me!
I love the one about the name tag!
what a genious idea! now if only i left funny witty comments everywhere i went like you!
I was completely LOL@the name tage scenario
I think this is a fun idea, but openly admit I have enough issues with my Rant and Rave Wednesdays..am a horrible blogger and the stress of another weekly entry (although helpful) would have my head explode.
I do love that someone commented they were worried for you and 100% agree about the name tags. I hate name tags.
Something for you on my blog…
I will remind you.
You rule the comment kingdom. We would be snoozing if I did a post on my comments.
Tuesday's Tales in Two Hundred – Going In Circles
just commit already and thanks for being a follower 🙂 ha! you silly mexican-speaking angry pirate getting anonymous blogger. that better get me in next week's feature. actually it's totally bleh. i sucka at this.
You are a Commenter Supreme!
Taco Blog watch out!
sorry…it was the whole Mexican thing…
I think this idea and your execution are brilliant. I'm not great at doing anything I have to do once a week. And I think it would be more fun to do once a month in order to have more comments to pull from 🙂
Whew! Those were great. I actually had a name tag moment last week that you reminded me about – thank you! I love this concept for a carnival. I know that I can probably participate more often if this is a once a week or biweekly event.
And that was one of the best comments I've ever had!! Did he peg-leg you, matey?
I love this…and the angry pirate move? I hope I never know! LOL.
I think this is a brilliant idea, except now I feel as though I should be a bit more witty and or charming when leaving a comment, because who know when I may be featured! Unknown Mami, I love your way of thinking you are a true pioneer with your contributions to the blogosphere. Best of luck to you CHICA!
Sassy Chica
I think it's a terrific idea and would love it every week. But then again, you have a life and that's real dedication!
I love that you say “hell” and “ass” on your blog. And I also like the Sundays in my City meme, think I will join up. I have many random pics of my town, they are currently sitting in my computer with no purpose. Purpose-less no longer! See you on Sunday.
Yay! I love seeing where people live on Sundays. I'll stop by before then, but I look forward to seeing you on Sunday.
Glad you posted this. I found a couple of cute blogs.
And I want that button! But if I have to be clever to get it, we're talking long shot.
I love this comment concept. The idea has crossed my mind a few times. I vote for monthly and would love to play along.
Eek, I am so far behind in my blog reading – I totally missed this from you!
I LOVE the tshirt idea!!! I might actually make up a table centerpiece with this slogan on it for dinner next week!
This is a great idea – I will play along once I get all caught up in my reading/commenting. I'm feeling really overwhelmed with all the fabulous blog posts I haven't read yet!!
As per your request, I am reminding you that “I Comment Therefore I Am” is happening again this Monday. I hope you get a chance to participate.
I love this feature of yours! Keep them coming!!
i never left a comment on this blog.. maybe because the “comment” link is not so impressive eyecatching.. but thats what i like about this blog.
Its nice and quite, no people leaving stupid comments or having bullshit discussions.
its just a good blog to get your latest information in design/art world.
keep it up
anti keylogger
This is my first comment but I feel like I should have been making loads of comments now because I always like your stuff. Maybe comments are for more hit and miss blogs than your own. When you maintain a consistent level of high quality output I reckon people are less inclined to comment because they have come to expect it from you. Just a theory.
Never really occurred to me to leave a comment on the designboom weblog.. i mean sure, i read you guys everyday, but the posts i find interesting i fave or bookmark or share the url to others, rather than clicking the comment link.
It’s good to know your stand towards this comment thing going on. I’ve visited some design sites before that I find have repetitive comments from visitors, might be one of those you were pertaining to.
I find I respect designboom more for the lack of comment obsession 🙂
anti keylogger