At WaystationOne I pondered the question, “Sometimes I wonder is it more important to be right all the time?”…
I am an obstinate fool, pushing with all my might for victory because, “Damn it, I’m right!”.
Unfortunately, winning that way always makes me wrong. Will I ever learn?
At The Absence of Alternatives I read a post that asked, “Do you know what you are reading to your children?” As in you are reading them something, but what are they taking away from it. Their interpretation might surprise you. I was not read bedtime stories. My family was more into oral tradition. These are a couple of the stories I used to get:
I used to get put to bed with stories of La Llorona, who drowned her children and cried for them at night or La Mano Peluda (The Hairy Hand) that lived under the bed. I’ve never had an easy time falling asleep. I wonder why?
I’d like to end with a couple of comments left on my Fragmented Fridays post.
From the Philosophy of KLo:
The thing is, I’d like to hope that in the year 2010, we could all just look at people as “people”. Everyone hurts, laughs, defecates, breathes, has a heart that pumps blood … to dismiss people because of the color of their skin, or where they live, or what their family history is … it just seems to me like we should be so OVER this by now … 🙁
And from Pieces of Me:
…ignorance pisses me off, ugh, why can’t we just take each individual as just that AN INDIVIDUAL? My husband is Latino- Puerto Rican and I am Italian-Irish American, I get looks all the time, sometimes I see women grab their purse when he stands next to them and I wanna slap the stupid out of them, but I don’t care mostly because I was raised to believe we are all just people, love doesn’t know colors or shapes and sizes or class, it is just love…I was taught to love not to judge and that is how all children should be taught, period!
That’s it for this edition of I Comment Therefore I Am.
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