Welcome to another edition of I Comment Therefore I Am, where I put together a post from comments I’ve left on other blogs. Below are some of my favorite posts from the previous week and what they inspired me to say.
Write Away featured an “I Comment Therefore I Am” post in which she shared a comment she made about what mothers are called by their offspring in different parts of the world, which led me to write…
I always called my mother Ama when I was annoyed or Mami the rest of the time. Mami is said in Spanish like, “mah-mee”. When I came up with the name of my blog it didn’t occur to me that some people would pronounce it Mammy. Most of my readers are from the U.S. so I say, “Not Mammy from the South, but Mami from South of the Border.”
Doreen has been going through some tough times lately. Fortunately, there is the wonderful fact that she is expecting the release of her book. She is having mixed feelings because her book is about the true story of her brother’s murder. I had to respond to what she wrote because I think she needs to re-frame her perspective. I start off by quoting her…
“I have always dreamed of being a writer and that dream has come true I feel bad celebrating because I am realizing my dream because my brother died.”-No!No!No!No! You are framing this incorrectly. You are not realizing your dream because your brother died. You ARE a writer, your dream would have been realized no matter what in this lifetime. Unfortunately, your brother died and it has informed your writing. We do not exist in a void. As a creative person your creative output will be influenced by your life. How could you not write about what you have written about?
This is not a comment, but a shout out: if you enjoy the comment sections of blogs go visit lisleman’s new blog, I can’t blog , where it’s all about the comments. There is only one post and all the action happens in the comments section.
That’s it for this edition of I Comment Therefore I Am.
Do you give good comment? Wanna play along? Go forth, spread the comment love, and turn it into a post (I keep a draft post open while I read blogs throughout the week). Recycle, reuse, and reduce my friends; it’s the wave of the future.
Oh and feel free to comment on my comments otherwise how will I know that you exist.
If you play along please link back and/or post the button below. Spread the love, spread the love! You can grab the button code from my sidebar.
Hey a shout off is so much better than a yell out (your yell would be implied of course). Thanks and yes the “action” is in the comments.
I've been to both of those great blogs and I know I found the 'Write Away' one here.
I agree with your profound statement on creativity.
Hola Amiga! Hope you are having a great summer with your beautiful family.
I call my mother Mami all the time. Once when I was younger (high school I believe) I said it to…someone (it was a guy) and they were like “you call your mother mommy? What are you five?”
Yeah, it took a long while to explain to him what I said but I dont think he believed me. Granted it was a high school boy – so they are knuckleheads anyways. I call her Mami most of the time, but when I'm upset its just Ma. To which she replies to neither…long story short; when we are out in public I hafta call her by her real name or she wont answer me.
Mah-mee – Thanks for the clarification. I had it all wrong. As to Doreen, you are right on. I understand her position but honsetly believe her brother wold be proud to have been the inspiration for her writing to come out of the closet. Write on.
That is a great comment to Doreen. Oh yeah, that's right, you aren't blonde like I am. You make sense. Ha. Seriously, I hope what you told Doreen reaches her.
I'm embarrassed to admit that I thought it was Mammy for a couple seconds.
I was pronouncing it wrong (in my head, at least). I now stand corrected.
You're one clever mami;)
You gave good advice about the writing. That was nice of you!
I like what you told Doreen. Incredibly insightful. And you are correct, she would be writing no matter what. And how can you not draw from personal experiences. Especially ones that are so emotionally intense. Hope that writing about it helped her heal.
I'm happy that my comment on what mothers are called inspired you – I enjoyed reading that comment on my blog. I have a blogging friend who keeps on telling me that I should make more of my comment section and reply to all the comments on the actual section. It's true; blogging is as much about the comments as the post.
You mean it's not Mammy? Actually the whole time I thought it was MIAMI as in Florida….KIDDING!!!
But I am sure a lot of people loved that you cleared it up!
Off to check out SIMC post, since I was in your city last weekend…Man how I miss it there…been 13 years!
That is an excellent comment to Doreen. She dealt with her brother's death by writing and maybe someone else going through the same can benefit.
What a touching comment to Doreen, during her time of mixed emotions.
Your shout out to 'I Can't Blog' has brought over a blogger from Casablanca (does that mean white house?). Thanks – your funny blog has good reach.
Happy Tuesday!
Look to see if you like one or two there.
I admit that this Texas girl originally thought it was pronounced Mammy as opposed to Mommy — Sorry! I did, however, learn the correct pronunciation from you sometime back and have been retraining my brain. The funny thing is that I have never called you that with my voice so you would never know the difference, yet, I have corrected myself mentally every time my mind “says” it wrong.
I read your comment on Doreen's blog and I thought it was well made at the time and I am glad that you shared it here.
Love you and your comments!
I've been very burned out on blogging lately. Maybe I should just collect comments on this lastest post and wait another month or two to post another 😉
I've been feeling a little burnt out too. I think it's contagious.
that was a great comment Mami! People actually say it mammy??U gotta be #@itting Me!!LOL
ps I call my baby girl twin Mami!LOL
Hi Mami!! It is so good to be back. I've been out of touch for a while. But yours was one of the first blogs I came back to. I've missed your gentle voice. Thank you for being you.
LOVE that second comment Mami. You are very wise.
Ok, I'm becoming more blonde by the second! I'm still not able to get your posts?
I never considered “Mammy”…probably because I'm so southern, tho!
You gave some great advice to Doreen – that's some perspective there!
Really curious about that I can't Blog – off to check it out now..
Thanks for clarifying that because I'm one of those US Southerners who've been calling you Unkown “Mammy”…I will try to rewire my brain!
Go to the google friend connect widget on my site. “Unfollow” me, then wait a couple of seconds and “follow” me all over again. Do it now! It will fix the issue. Otherwise, suffer the consequences of a lonely blogger with a paper bag over her head, haunting you in your dreams.
I call my mum mami and I pronounce it the right Spanish way! LOL!
Big hugs!
B xx
I am from the south and I always called my mother “mommy” pronouced like you do. I've never in my life call their mom “mammy.” Odd.
love it! i have totally been collecting comments i've left on other blogs in a word document (yes, i'm a big nerd) for about 6 months now to turn them into posts when my brain seems to malfunction. great minds think alike–or, suffer from malfunctions. or something.
Love what you said to Doreen. Excellent~
Ya know I lived in New Mexico for several years and lived with a Mexican man for several years. I should have known that it wasn't pronounced mammy – dang it – but that is the way I was saying it. Thank you so very much for that much needed lesson. I do like to get people's names correct.
My organ transplant friends have similar conversations – those that have been transplanted are thrilled to no end that they have received the gift of life, but in order to get it, someone died. Sometimes we do truly become our best because someone has died, but we should not hide our light. We shine and for it, we are grateful.
Kristin – The Goat