Welcome to another edition of I Comment Therefore I Am, where I put together a post from comments I’ve left on other blogs or comments that have been left on mine. What with the holidays, I’ve been commenting lite so this will be a short one.
I’m sure I was going to leave a witty comment at N.E.O. Mom’s but then word verification started taunting me. So this is what I ended up writing…
Okay, I can’t remember what I was going to write because the word verification is asking me to type in “porkside”. I think it’s calling me fat.
I’m pregnant you stupif word verification. Get off my back!
And yes, I know I misspelled stupid. So I went back and wrote…
Stupid, not stupif. Now it’s asking me to type in “ventyt”. Why because I’m venting?
I have an ongoing battle with word verification. It is always taunting me.
That’s it for this edition of I Comment Therefore I Am.
Do you give good comment? Wanna play along? Go forth, spread the comment love, and turn it into a post (I keep a draft post open while I read blogs throughout the week). Recycle, reuse, and reduce my friends; it’s the wave of the future.
Oh and feel free to comment on my comments otherwise how will I know that you exist.
If you play along please link back and/or post the button below. Spread the love, spread the love! You can grab the button code from my sidebar.
Word verification totally plays into every lizard brained superstitious impulse I have. Like if I write something about dancing, and the verification is “balleb”, my rational mind wanders off to check the weather or something and leaves me blathering about how oh my god that’s just one letter off from ballet and that’s a form of dancing and the secret internet police are reading my blog comments and sending me messages oh my god!
Now watch the next verification I get be “tin foil hab”.
Word verification is my enemy.
Good post, Mami! About word verification: My eyes are failing, as eyes can do as one (like me) ages. Sometimes I need to fail a few word verifications before passing. Sigh. Happy Holidays!
Word Verification drives me up the wall. Can you see it. little matchbox car, following me up the wall. me waving frantically, telling it to stop driving me crazy. Yeah, one too many word verifcations today. breathing. breathing.
Funny how we (you and I) always want to read more into a word verification than is really there. It’s so random, just like earth. This massive ball of mud spinning through a universe full of huge hunks of rocks, ice and other debris and we think there is a plan? A force carefully overseeing it all? C’mon. But then again, if we didn’t follow some of those random coincidences there would be no love, friendships or other “fateful” happenstance. Oh my, it’s getting deep in here. I gotta go.
Random, my a$$!! Actually, my a$$ is pretty random.
a random a$$ that’s an interesting concept but I have no idea what it would be
I laughed so hard I almost peed my pants. But since I cant blame my bladder on my pregnancy, I had to hold it in :/
That’s one of the reasons I don’t allow that feature on any of my blogs. I know spam is a nuisance but I’m not about to put my nice commenters off, who have to submit their name, email ids and blog urls. Do all that and then – word verification? It’s like asking them to pass a test when I want that comment!
What a cute idea. I will have to join in at some point. December was a bust month for me and not boobie wise! LOL Happy Holidays
You said, “boobie”! Hahahaha
How about making up definitions for some of those verification words….and linking to my post on my New Word Wednesday Meme?
If my pregnancy brain lets me remember, I’ll do it. I love your definitions.
Hey… you left a good comment on my blog and didn’t include it! I feel slighted… 🙁 Maybe because I don’t have a word verification thingy?
That’s what happens when you self-edit, sometimes you leave some good stuff out because you didn’t even know it was good.
Ha ha ha! Now that is the best comment I have ever read. I need to start putting word verification on my posts just so I can be amused by your ongoing battle with it.
Ha Ha Ha… sometimes that whole word verification gets me all sidetracked too. Stupid thing anyways!
I’ve seen a few WV’s that do seem related to the post or the comment but I seldom remember the made-up word.
That’s funny. Just the other day, I was trying to comment and word verification said, “Biteme.” I just about punched my computer. I think I need a nap.
gave you a shout out yesterday on my blog.
Wishing you a funny new year.
I am still laughing about the “red FAUX-Snuggie with black Scottish terriers printed all over it.” LOL! I now know what to get my wife for her birthday. Tell your mom thank you!
Well, if you get that for your wife for her birthday I can tell you what you won’t be getting any of.
Happy New Year!
Haha – your battle with word verification is very funny!
Followed your comment from Angelia’s blog.
Oh yes! In fact, sometimes I think computers in general see me coming and shape up to give me a hard time. (The air around here is often ‘blue’)! 😀
Happy New Year to you and your family!
I have seriously thought of keeping a list of the verifications and writing a post about them. They seem to have a mind of their own. It’s scary.