Back to normal programming…sort of. Normally on Mondays I do a post called, “I Comment Therefore I Am”, where I put together a post consisting of comments I’ve left on other blogs. I haven’t done it for a couple of weeks because life got in the way. Today’s post is going to be a little different. It is going to be a celebration of comments left on my blog.
It may seem strange to blog about the difficulties I’m having with my pregnancy, but it was either that or not blog at all because I tend to write about what is affecting me at the moment. The internet can be a place full of mean “Anonymous” people leaving behind spiteful little comments, but fortunately in my experience the blogging corner of the internet is inhabited by supportive and kind people leaving comments that have helped me feel embraced and cared about. In the past two weeks the comments left on my blog have made me cry, smile, hope, and laugh. There have been far too many left for me to share them all. Today, I’m highlighting a few that made me chuckle because I find that humor sustains me through even the most difficult of times.
On my Fragmented Fridays post, I asked if any of you had any jokes to share. Some of you did…
AngelCel shared a one-liner she came across on Facebook…
“I don’t want to brag or make you jealous, but I can still fit into the earrings I wore in high school.”
Nessa wrote:
“Diaper backward spells repaid. Think about it.” (McLuhan)
A giraffe walks into a bar and says, “Hey guys! The high balls are on me!”
Lady Fi wrote:
What do you call cows with a sense of humour?
– Laughing stock.
Matty came up with something that seems to be autobiographical:
Wife says to husband during the world series, “it’s me or baseball, which will it be?”
Matty says……”gosh, I’m gonna miss you”.
Mvmdlg wrote:
What did the egg say to the pot of boiling water? ” I don’t know if I can get hard today as I just got laid this morning!
Kristin, “The Goat”, wrote:
If you watch Jaws backwards, it’s about a shark that throws up people until they are forced to open a beach :º)
That’s it for this edition of I Comment Therefore I Am.
Do you give good comment? Wanna play along? Go forth, spread the comment love, and turn it into a post (I keep a draft post open while I read blogs throughout the week). Recycle, reuse, and reduce my friends; it’s the wave of the future.
Oh and feel free to comment, otherwise how will I know that you exist.
If you play along please link back and/or post the button below. Spread the love, spread the love! You can grab the button code from my sidebar.
Like the backward diaper (that would be a bad idea or mistake) one. thanks
Ahaha! Those are good. I didn’t have any to share! I suck.
I’ve got lots more lame jokes if you want them! 🙂
You and Dominic should go on the road together.
Thanks for the link love. Those jokes are so funny! Thanks for the laugh.
Hehehe! Love the egg one!
Fun stuff – I’ll think of a good one when I’m away from my PC.
Oh, I’m so glad you liked the Jaws joke! I was hoping you would 🙂
All of those that you highlighted today were funny. It was a very good idea to use those today.
Kristin – The Goat
umami you have inspired me to join your comment fun. Please check out my entry. thanks
lotsa love here….lotsa love and you deserve it.
I’m glad I stopped by because those are pretty funny!
Thanks for the smiles today!
these made me chuckle as well…lol 😉
Laughter is the best medicine! I am glad that you have felt embraced and loved because you are. Bloggy love is real love and your friends are here to help carry you through whatever the future holds. You stay in my heart and prayers.
Your friend always,
hahahaha!! made me laugh soo hard and i really needed to
That last one from Kristin is too awesome. Especially since my husband forces me to watch that movie 1.7 times a week.
I liked the earrings one too.
LOVED the egg & the boiling water. ha ha ha!!!
Now THOSE are some great ones this week. The first one is the best, but they are all good.
It’s always good to hear a joke. Most of them I hear in day to day life tend to be a little too risqué to repeat in mixed company.
Who knew so many people had funny one liners. This was a great way of getting the best out of people. I’m glad to hear that they helped you along your way.
P.S. Autobiographical? LMAO>>> You may be right!
The great thing about ‘I Comment..’ is that you can make the post about comments that you made, or even about comments others made on your blog. I’ve had some terrific comments made on my blog over time and there is probably enough material for several posts. It takes a tiny bit of work, sure, but it’s a readymade, very readable post…..
Those jokes were very funny. Thanks for sharing them, they made me laugh….
I so laughed hysterically at Kristin’s comment about Jaws, I never thought about that!
These jokes are wonderful. Thanks for putting a smile on my face.
nice…thanks for the chuckles this morning…
One of the nicest things about the internet is that feeling of connection with others across the globe and at times of stress that can be such a good feeling. Yes, internet friendships may be long distance but that doesn’t in any way invalidate them. I’m glad we are all able to provide suppport and send love.
I know from personal experience that humour is also hugely helpful as an emotional release in the most dire of situations. All these above are great although Kristin’s is probably my favourite – closest to my often quirky sense of humour. 😀
Awesome comments. I did a quick scan of my Facebook and here’s the comment of the moment… “Artificial Intelligence in no match for natural stupidity.” Sad but true! LOL
I am glad you are feeling bright enough to give us a laugh today 🙂
They are all really good. Nice to get a chuckle.
Very funny! Missed those installments!
Big hugs!
B xx
These are all great!! Love ya! 🙂
They were all good.
hehehehe…..those are short and funny. Maybe I could actually remember some of these.
I had a really good laugh about diaper/repaid. too funny! cute idea you do for a meme!
Good ones, Mami!
What in the world is going on over here!?! Mami!! I can’t believe what I’m reading…I’m so sorry you’re having such a stressful pregnancy. Praying for you and your little one!!
Thank you, it’s been a tough couple of weeks. We’re still not out of the woods, but I’m trying to be hopeful. I’m willing my amniotic fluid to increase and begging for the baby to have at least one little kidney.
ROFL. *gasp* no breath left to say anything more.
I love jokes like that!!! My favorite joke (both an inside joke and it works well outside) is, “What’s the saddest sight in the world?” You’ll have to come by and find out – (it’s an older post, but you just opened the door for my corny joke – and I, well, I just really couldn’t resist. After all, all my sons have heard it over and over and over. . . .)
I’m so happy that there’s light at the end of the tunnel.. kiss! kiss!
Besos right back at ya!
angelcel cracks me up!!!! sorry I’ve been absent. Gonna check up on your posts now…I’ve been mired in my own little world of stress….nothing as serious as what you are facing….
I love the idea for the post. I’m going to have to join up one of these days.
I’m so sorry about this pregnancy being so difficult. I just read your reply back to another commenter. You’re in my thoughts and prayers.
Thank you!
Joust stopping by to say say hello… I love these funny one liners! I am keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. I hope your friend is doing ok too.
Oh those are fabulous..and I am so glad this bloggy world is showing you some love:)
I’m glad that you’ve felt the love and concern from your fellow bloggers because we most certainly care about you very much!
I think I’ll be stealing that giraffe joke…OMG!
I hope everything is going well, Mami. You have been in my thoughts. And thanks for the laugh.
I am so going to use the earrings one.
hope you have a not too grumpy moody day. wishing you peace as you get to the other side of all of this.
I love your posts – they’re hilarious! Following you from India!