I’m not really a phone person. If the phone rings at home, I almost always let the machine pick up. I don’t like being interrupted and I figure if it’s important they’ll leave a message. If my cellphone rings I can see who it is and sometimes I answer, but most of the time I let it go to voice-mail.
So if I’m not really a phone person, why is it that I go into a cold sweat every time I misplace my cellphone? Because my cellphone is so much more than a phone. The fact that I can use it to make and receive calls is just incidental and quite frankly sometimes obtrusive. I’m embarrassed to admit how attached I am to my cellphone. You see my cellphone does just about everything except laundry, but I bet you there is an app for that.
ALSO READ: If You Give a Mom a Cookie
Before I became a mother I was smart, I had a social life that involved adults, I remembered everything without writing it down, and I had countless hours to do whatever I wanted. Now I have mush for brains (commonly referred to as Mommy Brain, I prefer Mami Brain), very little time to myself, and most of my adult interaction happens online. My phone has become a sort of lifeline, a little oasis I can go to throughout my day. Sad, I know, but I’m being honest.
While I’m being honest, why don’t I tell you why I’m so attached to my iPhone smart phone.
- As a blogger I am a comment junkie. I love giving and getting them. I need to feed my habit throughout the day, but my baby gets visibly upset when I use the computer because it makes it hard for me to hold her. Guess what? She doesn’t mind when I use my phone to give and get comments.
- Now that I have mush for brains I get lost all the time, even going to my friends house that I’ve been to 100 times. My phone doesn’t make fun of me when I ask it for directions (my friend did make fun of me when I asked her).
- I no longer have a memory and need to make lists, but I never remember to bring the list with me. Well, if I put the list in my phone I never forget it because I always remember to bring my phone.
I may need an intervention. My husband caught me in bed with my phone and was none too pleased. I have to say I did feel like I was getting “caught” with a lover of sorts. It’s true, I’m in love with my friggin’ phone.
ALSO READ: 10 Signs You’ve Turned into Your Latina Mom
I never answer my phone either. Anybody worth talking to knows I let the machine screen my calls, which is why people always leave me messages that start “heeeeeellooooo aaaaaaare yooooooou theeeeeeeeeeere?” to give me time to pick up.
Just to add to the commentary, Dick is addicted to my cell phone. You see, he needs me to have it, not I. I only got it so I could have some freedom from the house. So now I have to explain. He worries you see? As long as he can call me, or I call him, I can do absolutely anything I wish. I have gone away for whole days and he doesn't ask me where I am or what I'm doing as long as he can talk to me at any given time. I go home and tell him I've been to the casino or have had lunch with someone and he's all happy for me. But if he can't get through or I haven't remembered to turn it on, (which happens more than I like to admit,) he thinks I've died. (Actually, after all these years, he's just mildly worried.) So there's my confession and I'm sure I'm not the only one!
May I use your comments as the basis of a poem sometime? I'd acknowledge you, of course. I hate phones, but I'm afraid that includes cell phones too. I'd much rather communicate by pigeon!
My kids have always been wonderful about me and the computer. They would sit on my lap and gnaw on a biter biscuit as I surfed the web, it was great fun……now they are 2 and 4 and do just fine playing on their own while I play on the computer……well, they actually take naps, so they are napping while I play on the computer these days
Yes, feel free to use my comments as the basis of a poem. I've always wanted to be someone's muse.
I Know, I know… it has all a woman needs..communication , information, shopping, music, reading, lists and reminders..and a replacement brain (for the mush)….If id only had it when my kids were small…Id have been a super woman…!!..now I think I want the Ipad….but i wont be able to hide it as easy….!
Maybe you should wait until they come out with the iTampon because it's bound to be smaller.
do they have a 12 step program for that? I dont even have a land line any more, my cell does it all;)
So you're one of THOSE people who never answers their phone. It's maddening, I tell ya! My husband's Aunt Helen NEVER answers and NEVER calls back, and her ONLY phone is her cell. My husband and I now have a running joke – if I call his cell and he doesn't answer, I leave a message and say, “Hi Aunt Helen – I mean, hi hon.”
