I feel this baby moving inside of me and it pains me to think that this might be the only contact I ever have with my child.
I feel lucky and blessed to have one healthy and beautiful child that I can hold in my arms, but somehow that does not lessen the pain of having an unborn child in danger.
I feel like waiting a whole week to see if this child that’s in my body, that I already love, will ever have a chance to see the light of day is longer than I’ve ever had to wait for anything.
I feel helpless.
I feel scared.
I feel alone.
I feel a tiny bit of hope.
I feel afraid of hoping.
I feel grateful for all the support I have gotten. Thank you.
Continuing my prayers for you sweetie.
17 weeks IS somewhat early. try to stay strong. It has to be devastating.
Still praying for you and baby and Papi and Put Pie.
Oh Mami, I am so sorry. I’m sending all my love and angels and prayers your way. xoxoxo jj
Know that you are being prayed for… we will hope when you are afraid to..
I will hope for you. I wish I could give you a big hug. I know the pain of that kind of loss, and I pray you will never know.
Friend, I know you don’t necassarily hold the same beliefs that I do, but I find comforting the thought that God has you and your tiny baby in His hands. He has that baby in His heart and the baby will be okay, whether it’s bad news or good. The baby will go home to be with God. That is sad for you…like you, I would be devastated that I didn’t get to have the baby with me. BUT, if worst case scenario is this precious life doesn’t get to live on earth, this baby will be glorified in heaven. And already is, really, even if it’s great news. I pray for you. I will keep praying for you. And your family.
Girlfriend what on earth is going on!?!?!? I have missed you and your posts. I”m going to take some time and read up on whatever it is that has slipped through the cracks. HUGS xxxxx
I’m still hoping and praying for good news.
Words can not express the actual support I would like to give you in your time of need but I will continue praying for you. The Lord does miracles all the time and can turn a negative situation into a positive one. That is my deepest desire for you along with peace and comfort. Hugs to you amiga.
I’m sorry. Hold onto your hope and know that you are in my thoughts.
Stay strong, friend. We are all here for you. *hugs*
Holding out hope and faith for you.
Unknown Mami….I am thinking about you.
Gracias, amiga.
Thank you, friend.
It is such a lot to have to bare. Cherish every kick.
Don’t let anybody lessen your feelings because you have Put Pie. You have every right to cry, scream, think, love, whatever it is you want to do.
Sending so much love. Praying, too.
Oh Mamita…praying hard for you and that little one
Big hugs Mami. Big hugs. Still praying.
Your support is viral.
I’m so sorry for you and especially for your little one growing inside you. Sending you many hugs and hope. Know that you are not alone, you have us (your bloggy amigas) but most importantly I’m sure you have your family.
Just a little tidbit to maybe give you a bit of hope. When I was pregnant with my first, they saw something ‘wrong’ with her heart. I was sent to a level two ultrasound and at that appointment whatever it was, was gone. He explained that if mom is sick weird things sometimes show up on the ultrasound on vital organs like the heart (I’m sure the kidneys are no exception). Have you been sick? Maybe everything is just fine and you and the baby will have stories to share about that one time when you were 17 weeks along.
Thank you, my friend.
I so wish there were some words to say that would magically make you feel better, or make this all go away or this next week be over and done with so you can get your answers. I have been thinking about you all morning and will continue to think about you and hope for good news.
I am so very sorry for this pain you are going through…im here in my small way. big hug mami
You and your little one have been on my mind since yesterday. Continuing to send you prayers and positive thoughts.
Oh hell, honey, how unimaginably difficult. Big love to you.
Praying for you and your baby. I am sure the waiting for news is agonizing.
holy shit mother fucker damn it suck crap!!!! I feel so ANGRY for you. Sad as well, but ANGRY!!! I am mad and pissed at god or whoever for you. I am hoping beyond all hope that this was a HUGE mistake by a human who makes mistakes. I am hoping it will all be okay. And if it isn’t, I am going to kick someones ASS!! GRRRRR!…
I want to thank you. Somehow in the midst of all this sadness, your comment not only made me smile, it made me laugh. Laughter is a gift. Thank you.
Never give up, keep thinking positive, and remember to “Always Believe!” More hugs and prayers coming your way, friend!
Oh, no. I have been there, my friend…twice. I’m praying…
I’ve been thinking of you friend.
I am thinking of you. I cannot imagine the wait. When you feel like you are going crazy, come on line and talk to us, ok?! We will try and distract you! {{{{hugs}}}}
I just read your previous post and this one. All of my heartfelt prayers and hopes are with you. You are never alone.
Keeping you in my prayers. I hope it’s not so. (((HUGS))
My thoughts and prayers are with you…
Don’t be afraid of hoping, because hope must be the last to die. Also remember that you are not alone. Even if the sea, the ocean and internet is dividing us WE ARE all here for you.
Big strong.
A big, big hug,
Much love, Mami. Much love and strength right now.
I’m still hoping the ultrasound is wrong and that you get better results next week. Praying that all comes out fine.
Your baby is in the best hands right now….YOURS! I will continue to pray that all is well!
I really am bad at words of comfort. But just know that I am hoping and praying for the very best for you.
A cold pain gripped my stomach when I read your post from yesterday. I’m *so* sorry that you have this awful sword hanging over you and I can imagine how fear is currently filling your every waking hour.
I’m assuming that you now have the awful wait for a second scan. It’s been 22 years since I was carrying a baby but even given medical advances, 17 weeks does still seem very early to truly know what is going on and to make such profound pronouncements. I’m hoping and praying that this was an error and that baby is fine.
Sending all my love to you and your family. x
I am so sorry you guys are going through this. You, your baby, and your family are in my prayers.
Thank you for your kind support and prayers.
I am praying so hard that they made a mistake, and the baby will be fine.
sending u and the baby-baby un abrazo fuerte. praying for u both.
From me, my husband, kids and brother…….love, hugs, prayers, support for all three of you and your little angel…..
Oh, I am soo sorry. 🙁
I’m praying for you and your baby, and sending positive thoughts and love your way.
PLEASE think POSITIVELY. Hold on to your hope, my friend.
Much love
B xx
Prayers and more prayers.
Fighting this with you, Mami, and praying constantly for you and your family. ((love))
Sending love your way and still hoping for the best for your baby.
Never be afraid to hope. It is a gift from God that allows us to breathe through every tough time.
I send you my love and my hope.