Welcome to another edition of I Comment Therefore I Am, where I put together a post from comments I’ve left on other blogs. Below are some of my favorite posts from the previous week and what they inspired me to say.
I was hanging out at Stir-Fry Awesomeness and she wrote a post responding to the prompt, “Something you hate about yourself…” I appreciated her candor and although I don’t like to focus on what I “hate” about myself, when asked here’s what I wrote…
I hate the way I feel about my mother: conflicted. Sometimes I appreciate her, but other times I’m pissed. I don’t want my daughter to feel that way about me. Ever.
I hate that I weigh more than I have ever weighed and can’t seem to do anything about it.
I hate being tired all the time.
I hate that my hair is thinning.
I hate that I’m so good at this.
Mrs. 4444 (pronounced: FOURS) shared a recent funny phone exchange she had while scheduling a mammogram, which reminded me…
Your mammogram story reminded me of a recent interaction. I am pregnant and I was scheduling an amnio. When speaking to the genetics counselor she asked me if the reason I had one during my previous pregnancy was due to my age and I said, “Yes, but I also thought I would get a free pedicure while I was there.” The phone was silent until I said, “I’m just kidding” then she started laughing hysterically.
I read a post at Bull in a China Shop that had me laughing hysterically. Let’s just say that the author had an unconventional childhood. One of the things she shared is what her mother told her about tampons. She is not alone…
BTW, I have a very vivid memory of my mother giving me a speech about not wearing tampons before I was married because no man would want to marry me. She didn’t actually say that I would lose my virginity from a tampon, but she certainly was trying to make that point.
I am probably one of the few women in this country that has never used a tampon. Does that mean that I am still a virgin?
That’s it for this edition of I Comment Therefore I Am.
Do you give good comment? Wanna play along? Go forth, spread the comment love, and turn it into a post (I keep a draft post open while I read blogs throughout the week). Recycle, reuse, and reduce my friends; it’s the wave of the future.
Oh and feel free to comment on my comments otherwise how will I know that you exist.
If you play along please link back and/or post the button below. Spread the love, spread the love! You can grab the button code from my sidebar.
Wait.. so you didn't get a pedicure with your amnio?! What a rip off!
At least she laughed after you told her you were joking!
Thanks for the link. I don't like to focus on the negatives either…unless I can be funny about it.
I know, right?
hey thanks for posting this. It helps me catch-up on blogs by going to ones that you give a little preview. Did you know you can use this regular feature of yours as a blog review with a twist (lime or lemon twist – don't know)?
amnio – just love the way everyone uses abbreviations for things – I think you mean the sampling of embryonic fluid – right? You know you do have some older guys reading your blog? I've been offline most of the past week so you didn't post about the weird food craving thing yet – did you?
Your tampon story is too funny! My mom was on the opposite end of the spectrum with that stuff. When I was about fifteen she was talking to me about sex (I don't think I asked her too, she probably just brought it up) and said, “You know, Coby, nothing is better.” I was scarred. No one wants to hear that their mom even HAS sex, let alone enjoys it. I'm grossed out just thinking about this memory.
Oh this is good, I've not seen a post made out of anyone's own comments before, but then not everyone leaves such great comments and these three are very funny.
I don't use em either cuz I heard in the 5th grade that you'll get toxic shock syndrome and DIE.
Also, the free pedicure cracked me up!!!
I'm a regular at Mrs. 4444, I'll be sure to check out these other links. Thanks.
The pedicure quip to the genetics counselor is a gem. I really like it. Glad you had fun with it.
You have that lovely, quick sense of humour, which I unfortunately haven't. I went to see a gynaecologist once when I was at home in Ireland and he turned out to be a breathtakingly gorgeous MAN. I was used to lady gynaecs. in India. I got such a shock when I saw the guy that my jaw literally dropped to the floor when I saw him and I was speechless…….all I could think of was how would I get through the scheduled examination – yes, the works…..without making a complete idiot of myself….LOL
The more I learn about your mother, the more interesting she becomes.
Amnio was one of those things that made me really happy to be guy.
As to the weight thing, try injecting a hormone (insulin) that preferentially tells fat cells to grow. Disgruntled doesn't begin to cover it.
How sad is it that I am only now reading that comment you left on my blog?! Slowly, slowly catching up… 🙂 I loved your funny comment!
The tampon thing…did you read today that a study said girls are entering puberty MUCH earlier than in previous generations? Breaks my heart to think of have such conversations with 3rd graders!
Love you, miss you, glad to visit 🙂
I think I could go on and on about things I hate about myself too. If I had to write things I like, I would really, really have trouble.
My mom never used tamps, so I never found out about them until high school. It was embarrassing wearing pads to ballet class.
I love this post of yours. It's taken me awhile to really understand it. Thanks for starting it!
The things our mothers tell us. Mine told me I would never get a man because
a) I don't dust
b) I never wear makeup
c) I am opinionated.
Boy, was she ever wrong.
Ok Mami….you know it's kind of on my life list to be worthy of this post! I can now say I have achieved blog greatness, my friend. LOL! Seriously…your visits make me laugh and give me the warm fuzzies.
You rock,
So funny! Your mom is one interesting character!
Pregnant!!!??? How did I miss that announcement? I must be really out of the loop. I'm sorry! And a big super duper congratulations to you! and the whole Unknown family!!!!!!! What great news. How is the pregnancy going? I hope it has been good so far and that you aren't feeling sick. PS Did they give you a free pedicure? Just wondering…
As per usual, you rock the comment world! If you are indeed a virgin and scheduling an amnio you may want to have a talk with the Catholic Church! I think that qualifies as a miracle — of course, if you find a doctor that gives pedicures with the amnio, that may be even more of a miracle.
Oh Mami! So I'm not the only one whose mother terrified her about the evils of tampons. She used to tell me that virgins don't wear tampons.
As for pedis with amnios? Hmm, that would be an interesting business venture.
LOVED the comment about the amnio & the pedicure. You are freakin hilarious. I love that you have something to say right on the spot! It usually takes me a bit to come up with something… uggghhh I hate that!
I have never used a tompon either….am I still a virgin?
I don't think you get to complain about being too heavy and being too tired when you are pregnant! That's just a side effect of having a baby bump. And you're going to be tired for the next 18 years so you may as well start learning to love that fact!
Great comments-I went over and checked out that tampon story….great stuff!!
I'm jealous you are still a virgin. I haven't been one for at least 17 years or so…
Wait…..what??….pregnant??….I am so out of the loop. How did this happen, with you never using tampons and being a virgin and all?