I read blogs that make me think. I think, therefore I am. I leave comments because of my thoughts. Aha! I comment, therefore I am. And on Mondays I turn my comments into a post.
Below proof of my existence in the blogosphere:
I was visiting ck at Bad Mommy Moments and she admitted that she does not want any more kids and how there is guilt attached to that lack of want so much so that she considered dancing around the issue. Being a mother is one of the most challenging things that I have ever done. It’s dirty, hard, and at times exasperating. Here’s a what I had to say to ck:
I’m glad you didn’t dance around it. Why does it always feel like mothers have to apologize for things. If I say that being a mother is difficult, why do I feel like I’m supposed to say, “But it’s totally worth it.” Why, because if I don’t say it someone usually says it for me.
I am a mother, but it is not all that I am and I crave time for me. I don’t and won’t feel guilty about it. I do not want to be selfless. I don’t think that selflessness sets a good example. I reclaim the word selfish to mean that I appreciate myself, that I will take care of my self, that I will continue to grow, that I will teach my daughter the same self care.
This life is mine and I intend to make the most of it with no apologies.
Erin from Blogging is for Dorks shared some lyrics that she misheard. My favorite was “Your sparkling vagina” (see her post for details), which made me wonder what I would have to do to have that said about my nether regions.
No one has ever told me that my vagina sparkles. I think I’m going to buy it some glitter.
won got me to thinking about the positive and the negative. Which do you absorb or take to heart? Unfortunately…
I wonder about this all the time. Just from a personal stance, I quickly absorb the negative, but brush off the positive. I think it’s faulty wiring.
Do you remember how painfully difficult it was to be a kid sometimes? Kristen from Hands, House, and Heart Full shared some heart wrenching memories. I loved her post. Here’s what I had to say:
I wish I could go back in time and give you a big ol’ hug. I’m sorry that you had to go through it, but you are who you are and you are pretty awesome. I laughed even though I could feel your pain.I was in gifted classes, too. We were poor and all the other kids were not. When I first got put in the program, I thought it meant I was going to get a gift. I was so excited to find out what my gift would be, but I didn’t want to ask. I kept waiting and waiting and all I got was a more challenging class, which I guess was the best gift I could have been given.
If you’ve read any posts about my mother you are aware that she has a thick accent and gets creative with the English language. One of my favorite thing to read about at Eternally Distracted are Mec-isms. Mec takes liberties with English too, which gave me an idea:
We really need to get Mec and my mother in the same room. Oh the fun we could have! He could have Sprinkles (Pringles) and she could fark (fart).
Need a good laugh? Head over to Granny on the Web for some funny mum stories. I shared my own:
I walked up to a male employee at an overpriced grocery store while he was bending over a produce display and asked, “Excuse me, do you have any nuts?” He stood up, looked at me, smiled, and answered, “Yes.” Then awkward silence until I said, “Uh, pecans.”
And that’s all folks!
Do you give good comment? Wanna play along? Go forth, spread the comment love, and turn it into a post (I keep a draft post open while I read blogs throughout the week). Recycle, reuse, and reduce my friends; it’s the wave of the future.
Oh and feel free to comment on my comments.
If you play along please link back and/or post the button below. Spread the love, spread the love!

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