Welcome to another edition of I Comment Therefore I Am, where I put together a post from comments I’ve left on other blogs. Below are some of my favorite posts from the previous week and what they inspired me to say.
Melly wrote a rant about how she hates Christmas because of the stress caused by the commercial aspect of it. I totally get it, but I also TOTALLY get that you just don’t have to be a part of it. You can give gifts, enjoy the season, and not break the bank. I do it every year.
Here’s the thing, you really don’t have to be a part of it. I never have been and I love Christmas. We grew up very poor and I never got very many presents for Christmas. Sometimes the presents were from second hand stores, it never mattered. I loved being around my family and eating and being allowed to stay up late. I also love to give presents, but I don’t have much money so I bake or give inexpensive re-usable grocery bags or go to Chinatown and find blank journals. I’ve NEVER EVER had anyone get angry at me for giving them a small gift. If they are upset then they keep it to themselves and get over it.
I was visiting my friend Traci at her new blog A Star in my own Universe and could really identify with a post she wrote on perfectionism not being all it’s cracked up to be…
Perfectionism just sets you up for constant failure. I struggle with my perfectionist ways too. I am also aware that my definition of perfection does not apply to those around me and I am finding that if I continue to try and achieve my sense of perfection in everyday tasks, then I am just driving those around me crazy with details that in the long run do not really matter. Happiness is far better than perfection. I am learning to choose happiness.
That’s it for this edition of I Comment Therefore I Am.
Do you give good comment? Wanna play along? Go forth, spread the comment love, and turn it into a post (I keep a draft post open while I read blogs throughout the week). Recycle, reuse, and reduce my friends; it’s the wave of the future.
Oh and feel free to comment on my comments otherwise how will I know that you exist.
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I hate to say this, but I will anyway: When it comes to gifting, it is the thought that counts. I think your choice of gifts is wonderful—small and useful.
Perfectionism? I gave up trying to be perfect 15 or 20 minutes ago when I realized it’ll never happen.
I like your comment on Christmas…I think everyone needs to read that and do it! They would be much happier!
Yay, I’m on here again!
And I refuse to let Christmas ruin my Christmas again this year (does that make sense). We’re going to have fun and be relaxed if it kills us! (teehee) But seriously, we’re just not going to partake and if anyone doesn’t like it, well that’s on them, not us!
Loved what you said about happiness and perfection. I decided to choose happiness.
Happy Monday!
B xx
You are so right about perfectionism setting you up for constant failure – with me I find it’s a vicious cycle: I fail at being perfect, so I try to be even MORE perfect, then I fail even more…get the picture? Maybe I’ll swing the other way and just be a slacker!
You’re right – “Just a Thought” is perfect for a blog title! Isn’t Unknown Papi starting a business coming up with blog titles? He can have that one. I just want royalties.
Oh yeah – I’m so with you on Christmas gifts. I LOVE homemade, handmade gifts. I love simple gifts where the person put thought behind it. One of our favorite gifts ever is the jar of buckeyes that a friend makes for us every Christmas and puts into a coffee mug. Peanut butter balls dipped in chocolate? I shall not refuse!
I love your take on Christmas. Really, it is what you make it out to be. Sure Target and Walmart blow it way out of proportion, but you can steer clear of those places. Good thing I am half Jewish. That way I can get the commercial aspects of both holidays.
I wish more people handled Christmas your way. Sometimes it seems like a big competition for the best party or best gift, etc.
Oh BTW, Merry Christmas / Feliz Navidad in case I forget to wish you and yours that before Dec. 25. When do you think I should start playing Christmas carols?
Great comments. I totally agree with the point you make about gifts and Christmas gifts especially.
Trying to be a perfectionist can turn you into a perfect-crazy :). I know one or two things about this, LOL :0
Really good comment about the holidays. Hubby and I don’t buy presents for Christmas and actually we don’t buy each other gifts for other times either. We have what we need to make us comfortable. My kids and I stopped buying presents years ago. It is easy to get sucked into the commercialism of holidays and lose perspective of the joy of being with people you care about.
I had read that post by Traci and it was wonderful. Your comment was as well.
I struggle with the “perfectionism” thing, yet I love Christmas for the simpleness of it all. What does that say?
It says that you are complex or you have a complex. I don’t know, I’m confused.
While I get that Christmas is about more than presents, etc, I hate the fact that there are already Christmas decorations and presents out at certain stores (ahem, COSTCO among others). I want to enjoy where we are, and the pushing at me of the tidings of future seasons makes them less special to me – even though *I* am not changing anything I’m doing.
But the perfectionism? It’s so hard because the one time you DO get something perfect, oh does it feel good. Soooo good. *sigh* Can you tell where I struggle, too?
I am definitely the perfectionist type, worse still I set myself goals often unrealistic then worry away at them. I agree with you about Christmas too, less is more as far as I am concerned, otherwise Christmas becomes anything but a happy time.
I love your both, wise, meaningful comments.
People are more important than material stuff – most of us bloggers have enough.
Perfectionist. Yes I am and trying to be less every day, learned a lot…
I totally agree with you about Christmas! I’m not stressed over it at all. Friend and I agree to not do gifts, my family and I agreed not to do gifts. All we buy for are our kids! Easy stuff.
I’m getting a bit wary of this whole Christmas gift giving thing: I can understand giving presents to the kids. But between the adults? It has become quite a chore and we now buy stuff from each other’s Amazon wishlist. Sigh. I wanted to bring it up but I am not sure how my MIL will take it…
They were great comments, it is so good that we I Comment Therefore I Am bloggers give ourselves this chance to share our comments with our readers. I remember in Dublin years ago I was almost broke owing to having had some tax problems yet I so much wanted to join in the Christmas fun. I saw that one charity was selling small but beautiful thick Christmas candles as gifts in aid of their cause. I went out and brought twenty of them and gave them to friends and relatives as gifts. Everyone loved them and was very pleased to receive them. Another very inexpensive gift was a nicely decorated box of some good quality soap (like Pears!) in a box of two or three. I gifted those to some friends once too. But you have to be careful to whom you gift soap, though…….some people think it is a hint that they don’t wash themselves enough….LOL
Your comment was wonderful on my blog and I am so glad that you shared it.
I love Christmas but much like wine, I sometimes have a hangover. Each year I try to keep in my limits but I often exceed those. I am committed this year, however, to starting earlier and being more creative so I do not do that this year.
You are the most awesome commenter. Thanks for commenting in my place.
Ok everyone hate me now…but as far as gifting I say the bigger the better 😉
mami no one gives comment like you .
We always had huge Christmases. My parents were poor so my mother goes way over board. Last year, I dared to break the pattern and gave donations in everyones’ names.
I am learning to choose happiness too. I am a recovering perfectionist and I need to constantly realize that not everything is going to be perfect,not everyone is gonna like me. Ya know? Its a long hard road but I dont wanna pass this need tobe perfect in everyones eyes thing to my son.
just me again – I found this funny photo and if you have time to take a look, you’ll see why it made me think of your blog header.
Your true friends will just be happy that you remembered them at Christmas. Anyone who demands a huge present to prove how much you love them is not worth your time.
Christmas? Can’t we just get through summer first? Jeez, Mami.
Since we became Bahai, we don’t celebrate Christmas in the traditional sense anymore with presents and a tree and things of that nature. But our families still do. It’s actually the best of both worlds. I don’t have to participate in the commercial aspects of it, but we still enjoy getting together with family and all the fun that comes along with that. I love it. And I don’t feel the seasonal stress anymore.