Welcome to another edition of I Comment Therefore I Am, where I put together a post from comments I’ve left on other blogs. Below are some of my favorite posts from the previous week and what they inspired me to say.
Meeko wrote a great post about the term Latino vs. Hispanic and also about ethno-centric clubs in school. Here’s what I think:
Oh Meeko, why didn’t we go to school together? I’m probably way older than you, but still.I call myself Latina and don’t like the term Hispanic, but I won’t cut off anyone’s head for using it. I just don’t believe that I am his panic or anyone’s panic for that matter. Hispanic is a term coined by the U.S. government for the Census in the 70’s and referencing Hispania (Spain). As far as I’m concerned, it focuses too much on the Iberian peninsula. I do however understand that most people do not know the history of the word so no harm, no foul.I never felt comfortable joining what I consider to be “centric” clubs. I’m all about being proud of your background and origins, but I am uncomfortable with isolation. Perhaps, if there were clubs that celebrated heritage and were open to people of all ethnic backgrounds I would be more comfortable.
The Peach Tart stole an e card from Green-Eyed Momster that reads, “Don’t forget that a blow jobs are like flowers for men”, which made me think…
Am I supposed to give him 12 long stemmed blow jobs? My jaw is aching at the thought of it.
I was reading a post at Olive Me that I can not summarize because I would not do it justice. I recommend that you take the time to read it. It is long, but sooo worth the effort. Here is the comment I left:
I know it’s not the same, but a lot of what you have written here and in other posts resonates with me because of my ethnic background. I happen to be Mexican, but many people can’t tell by looking at me and say things that are idiotic. Most of the time I can tell when someone just goofed but is really not a racist. To the people that just goofed I take the time to explain that you should not call all Latino people Mexican because they are not all from Mexico. But there are those that say such horrid things and then add phrases like, “not you, of course” or “I’m just kidding”. That just makes my skin crawl. I very often get accused of reading into things or being hypersensitive and not just about race issues. The thing is it’s about perspective. I am not being hypersensitive, this is my reality. I see it because it affects me. Many people don’t see it because it does not negatively impact them, that does not make it any less real or important. I’m babbling and I don’t know if I am getting my point across.
Mama-face had me in tears as she recalled a difficult pregnancy.
Thank you for telling this story. My heart aches for any woman that goes through a similar situation.
I had a horrible pregnancy, the stuff of nightmares, worse than anything I could have imagined. I thought I was going crazy, losing my mind. I felt so alone in my terror. Fortunately, I got help. It took a long time to feel better, but eventually I was not in a constant state of panic and sometimes I was able to sleep or smile.…In many ways I feel like I was robbed of the joy of being pregnant and the joy of giving birth. Thankfully, I have not been robbed of the joy of my daughter. I am also a kinder, more empathetic person because of what I went through.
Frau was talking about the brilliant things that run through her mind in the middle of the night when she should be sleeping, but then go poof in the morning. I wanted her to know that she is not alone in her nighttime brilliance.
I have solved some major world problems in the middle of the night. The weird thing is that in the morning I can’t remember the solutions I came up with, but I know they were brilliant and simple.
Heather from the Extraordinary Ordinary times herself while doing certain tasks. I do too!!!
I hate cleaning, it sucks. I bribe myself into doing it by setting time limits. I turn on the timer on the stove for 20 minutes and then clean whatever I can in that amount of time. When the timer goes off I’m done. It turns out I can get a lot of cleaning done in 20 minute.
Eva believes that you need to laugh with your significant other at least once a day. I couldn’t agree more.
I’m with you on the laughter at least once a day, that’s why I point at my husband whenever he’s changing and laugh heartily at him. I feel so much better and loving afterward. I don’t like it when he does it to me though. When he does it, it’s not funny, it’s just rude.
That’s it for this edition of I Comment Therefore I Am.
Do you give good comment? Wanna play along? Go forth, spread the comment love, and turn it into a post (I keep a draft post open while I read blogs throughout the week). Recycle, reuse, and reduce my friends; it’s the wave of the future.
Oh and feel free to comment on my comments otherwise how will I know that you exist.
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