Welcome to another edition of I Comment Therefore I Am. Normally, I put together a post of comments I’ve left on other blogs, but this week I am letting someone else do all the work. I’m just going to share my favorite comment left on my blog last week.
Kristin left a comment in response to a comment I shared last week about believing that all types including fat people should be represented in the media and here’s her take…
I’d have to agree with the idea of all types being represented. It is quite possible that almost 2/3 of the United States is medically considered obese. That’s a lot of fat people kissing and I’m one of them. On TV, on the street and in our homes, people of all sizes are kissing, hugging and showing affections in view of the public. It’s really unfortunate that such an article was written, but then again, it’s certainly gotten a lot of people talking! (Kristin is referring to a piece written by Maura Kelly about the TV show “Mike and Molly” that features overweight characters.)
That’s it for this edition of I Comment Therefore I Am.
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I really do love the show Mike and Molly and I think that there is NOTHING wrong with them kissing or doing anything else for that matter.
I did find one of the episodes very funny that I recently watched. Molly was working the stair stepper or some other exercise equipment very hard and she’s sweating and panting and her mom and sister (both skinny) were eating huge pieces of chocolate cake while sitting on the couch watching TV. It was so so so funny.
I haven’t watched it yet.
I haven’t watched it. Has nothing to do with my desire or lack thereof to see large folks kissing. Has more to do with the fact that when it comes to TV I watch sports, food, history or science.
I watch Mike & Molly; it’s really quite funny. It’s about people — their flaws, family craziness and daily happenings. And yes, they are fat. The horror. Would anyone care if I was disgusted and horrified by skinny, beautiful people kissing?
I haven’t watched the show but I’ve seen the commercials and I don’t see anything wrong with fat people kissing. I mean, duh, if we didn’t, the world population would go way down because most of us are fat! lol
Instead of the title What’s Love Got To Do With It, the title should be What’s Size Got To Do With It.
That’s a fun idea!
I like this kind of family TV shows. Relaxing and so much fun! For me, watching people kissing is better than watching people killing each other.
Well, Thanks for featuring my comment!
here to give you a GREAT comment….cuz you are so GREAT mami, lol 🙂
I would love to see more people kissing period. There just isn’t enough kissing for my taste. Fat, skinny. Black, white. And everyone in-between. Love thy neighbor, you know.
I would especially love to see an average looking woman with a fabulous sense of humor kissing the next Brad Pitt! It’s always Beauty and the Beast. I want to see Handsome and the Beastess!
full disclosure – I’ve never seen the show and don’t know a thing about it.
However, back in the fifties (yes before many of you were born) there was a fat funny guy who had some loving moments with his TV wife. The show was the Honeymooners.
There are still plenty of shows with fat and funny men having loving moments with their wives, it’s just the wives are not usually fat too unless it was Roseanne.
Who cares about the weight… I’m just happy that it’s love and affection that’s being shown instead of negatives. Shouldn’t that be the focus?
I enjoy the show Mike and Molly – it’s really funny!
And you always give the best comments. 😉
MMMM: PN Birthday, In My Daughter’s Eyes
Yep. That article by Maura was really unfortunate. But what was equally unfortunate was how hateful people got in their response to her. In my opinion, no matter how rude a person is being, it is best to respond with loving kindness and alternate solutions, rather than just to sling hate back into the world. Because in the end, it just breeds more negativity everywhere.
We do like to deny the truths right in front of us.
I’ve never watched that show, but I did read that post as many bloggers responded to it. Like you, I think all people should be represented. I think it’s a shame that the media has always portrayed only those considered to their standard of perfection.
I don’t care what you look like, a kiss in public can be so sweet or it can be obsene. If your gonna grope & get all nasty then take it behind closed doors. If it is just a sweet sign of affection then by all means go for it. That article made me so mad, it was just plain awful! Another blog I follow had a huge discussion on it too.