Welcome to another edition of I Comment Therefore I Am, where I put together a post from comments I’ve left on other blogs. Below are some of my favorite posts from the previous week or so and what they inspired me to say.
At Snuggle Wasteland I was asked what I thought would happen if I deleted my blog. My honest response…
If I deleted my blog, I think I would drive my husband crazy listening to all the thoughts rambling around in my head. No one man can handle all that drivel.
At More than Just Mummy, I read a post about things to consider before going into business with your significant other…
I am not thinking of going into business with my husband, but I thought this was a very informative and helpful post. I think it is important to be honest with yourself. I love my husband and am glad to be married to him, but we can’t assemble IKEA furniture without butting heads. There would have to be very definite guidelines set for us to be able to work so closely together.
Betty from Cut and Dry wrote a post about how she feels about stereotypes regarding blond women, which got me to thinking of blond men…
Not totally related, but the other day my husband and I were watching “Weeds” and one of the lines was something like, “No one takes a blond man seriously.” That line stuck with me and then I tried to think of blond men in powerful positions and couldn’t come up with any, then I tried to think of blond men that I know in real life and I couldn’t think of any.
That’s it for this edition of I Comment Therefore I Am.
Do you give good comment? Wanna play along? Go forth, spread the comment love, and turn it into a post (I keep a draft post open while I read blogs throughout the week). Recycle, reuse, and reduce my friends; it’s the wave of the future.
Oh and feel free to comment on my comments otherwise how will I know that you exist.
If you play along please link back and/or post the button below. Spread the love, spread the love! You can grab the button code from my sidebar.
Honestly I cannot think of anyone else who could leave such interesting and witty comments on blogs…except you, Mami. 🙂
Have a great week ahead!
Lots of love
B xx
Funny stuff as usual.
What about Donald Trump? He’s blonde right? Or is that gray? And I know one blond male. He’s an executive director at a Fortune 500 company.
Yup, Donald Trump counts as a blond.
You know, it’s amazing…I used to think everyone would care and be sad, but I’ve been cutting back and I’ve noticed that it doesn’t really make a difference. I don’t think people would give a rat’s ass if I quit blogging. LOL
Your new book title, “How blogging is good for our relationship”.
The reason we don’t find many blond men is because men don’t tend to dye their hair. Without hair dye we wouldn’t have as many women blonds either. Doesn’t most hair turn darker as you mature (well until it starts going gray)?
You know, I don’t know any blonde men either.
You always give good comment!
I love your comment about what life would be life if your blog no longer existed, I think I would be the exact same way 🙂
I relate to this comment so much “If I deleted my blog, I think I would drive my husband crazy listening to all the thoughts rambling around in my head. No one man can handle all that drivel.” And I would drive myself carzy. Blogs helps and men should be glad women are into blogging, LOL ;)!
Is Matt Damon powerful? Is he blond? I can’t think of any either. What about Donald Trump. He’s blond, I think. But does he really have power? This is so thought provoking.
I can totally relate to your 1st comment. I don’t ramble nearly as much since I started blogging…and I’m sure my husband is appreciative!
Good luck for today chick.
I can live without my blog. I can’t live without baseball and ice cream.
I think that Donald Trump is blond?? I think?
Oh, I see that someone said that already! lol
Yeah, if I deleted my blog, I would have to bore people in person!
oh this looks like fun!! challenging to leave good comments!!! i’ll have to try this!!
Great comments! I agree- if I didn’t blog my hubby would be miserable. I am thinking about you and sending you happy thoughts!
soo funny mami as always! My hubby and I couldn’t work together at ALL!!!for similar reasons!Have a great week
I loved the comment about you and hubby working together; I can totally relate to that. take it from me who is the queen of deleting blogs, I eventually always end back blogging because of the fun of it all (and I don’t think my husband could handle my thoughts either. But don’t despair, should you think of deleting and actually delete, if you are on Blogger, it allows you to bring back a blog within 90 days of delete. Been there done that far too many times.
I hope you are doing well
Loved your comments. I don’t even try to direct the hubby with Ikea furniture. It is so confusing to me. I just walk away and pray that there are no extra parts when he is done.
And the blond men comment…I don’t think I know any man that is blond either. Weird. I’ve never even thought of that.
geez-oh–peeze, what a good idea. i may have to play along now too. gah, if i deleted my blog… the hubs would so completely go nuts. my brain is way too active and a.d.d. for him!
I’m trying to wrap my head around the fact you don’t know of any blond men in real life!
You know, we must visit a lot of the same blogs because I saw two of those comments you just quoted ‘around’ if you know what I mean….the last two. Unless I’m very much mistaken, I found those blogs on SITS