I have been sick for over 3 weeks. I’m not gonna lie, it’s been no fun. I went to the doctor two weeks ago and then went back again this week. I came home with a prescription of antibiotics, which if I don’t get better by Saturday morning I will start taking.
Why wait? Because I’m still nursing and I can’t nurse if I’m on antibiotics. My “baby” is 2 and will be fine if I stop nursing and quite frankly I’m ready to stop, but it totally bums me out to have to do it so abruptly and because of medication rather than choice. Oh well.
We may be weaning this Saturday or if I’m miraculously better, we’ll be weaning more gradually, maybe by the time she’s 30. I’m kidding.
So I’m trying to nurse myself back to health while I’m still nursing. It’s not easy, but I suppose it could be worse. I’m happy I have been able to nurse my child for this long, that hasn’t been easy either. People look at you a bit funny when you are nursing a child who doesn’t look like a newborn, it seems to make them uncomfortable. Me, I’ve gotten to the point where I can whip out a boob just about anywhere. It’s nursing, it’s not like I’m poopin’ in public.
Okay, that’s enough about nursing.
I was quoted by ABCNews.com about my take on the Mexican Barbie doll. Why would they care what I think? Because I wrote a piece about it at Mamás Latinas: Mexican Barbie comes with a Chihuahua and a passport, of course. I was flattered that I was found quotable because I’m just an opinionated woman with a laptop.
And now your Friday Fortune Cookie
(don’t forget to add “in bed” at the end, if you are so inclined):
Be careful what you say, others might be listening.
Hosted by Mrs. 4444
Oh No!! You are still sick? That sucks! I hope you feel better soon. I didn’t nurse my boys, so I had no idea that you couldn’t take meds while you were doing so.
Get rest and have a nice weekend.
I am still sick and it is driving me crazy. Every morning I wake up hoping to feel better and nope, I still feel like junk. I went ahead and started taking the antibiotics this morning because I just can’t take it anymore. Wish me luck.
I hope you get to keep nursing. 1. because it’s so good for the child and 2. because having to take antibiotics is never a good thing. Hope you feel better soon!
Poor you!! I’ve been just run-down for a few weeks but being really sick makes things super hard. Please get better. Rest.
I read your post on the Barbie and loved it. I even thought I had a clever little comment but it wasn’t published. What gives? I swear I was appropriate! 🙂
Anywho, have a restful weekend! And treasure those last nursing moments…
I’m sure you were beyond appropriate. I don’t know how the commenting system works over there. I should, but I don’t. I’m afraid to read the comments over there sometimes because people can be mean. I’ve been called a hypocrite and a racist. Oh well.
Can you take probiotics while nursing? Call the pharmacy to see what they say and cross check that with your pediatrician and then a lactation expert. Probiotics are awesome and generally get me to feeling better quickly.
I take Vitamin World 10 which has 10 strains of good bacteria.
Thank you for the tip.
I read both articles…..way to go!
wow being quoted by ABC news. Cool, uh I didn’t follow the link yet, that’s the national news network not some ABC kid paper or something – right?
I have no comment on the nursing since I can’t.
No, not some kid paper, unless you find them childish.
ABC news? Wow. Katie Couric is out. Barbara Walters is retiring. It’s time for UNKNOWN MAMI!!!
that story was great… I liked the part about having her papers in Arizona the best!
Okay, so I don’t have many Hispanic friends, so you’re going to have the special role of straightening me out; why is the beautifully-colored skirt objectionably stereotypical? I think she’s beautiful. All of the dolls are dressed in ways that feature aspects of their cultures, no? Is the colorful dress inaccurate? Is there some other outfit she should wear that would be more appropriate? (and yes, I realize that that wasn’t your complaint, but I’m hoping you may be able to speak to it)Thanks
And p.s. I wish you peace with your nursing issues.
I’m actually not a fan of Barbie period, but we won’t get into that. I don’t think that Mattel went out of their way to be stereotypical with Mexican Barbie. All of the Dolls of the World are represented similarly. Not being a Barbie consumer, when I looked into it and saw that all the Dolls of the World came with passports, that wasn’t an issue for me. The Chihuahua is laughable (to me at least), but so is giving the Chinese doll a panda. I think all of the dolls in the collection are a sort of over-simplified interpretation, but it’s Mattel not a cultural anthropology course. If I were French I would have written something humorous about the French doll or so on and so forth. I think for many the imagery is coming out of context meaning they do not know it is part of a collection where all the dolls are dressed in “traditional-ish” costumes so when they see the Mexican Barbie with a passport and Chihuahua it strikes a chord that brings up issues we are having on a larger level. We and by we I mean Mexicans or Mexican-Americans or American-Mexicans are still for the most part represented as a stereotype in media, so maybe seeing the Mexican Barbie without the other dolls in the collection is a bit disgruntling. It’s also a bit odd that the issue is coming up right now because the doll has been out for months, it’s not new so to speak. I wrote about it the way I did because I consider myself a humorist and thought I could write about it in a humorous fashion. Some people seem to be truly angry about it, me I think we have bigger fish to fry and I’m not using Barbie to teach my kids about culture anyway. Now, let’s say that my daughters wanted a Mexican Barbie, would I get it for them? Probably because I’m not particularly worried that they will think Mexican women only wear modified traditional dress and carry Chihuahuas, but I would be slightly disappointed because I’m not a Barbie kind or princess kind of gal, which probably guarantees that they will be and that’s okay, they don’t need to be like me.
Anyway, that’s my take on it.
That makes sense. Thanks for taking the time. Do you think they guy objecting to the dress would just prefer that she be wearing generic clothing or maybe not even be featured (in which case he might also complain). Hm.
Oh, who knows what he really thinks. Keep in mind he got called and asked for a quote (like I did), who knows what he said in its entirety, you only end up getting a snippet.
I hope you do’nt have to suddenly stop nursing before you’re ready! And congrats on that brush with fame. 😉
My sister-in-law is still nursing her 4 year old. I hope you feel better soon and can wean in your own way in your own time.
Hope you feel better soon! I hate when decisions are taken out of my hands too… congrats on being quoted by national press!
I’m so sorry you went through this… I hope the weaning went well for both of you and you are finally feeling better. Being sick for that long must have been awful.