Welcome to another edition of I Comment Therefore I Am where I normally put together a post from comments I left on other blogs. I have to say my comment skills have been lacking. This week I only have one to share with you.
I read a micro-fiction piece at Steveroni’s Blog called, “Where is the party?” that brought back memories. Leave it to me to leave a comment that is longer than the actual post.
I once had a surprise birthday party thrown for me at a restaurant that had closed down.
A friend picked me up from work and drove me to an out of business Margaritaville. We walked up to the abandoned building and when I asked her why we were there she told me that everyone was supposed to meet there for my surprise birthday party. I guess everyone had already come and gone because we were the only ones there. It was quite a surprise.
Have you ever had a party go wrong?
That’s it for this edition of I Comment Therefore I Am.
Do you give good comment? Wanna play along? Go forth, spread the comment love, and turn it into a post (I keep a draft post open while I read blogs throughout the week). Recycle, reuse, and reduce my friends; it’s the wave of the future.
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That’s a sad but funny surprise party story umami.
I’m not big on surprise parties. Just recently there was a surprise party failure in my extended family but the focus of the party didn’t find out. It was canceled.
I added my ICB post to your linky thing. I hope you don’t think that is cheating. The one post is about commenting and your other player, gaelikaa, comments over there regularly. Don’t you think commenting is easier but not as filling as blogging?
I haven’t, but I would have been PISSED! lol
Now that is quite the surprise. I organized a surprise birthday party at a restaurant, but yes, the place was open when we arrived.
(Knockin’ on wood here) I’ve never had a surprise party gone bad. I just love the look on the ‘surprised ones’ face.
God bless and have yourself the most amazingly blessed day sweetie!!!
I throw a mother’s day lunch every year for my mom, my mother in law and my monster-in-law. One year, my monster-in-law picked through her entire lunch and separated all the vegetables off her plate like a 3 year old. Each lunch has a theme, usually related to a country. That year we went to Spain, so I had a Spanish theme. Pailla is NOT simple to make and I had slaved over it only to have her push it away in disdain. I gave them each shawls we had bought in Madrid on our trip. She told me she was allergic to the fabric. Then, when we drove her home she complained the whole way that she was hungry. Argh!
wow I think you could make this into a screenplay or at least a comedy skit.
Oh my… that is awful!!
I never had a surprise party. I normally organise my own party but this time that my birthday is coming up I don’t want to do a party because I am scared people might not turn up.
Oh my. That is a party gone wrong. I guess I’m lucky in that nothing like that has really ever happened to me.
that was definitely a surprise indeed! I’m not one for fuss around my birthday, but hubby would try to throw a few surprise parties for me. I finally asked him to stop doing so because although his gesture was kind to do so, it caused me too much stress and I don’t think birthdays should cause stress, know what I mean (getting older is stress enough 🙂
My 25th Birthday Party. B-day is in the dead of winter and my 25th was held at my father’s house – big party and needed a big house. So people start showing up and we start partying. As we party snow starts to fall. It ended up being an all nighter for those who decided to stay. My party was “snowed out” but it didn’t keep us from having a drunken free for all sledding party down the steep hill next to my dad’s house. That was when I found out who my REAL friends were.
I’m not too good with surprises of any kind. I have never had a party that went wrong, or if I did, I didn’t notice things going wrong….I can be naive like that.
Oh my goodness what a way to find out! I don’t know if I would like a surprise party or not. I have had very few birthday parties so not sure how I would react. Hope your having a marvelous Monday! XX
That is sad, but makes for a great story….My bday gone wrong, involved, me 25 guest a stripper and a saggy thong:(
Ha ha! Well, you didn’t need another comment. That one is pretty hilarious. No one has ever thrown me a surprise party, so even though it was at an empty building, it still one ups me.
Oh, NO! What a way to find out! I would have been pissed!
I never had a surprise party though. I guess I don’t like surprises.
B xx
Oh yeah. The surprise party I through for my parent’s anniversary. I did use the word SURPRISE on the invite. My grandfather called my parents directly to let them know he wouldn’t be able to attend.
Or maybe the SURPRISE party I through for my dad, where the waiter showed up at my parent’s house instead of mine?
It’s a toss up as to which was worse.
Oh no! That would be an interesting surprise birthday party!
I had a surprise birthday party myself. In which all my dearest friends and my sister witnessed my ex-boyfriend become a complete spaz during the pre-party in which all of my loved ones soon declared after my party that my then boyfriend was crazy. He wasn’t crazy but merely melodramatic. In which case it just couldn’t work out for us since I was 23 and a little more put together than all of his 32 years.
Neil threw me a surprise party for my 30th…at my parent’s house. I was so surprised (and clueless!) that when we walked in I whispered to him, “What are Tom and Sue doing at my parent’s house???” He just smiled…sure that it would hit me soon. It didn’t.It wasn’t until I saw 6 or 7 more out-of-place guests that it sunk in. I still can’t believe how much a surprise it was! (And, fun!)
What a terrible surprise party!
Oh. Wow. That is so sad. I’m guessing it’s in the days before cell phones, huh? 🙂
And ummm my husband’s surprise party: 19 people RSVPed yes. Room holds 15. Oops. 9 showed up. The other 10 never bothered to say they couldn’t come. Oh, and I’d mentioned earlier in the week that I needed to give a final count for the catering. I’m still peeved at his friends.
Awww. That wasn’t a good surprise. I’ve never given or had a surprise party. I’ve had a few disasters at my kids’ birthday parties but that was usually due to their behavior.
Wow, she really screwed up!
oh dang…that sucks….surprise…ack. hope it was redeemed in some way…
Well, that would have been a surprise. Sorry Mami, but it makes for a good story, right? The party gone wrong that sticks in my head is the engagement party we through for our middle son and his soon to be wife, at the time. We had never met her family so they flew all the way here from Rhode Island for the party and to meet us. We had invited almost 100 people, hired caterers, bartenders, music. 30 minutes before the party, a storm blew in and knocked the power out. No power the ENTIRE evening. 30 minutes after the last person left that night, we had power.
Believe it or not, we all had a great time, even if we could barely see each other in the candle light.
That might be the worst birthday party story ever.
Of course, there was my 9th birthday when my dad was supposed to drive me and three friends to the bowling alley….and then he ran out of gas (before cell phones) and we all had to walk about four miles to the next gas station. That was MY worst birthday party ever.
Our worst party was when the air conditioner broke in the middle of summer and my 2 year old had oozing pink eye – I had to carry her around so she wouldn’t cry and offer medicated wipes to all our guests, who were afraid to touch anything.
That’s a bummer surprise party story. I don’t ususally go in for big parties but I did have a really fun surprise party once. It was when I was living in Chile as an exchange student. My family told me me were having guests and they asked me to help make a fancy meal. I spent all day cooking and then my Tia (host mother) sent me to the store to get some snacks. When I was gone my friends came over and surprised me. I had no idea they even knew it was my birthday, much less so that I was making food for my own party all day long! That is one of my best memories from my time in Chile. I miss them.
Oh that’s so sad that it’s funny!