Normally, “I Comment Therefore I Am” posts consist of comments I’ve left throughout the blogosphere. This week’s post is more of a “You Commented, Therefore I Thank You” post. I want to thank all of you that took the time to visit The Good Cook and leave a comment of support after I shared her sad news (her husband died recently). Your kind words are appreciated. So today instead of sharing comments that I left, I am going to share a comment that The Good Cook left:
You (and the blogging world) will never now how much kind words, prayers and virtual support means to me. It may seem strange to some people to post about this most intimate time of my life – but WE (bloggers) know that writing it all down helps. I am comforted to know that what I wrote about TBHITW in the past reflected my love for him. I know he knew it. We were one of the lucky ones. We knew true love is rare. Happiness is fleeting. Life is short. I feel like glass most days – as if at any time I will shatter – but posting, reading comments, feeling all the compassion and virtual hugs keeps me together.
Thank you for your continued support and good words.
The Good Cook
This wonderful blogging community can be such a source of kindness and support. It’s hard to believe that people we’ve never laid eyes on can impact our lives for the better, but it’s true. Keep spreading the love; it’s contagious and it can mean the world to someone going through tough times.
That’s it for this edition of I Comment Therefore I Am.
Do you give good comment? Wanna play along? Go forth, spread the comment love, and turn it into a post (I keep a draft post open while I read blogs throughout the week). Recycle, reuse, and reduce my friends; it’s the wave of the future.
Oh and feel free to comment on my comments otherwise how will I know that you exist.
If you play along please link back and/or post the button below. Spread the love, spread the love! You can grab the button code from my sidebar.
Ooo well damn.. you know how to make a girl get all teary eyed Mami. I’m glad what little we could do helped her, if only just a little.
I read your post about The Good Cook and was so glad that I could go over and leave her some words of support. I wasn’t sure if my few words would help, but reading this post means that I did something right and I am so glad I was able to. Thanks Amiga, for directing me to the Good Cook and thanks for your inspiring blog which has greatly enhanced my enjoyment of blogging.
That is very lovely, friend. 🙂
When I was in the hospital back in June, my wife brought me a multi-page print-out from my blog: 55 get well soon comments and muy hugs! I was overwhelmed by the love and kindness I felt from our “community,” so now I pass it on whenever I can.
I’m so glad that you mentioned the Good Cook, and that our collective support has helped her profound loss.
you did good which helps everyone at some point.
I am so glad that the comments left on The Good Cook blog have been helpful. Thank you for keeping us informed.
That was a beautiful response she left for you. You are amazingly caring to have let us know. ♥
Complete strangers from the blog world reached out to me when my mom died in March, so to be able to give back was a pleasure. Thank YOU for giving us the opportunity.
This virtual world can be quite nice.
The Internet, at least the part I manage to surround myself with (and for once I do something smart!), is a wonderful place. Oftentimes it reminds me that people are inherently good and kind. You know there are people that shake their heads at us. Well, they are the ones that are missing out. xxoo
I hate to say it Mami, but my comments are never quite as good as my posts. It is so cool to see how much of an impact your comments had on another blogger though. As I have become a blogger, it has been so interesting to see the sense of community between bloggers. Clearly, you have such an effect on people.
I don’t think I’ve ever posted a comment as meaningful as this one. It’s beautiful, and my heart breaks for her. Thank you for sharing this so we can support her!
I am not familiar with her blog, but what a kindhearted comment and how awesome it is that the blogosphere provided such an outpouring of support during her time of need. Warms the heart.
Your such a sweet soul 🙂
Steven Anthony
Man Dish~Metro Style
Thanks for the tip. I checked out the others and I thought they were great.
It’s so nice to know that in some small way she found comfort at a time when it was so needed.
That is very nice of her. You deserve all the love and respect, Mami.
Love ya!
B xx
PLUS: The other day I’ve been thinking a lot about gratitude.
Btw It amazes me how ungrateful people really can be. I say this because I’ve met recently the most ungrateful person ever! Sorry I’m so upset. But I know that you, my dear friend, understand my chatter; you’re such a kind-hearted. Thank you.
B xx
Hi Mami!!!
What a lovely comment!
The blogging world really does come through 🙂 Thanks for directing us to where we are needed.
i truly have met a few awesome ladies through blogging!
I am always pleasantly surprised just how much kindness and karma there is in the blogging world. So pleased you enjoyed visiting the Vino Fiera 🙂
I only know about The Good Cook b/c of you and she has my prayers. So very sad, yet inspiring.
Bloggers make a difference. Thanks for posting this.
I love that she talked about how people judge us for writing about the hard times. Sometimes I hesitate, but she’s right, it helps to write it down. And get support from others.
I haven’t been visiting this week due to Back to School craziness so I apologize for being late to this. Thank you for bringing this to my attention and rallying the beautiful women of the blog world around this lovely lady. Yet another reason fo rm to love you.
I have been checking in on her daily…..and praying. Just too sad….