I live with a 2-year-old tyrant. She is adorable all the time, but bossy and pretty much a downright bully at times. She don’t care that’s she’s smaller than me, in fact she uses it to her advantage. She throws all 20-something pounds of herself into getting what she wants.
It is exhausting and behavior that would be socially unacceptable if she were a grown up. Just wouldn’t fly.
On that note check out this hilarious video which reenacts a conversation a father had with his two-year-old. The part of the father is played by the father and the part of the daughter is played by a grown ass man. And it’s not cute when a grown up behaves like a 2-year-old. Keep an eye out for an appearance by the actual 2-year-old at the end of the clip.
Here’s a picture of my little tyrant:
Don’t worry, we don’t actually keep her behind bars, but if she were a grown up…we might.
And now your Friday Fortune Cookie
(don’t forget to add “in bed” at the end, if you are so inclined):
Pick your battles.
Hosted by Mrs. 4444
Your tyrant is adorable!
Omg love it she is the cutes lil bossy pants ever!
And how’s putpie? LunaPie is getting so big~
that video was hilarious! and your beast is adorable!! xoxoxo
I recall a phrase something like “terrible twos”. We all have different personalities. That was one of the biggest surprises for me when the second child showed up. I just assumed she would be like her big sister. (she was actually nicer but don’t ever tell her big sister) I only have my own father experience to base this bit of advice that you didn’t ask for – Ice cream (if she’s not lactose intolerant) and candy make great bribes.
Haha! A friend posted that video on Facebook last night and I was laughing so hard! I live with a little tyrant too. Those moments when he’s being sweet, like this morning when he shouted “I love you” as I was leaving for work, totally make up for the moments when he throws himself on the ground because I need to pee.
Of course she is going to try to run the show in your family. When my younger granddaughter was that age I had a hard time being around her sometimes. Yikes. I found myself saying things like “MY kids never acted like that”. Hopefully you and your hubby will find ways to teach by example and instruction so that she will get along with others when she gets into school.
That video is so funny….I really enjoy it! Good luck with your daughter.
well your tyrant is such a cutie!
i also enjoyed your photos on your sunday’s post.
they all are PERFECT!
This is one of the best posts I’ve read in a while; I totally loved both the video and your little tyrant 🙂
No worries, hopefully this is a stage and it won’t last forever. Of course, then you’ll be in another stage. Hum. I thought the video was hilarious. Reminded me of a time when my son kept trying to interrupt a conversation between me and my mother-in-law. We finally had to tell him we were talking and we would pay attention to him later. Poor kid. I’m sure he has worse scars than that unfortunately.