Let me tell you something about myself that I know to be true: I may be goofy, I may be funny, I may be insecure at times, but above all else, I am a survivor. I have survived many things in my life. Like what you ask? Well, here are just a few things:
- I survived my childhood – trust me, it’s an accomplishment.
- I survived a horrid case of amoebic dysentery.
- I survived being mugged at gunpoint.
- I survived preeclampsia during my first pregnancy.
- I survived childbirth twice.
- I’ve survived every panic attack I’ve ever had and I will continue to survive any future ones should they occur.
Like I said, I am a survivor. And now I have one more thing to add to my list of things I have survived:

I survived my 9-year-old’s sleepover party!

Don’t you dare scoff at this accomplishment because it is a big deal. Do you have any idea what it’s like to host a bunch of 9-year-olds overnight? It’s no joke. They are loud, boisterous, messy, constantly hungry and apparently have no need for sleep. Yes, they are also lovely, funny, grateful and delightful, but I’m almost 40 years older than they are and it’s hard to keep up. But I did it and it was so worth it!

Should you ever consider hosting a similar sleepover party allow me to suggest the following tips:

- Get lots of sleep the night before because you won’t be getting any the night of.
- Paint eyes on your eyelids so that if you do accidentally fall asleep when you should be awake they think you’re still awake and don’t go feral.
- Consider investing in earplugs, not for when you are trying to sleep but for when the girls are awake and their volume reaches rock concert level heights.
- Have snacks, lots of snacks – for the kids and for yourself.
- Be ready to say “no” constantly because you’ll be saying no to requests to eat life-threatening amounts of sugar.
- Eat life-threatening amounts of sugar while chugging coffee to give you enough energy to keep up and not pass out.
- Let them have fun.
- Have fun letting them have fun.
ALSO READ: 9 Lessons I’ve Learned From My 9-Year-Old
Celebrating Life
San Francisco, CA.
Those are always crazy!! So glad you made through….