It’s Monday, which means I get to share the comments that I left the previous week scattered throughout the blogosphere. It’s a wonderful way to highlight posts that inspired me and it’s also a delightful way to get to know myself better. Sometimes I don’t know what I think until I read a post and am inspired to contemplate, hence I comment therefore I am.
Let’s get started, shall we?
Lookin’ for a good meatball recipe. Head over to A Nut in a Nutshell. Unless you are a vegetarian, I think you will agree with me:
I love me some good warm balls! Yum.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I try to stay away from politics on my blog, but I have wonderful bloggy buddies that coax opinions out of me through their thought provoking posts. The Absence of Alternatives got this out of me:
Nothing eloquent to say, but I do want to claim that I am racist. Here’s the thing, we all are. Some things are ingrained. Of course there are different levels, but no one is immune. Just because I strive for equality in society doesn’t mean I get to stop examining myself. People are afraid of being called out as racists and I say we take the fear away. So I will start. My name is Unknown Mami and I am a recovering racist. I take it one day at a time and try to free my mind of biases as I become consciously aware of them. Admitting we have a problem is key. Turning a blind eye because these issues make us uncomfortable does not mean we live in an equitable society. I don’t have the answers, but I’m willing to look for them.
On Amber Page Writes I read that her motto is, “Be yourself. Or at least try.” My response:
Yes, yes, yes! I do a really good me so I don’t bother trying to do anyone else. Unless, it’s my husband, but that’s a whole other story.
A post on Our Feet Are The Same brings up the environmental “debate” (my use of quotes because I can’t believe we are still debating) and the name associated name calling. Here’s what I think:
I don’t get it, I really don’t. It’s pretty easy to look around and see that we do not do the best job of taking care of our environment or conserving our resources. The outcome may be debatable, but making changes for the better can not hurt. If people are worried about the financial implications, there is plenty of money to be made in the “green-ing” of commerce. It’s the wave of the future. The rich can still get richer and the poor can learn how to install solar panels. More jobs, more money. There is something in it for everyone.
Like many of us Green-Eyed Momster is facing financial challenges. She ended one of her posts with the positives of poverty. Of course I had to contribute my 2 cents (that’s about all I can afford):
Another advantage is that you have less money to count so it frees up your time to do other things like roll coins to pay bills.
The holidays can be very stressful if you are financially strapped. Especially if you have three beautiful children that you like to make happy. The Girl with the Flour in her Hair understands that it’s not about the stuff, but still it can get you down.
I’m not going to tell you anything you don’t already know, but I feel compelled to share.I grew up poor. At times, on welfare, food stamps poor. Christmas was always my favorite holiday, but I don’t remember any of the presents I ever got growing up. Sure I remember being excited about opening them, but in the end I don’t remember any, but I do remember the food my family made and I remember the smile on my little brother’s face and I remember the singing and the staying up late.Your kids will remember how special you made them feel, not the lack or excess of any presents.The guilt is something you are putting on yourself. You are there for them and that is huge.The best present my mother gave me as a child was never letting me feel like I was poor. When I figured out that we were poor I never felt ashamed because nothing had changed I was just older and more aware.
On that note, I hope you are all enjoying the holiday season and if you are not, hang in there!
Wanna play along? Go forth, spread the comment love, and turn it into a post. Then link up! Recycle, reuse, and reduce my friends; it’s the wave of the future.
Oh and feel free to comment on my comments.
If you play along please link back and/or post the button below. Spread the love, spread the love! You can link up even if you don’t post on Monday.

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