Wow, it has been forever since I’ve done an “I Comment Therefore I Am” post. The idea is to put together a post from comments I’ve left on other blogs or comments that have been left on mine because much of the beauty of blogging is wrapped up in the comments.
Today, I have only one comment to share. I was visiting the blog of someone I consider a friend and mentor. He is a professor, plawright, poet, director, producer, musician, and just a good human being. His writing is beautiful and it always stirs up emotions and memories for me. His poem, Abuela In the Backyard made me think of the difficult relationship I had with my own grandmother and how that relationship did not end when she died. Here’s what I shared…
I have a better relationship with my grandmother now that she’s passed than when she was alive. She comes to me in dreams and I see things about her that I was blind to when she was alive. The first time she came to me she sang, “Volver,Volver” and I think I was able to forgive her for not being who I wanted her to be.
Do me a favor, please visit my friend and show him some comment or follow love. You won’t be sorry and I’ll be very grateful. His beautiful words live at Unrequited Folk: Conboy Poetry.
Do you give good comment? Bring it on!

I comment so you’ll know I’ve been here, but I always feel inadequate compared to the queen of comment!
I don’t bother feeling inadequate about it; I simply accept the title gracefully.
nothing like a good dream.
I wish I had more humor in my dreams. Are you ever funny in your dreams?
I’m funny whether I’m awake or asleep. At least I think so.
A great poem with wonderful literary images.
I love that your relationship with your grandmother is better now. I totally understand this! My father died September 30, 2009 almost 2 years now… Our relationship was beautiful and you know what? It’s even better now. I feel him with me everywhere. It’s quite wonderful. I miss his body being here. I still cry because he is physically gone…but I know he is with me. and most of all, I know he is praying with me and for me.
I comment because I want you to know I thought enough of you to stop by, read what you wrote and most of all to say hello to people I consider my friends. I’m on my way…Thanks!
Good to know your still giving good comment 🙂
I love the idea behind your I comment therefore i am… but i am expiriencing (i know where is the spellingscheck when you need it) a big bla moment, soo no great comment from me this time around! I will go however to your friends blog and check it out!
Wow! Your grandma sounds like my grandma(only she doesn’t come to me singing.) But I definitely feel like I know her and understand her better now that she’s passed. I’ll be happy to visit his site.
Great idea! Some of my best posts are actually comments on others’ blogs, heh!
I have missed series of posts. Glad you brought them back.
Yeah, I think from now on I will just do it when the mood strikes. It was stressing me out to do it every Monday. I can’t always leave worthy comments worth repeating. Especially now with two kids and no sleep.
wow. that’s a powerful comment for sure.