It’s Monday, which means I get to celebrate my commenting journey through the blogosphere with you! When pondering my existence I remind myself that I comment, therefore I am.
I read this wonderful quote on Olive Me: “If you have come here to help me, you are wasting your time. But if you have come here because your liberation is bound up with mine, then let us work together.” – Lilla Watson This really struck a chord with me…
…your liberation is bound up with mine…Wow! That is what we fail to realize most of the time, that we are bound up in each other’s liberation.
When asked for advice about whether to have a C-section or vaginal birth Mrs. Blogalot advocates C-section and trumpets her “unstretched” , “taut” vaginal opening as a benefit. Well, I can’t stand by and say nothing…
Listen, my husband swears that he loves my roomier digs. Honestly, I was so tight before I could and did crack nuts. Now nuts stay intact. Maybe your vagina was just a little floppy to begin with because mine is absolutely perfect after a vaginal birth.
I went back and added the following as an afterthought because my husband said my humor might not come across as funny (What does he know? He doesn’t even read my blog.)You know I’m kidding right? About you having a floppy vagina, not about me having a perfect one.
How do you feel about email signatures? Meeko Fabulous is not so crazy about some them and provided some examples of particular irritants. This really got me to thinking about what I would like me email signature to say…
I am going to add a signature to my emails that reads, “I am a lost soul searching for comfort in a lonely world. My smile hides my insecurities and frailties. When dealing with me handle with care. Do not reuse, recycle, or reduce me.”
At Out of the Extraordinary I read about “comment snob” versus “comment snot” and left a comment about commenting…
I’m not gonna lie. I am a complete and utter comment junkie. Part of it is that I truly enjoy the interactive part of blogging. I am aware though that much of the reason I get comments is that I give comments. I comment so much that I have a regular Monday feature called I Comment Therefore I Am. Early on in my life as a blogger I decided that I would not post every day. That freed up time to visit other blogs and comment. I also find that I get more comments on my posts if I don’t post everyday. People are busy and might only have time to read one post.
Again at Out of the Extraordinary on Fridays she posts a real word with its real definition and challenges you to come up with a fake definition. This Friday’s word was marginalize and here’s my faux definition:
Marginalize v. To ruin or taint gin. “She put cranberry juice in my gin. What a way to marginalize!”
Every Sunday I get to travel around the world through the participants of Sundays In My City. Sonya has been a wonderful contributor week after week. This week I was shocked to click over and see Rectum. That’s right Rectum with a capital R. Apparently, it’s a town in The Netherlands. Of course, I had to say something about it…
Rectum?! I never expected to click over and see Rectum I didn’t think you had that kind of a blog.
The wonderful thing about blogging is that you develop a relationship with other bloggers. Commenting makes it interactive. I would like to end with a response that I got from Living in France about a comment I left on her blog.
OMG, girl, you freakin’ crack me up! Everytime I read one of your comments I start laughing. It’s getting embarrassing. The kids are looking at me like I’m a monkey jacked up on crack. : )
That’s it for this edition of I Comment Therefore I Am.
Do you give good comment? Wanna play along? Go forth, spread the comment love, and turn it into a post (I keep a draft post open while I read blogs throughout the week). Recycle, reuse, and reduce my friends; it’s the wave of the future.
Oh and feel free to comment on my comments otherwise how will I know that you exist.
If you play along please link back and/or post the button below. Spread the love, spread the love!

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