Welcome to another edition of I Comment Therefore I Am, where I put together a post from comments I’ve left on other blogs or that have been left on mine. Let’s get started, shall we?
In a recent post, lisleman brought up humor and funerals. He also asked what song we would like played at our funeral. He got me to thinking about putting the “fun” back in “funeral” and I responded…
Perhaps, “Sexy Motherfucker” by Prince or “Baby’s Got Back” by Sir Mix A lot. You know, something classy. (If you know me in real life, you probably aren’t surprised by my choices.)
I’d like to end with a comment that was left on this blog by the author of Crazy Adventures in Parenting. It is just a nice reminder that we should not get caught up in the material aspects of any celebration.
…some of my most romantic times I’ve ever spent with hubby where when finances were slim, and we’d chat and cook whatever we could by candlelight and cuddle. I actually prefer those times better than anything else. You know.. you could dress up like you’re going out and just stay at home and eat ramen and sip water in fancy glasses or something – much more intimate and rewarding if you’re camped out on a blanket on your own floor <3
That’s it for this edition of I Comment Therefore I Am.
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I’m so glad you liked what I proposed. I appreciate the love <3 I really love the inexpensive family time myself – trips to the park, dinners at home, stuff like that 🙂
BTW, Baby Got Back? LOL!! Your song choices? Freaking LOOOOVE it!
“Pussy Control” would also be quite moving.
I just wrote about how love feeds you, even if the meal isn’t all that you need. Funny!
I’m honored to have triggered such an unusual (maybe I should try to find another descriptive word, trashy, ghetto) comment. As I responded before, I like the “Baby’s Got Back”. Interested readers (you have seen it) will be treated to another funny clip if they bother to read the comment exchange over at A Few Clowns Short.
Thanks again Sexy MF (ok for anyone to call you that?)
oh dear… that would be quite the funeral!!
OMG, love the funeral song choices! lol!
Thank you for the laugh about your funeral song choices! 🙂
We men won’t admit it, but those are our favorite times too.
Ramen. Husb and I shared some cute moments when I made spicy ramen and he begged me for some of it, and then ALL OF IT. 🙂
I always think of Another one bites the dust when I think of funeral songs! lol
Thank you for my birthday wishes!
I always think of Another one bites the dust when I think of funeral songs! lol
Thank you for my birthday wishes!
My very favorite times with the hubs are after the dude goes to bed and we pop in a rented dvd, pop open a few cold ones and snuggle!
I remember that post by lisleman, I also commented on that. I have no particular wishes for that occasion in my life – I won’t be there after all! These functions are, I find, usually the family’s way to remember the deceased. The deceased usually has very little input there – although some people take a great deal of interest in their funeral in advance….
baby got back is a classic…lol
Whoa, you are way more adventuresome than I am. Your songs will have people dancing at your funeral.
I so like the romantic advice and a picnic without bugs sounds great.
Wow, I love your music/songs choices!
Anaother sweet post, Mami.
Happy Tuesday!
B xx
I love the songs you chose. Since sometimes Baby’s Got Back gets stuck in my head in church, I think that is the one I should choose.
You are so funny!! I would pass out if I walked into a funeral home and either of these were playing, but it would lighten the mood!
Boy have we been there with the candle lit ramen dinner anniversaries.
Totally love Prince – I even got to meet him – back, um, just a few years ago. And, yes, he is really really short 😉
Those songs. The memories. So funny.
I would like “Funeral for a Friend” by Elton John from the Yellow Brick Road album.
I also agree that some of my leanest times have been some of my happiest times.
I am totally with you on the best romantic dates not having to cost anything.