Welcome to another edition of I Comment Therefore I Am, where I put together a post from comments I’ve left on other blogs. Below are some of my favorite posts from the previous week and what they inspired me to say.
Can you accept a compliment? You know, like when someone compliments you do you accept the compliment with a thank you or are you one of those that argue your way out of the compliment by disagreeing with the person? I’m asking because the author of Finding Joy has decided that she is no longer going to blow off compliments and I think that is a good thing.
I think it is a big deal to learn to graciously accept compliments instead of dismissing them. It’s like someone is giving you a gift. Why would you want to throw that gift away?
At on the verge, I read about ways to get punched in the neck at Ikea. It wasn’t until recently that I realized people were ready to throw down at Ikea…
This is hilarious. We just went to Ikea a few days ago and I swear a woman wanted to hit my husband because he pulled up to the loading zone where I was waiting and she told him she was saving that particular spot for her husband. My husband said, “I didn’t know there were savies” and she yelled, “THERE ARE!” I was so worried that her husband would show up and be this crazy agro man, but fortunately he was very mild-mannered.
That’s it for this edition of I Comment Therefore I Am.
Do you give good comment? Wanna play along? Go forth, spread the comment love, and turn it into a post (I keep a draft post open while I read blogs throughout the week). Recycle, reuse, and reduce my friends; it’s the wave of the future.
Oh and feel free to comment on my comments otherwise how will I know that you exist.
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Sorry for being a dork and quote your entire passage back to you, but this…
“I think it is a big deal to learn to graciously accept compliments instead of dismissing them. It’s like someone is giving you a gift. Why would you want to throw that gift away?”
It hit me like a ton of bricks. I am so bad at this. I want to blame it on being Chinese but I suspect it’s really because of me, deep-rooted issues. I need to work on this. Many time I know a simple Thank you would suffice but of course I need t crack a joke about myself…
I, too, have had to become discliplined in order to accept a compliment instead of giving a smart self effacing retort in return. Mrs. MM broke me of that and for that I thank her. Ha Ha to throw down at Ikea. People do stupid things in cars and over “territory”.
Well, you know I speak from experience. One day I realized how rude I was being because someone came to see a show I was in and complimented my performance. I should have said “thank you”, instead I stood there and told them that I was so much better on another night and why I was so bad on that particular performance. Talk about self-involved and insecure. I still get embarrassed when I remember that interaction. After that it slowly started hitting me that I dismissed most compliments. Not anymore, I’ll take them!
I’m always like oh, …um…thank you. Then I try and stear away from the compliment as soon as possible.
Steven Anthony
Man Dish~Metro Style
I’m always like oh, …um…thank you. Then I try and stear away from the compliment as soon as possible.
Steven Anthony
Man Dish~Metro Style
You are right on with the compliment thing. I can’t accept them graciously and I look like a wiener.
You are right on with the compliment thing. I can’t accept them graciously and I look like a wiener.
Great, now I want a hot dog. Thanks a lot.
I simply thank the person. No big deal. And “savies” at Ikea? Who knew!
I love Coby. I taught with her back when we both lived in AZ.
As for the aggro wife…aren’t they so often married to reasonable people. NO SAVIES!
Hopefully I don’t have much of a problem with compliments. You could come over to my blog and leave one and we can see how I handle it.
You are right though it does take the right balance not to be either arrogant or the opposite, insecure.
You have a very funny interesting blog that also offers other bloggers a chance to share their talents. I enjoyed today’s post.
I, too suffer from compliment phobia. As the person who is most usually creating a mess in social situations, when I get a compliment I start to sweat and itch and I don’t know what to do with myself.
Throwing down in IKEA? Whoa….I almost threw down in the parking lot of Crate and Barrell. A lady actually hit me, as in physically hit my body with her car whilst I was 7 months pregnant. I didn’t get hurt but I thought I was going to go a little nuts on her….
There are no SAVIES! What is this, second grade?
I have never been any good at receiving compliments. If you say my hair looks nice, I’ll say Oh, ugh, um thanks, I really need to wash it…….or something like that. But when you lose over 120 pounds you get a LOT of compliments and I finally learned to just say THANK YOU and then SHUT UP!! That’s hard for me, the shutting up, lol.
this is the first i heard of this. i think. maybe. who knows LOL it’s cute tho and maybe i’ll try it for myself 😀
A grown woman saving a parking spot…well, well.
I know, right?! The lady was nuts.
Thank you.
You have great hair.
Your man has comeback skillz… Savies. Ha. I love it! I bet it’s fun at your house. Ohhh how I wonder how much trouble you guys are going to be in when your little lady gets a bit older 🙂
Hi Unknown Mami, one of the biggest lessons I had to learn in life was how to accept a compliment. You know, really accept it. It was once remarked somewhere that Irish people handle insults well and compliments badly. Once I learnt how to accept a compliment, I had to admit that it was one of the nicest things I ever had to learn.
In Ireland, I remember, people often save seats nearby for their friends who arrive later by draping coats and bags and newspapers on chairs. It is quite common for an Irish person to walk up to an empty chair and ask the person sitting next to it: “is someone sitting here?” This causes a lot of amusement to foreigners…
It’s great Lisleman joined in this week. I’m trying to rope in a few of my blogging pals too….xxxx
And here I was just last night saying I wished there was an Ikea closer than 4 hours away from me. Maybe I should be thankful. I’m not a very good fighter:)
I agree with you, learning to accept compliments with open arms. When we don’t it can be perceived as an insult. Awesome comment!
I read the Ikea story to my hubby. We are astonished at how many people go ballistic these days over what they perceive to be THEIRS. A friggin’ loading space at a public store is for whomever pulls into that space first. I am glad the husband was mild mannered. He probably has to be in order to live with the maniac controlling witch he is married to.
It’s dang hard for me to graciously receive a compliment. It’s funny because I thrive on dishin’ them out but I take criticism much better but I’m workin’ on it. I think it’s easier for the Alpha males to just say thank you and go on.
Your right….it is a gift not to be thrown away.
God bless ya and have a terrific day sweetie!!!
I cannot express how much I would have LOVED to have witnessed that conversation — “Savies”!
Who knew Ikea could be so dangerous?
i’m horrible at accepting compliments–your take on it is duly noted, however. so true.
thanks for the visit and the link!
Hi, UM, remember me?
My experience with complimenting women has often gone like this:
Me: “You have lovely elbows.”
Her: “Thank you, BUT my ankles are too fat.”
Compliment accepted and then rejected by redirection. Or something like that. Makes me wonder how many women are comfortable with their bodies, that they always have to find something negative when we all have negatives.