Actually, your reasons make sense to me. I have mush for brains but I don't have the excuse of raising a sweet little seventeen month old any longer. Those days are so far behind me I am lucky to remember all the names and ages of my sweet little ones. So I say, get it any way you can any time you can. Even if you take to bed with you.
I answer when my husband calls, but yeah I'm pretty bad. It's just that I have people in my life that do not know how to get off the phone. I don't want to talk for an hour.
I have a different phone…but these are my thoughts as well. I am not a phone talker and people who know me know it's probably a waste of time to leave a message!! But an email…that's another story. I do find it difficult to type a comment though on my phone. My fingers are too big. 🙂
did you guys see this parody? It's great
I need one of those! When I do have to go into work I am constantly thinking to myself, “Do they like my blog?” “Am I getting comments?” “What are they saying about me?”. Unfortunately, blog access is denied where I work and I fret and stew for over 12 hours until I can return home to receive the commentary that is heroin to my veins!
Hi! My name is 5th Sister and I am a comment junkie!
I'll be getting a new cellphone soon (free replacement with contract thing) but I still want a flip phone. I just don't like the idea of the bigger square shape even if it is thin. I just think the flip design is the best but I don't do much texting.
oh never text while driving
I never had a flip phone so I don't like flipping. I was concerned about switching to a touchscreen phone, but now I LOVE it.
Oh, I couldn't make it that many hours without checking. It's too much fun.
That's pretty funny!
I have to admit it – I'm the exact same way!!
I am in!! Thanks for the work around, Mami. BTW ,,,, you answered me on your phone, didn't you? Come on, admit it, you phone junkie!! lol
I'm attached to my phone too. I don't use it for the internet but I text quite a bit. My next phone (in June whoo-hoo) is going to be a super fancy one… I wanna play more!
I'm glad that worked. Samijoe from Peek thru our Window figured it out for me.
Nah, I'm on the computer. Today I'm “working” from home. At least, that's what my husband thinks.
hahahah gotta love the phone! I answer any phone at any time, only because I can't stand to hear it ring and ring and ring!!! My cell, well that gets turned to vibrate every time I leave the house and I forget to turn it back on, so I tend to miss calls/texts. but anyone that knows me if you really want to get in touch with me, call the house phone~!
That's so funny getting 'caught' in bed with your phone.
I have a cell, but that's all it is a phone. I don't have any apps and I rarely even use it. After all, I'm old. Not that some oldsters don't do everything on a phone, but they have a life.
I always check caller ID on our phone before answering.
I hate phones myself.
If I could see, though, I'd use my phone like you do.
we all need smart phones. seriously in need of some mental calisthenics. maybe science will develop a way to implant a smart phone in early stages of pregnancy and it can be delivered right along with baby….that way baby will be more familiar and relaxed in its constant presence, the sounds& vibrations. it would be like a twin that hogs all of mami's attention.
Definitely time for an intervention! lol
Caught with your phone. I love it.
I use my phone for reminders. I just go into the calendar and add whatever event it is, and a time frame in advance when it tones off at me as the reminder. I sometimes also use the alarm as a reminder. I sometimes use the calculator, and save pictures or video on it. It has other functions that I rarely or never use such as the voice recorder, games, internet and email. And of course, I send and receive text messages.
But I never take her to bed !
I got a smartphone SPECIFICALLY for the reason of my blog. That's how much of a blog junkie I am.
Oh! I LOVE LOVE LOVE my phone. Like you, I don't really answer my calls but I use it for everything! I mean… FOR EVERYTHING!
How did moms do it before we had smart phones?
I know right? I can't help it, my phone is like an appendage.
I switched to a smart phone when I got a blog because of my blogging addiction.
I hate the phone too, but I'm like you- I need to know where it is. I don't have a phone that does all the stuff yours does, it's more a “what if I get stranded on the side of the road!?!?” set of fears.
My family is jealous of my love affair with my smart phone. I take it to bed. I take it to the bathroom. I keep it on a shelf next to the tub when I am in the tub right next to a towel that I dry my hands off with so that I can chat if I am in the tub. It's bad. I feel nekkid without it.
oh, you got it bad. lol.
I love my cell phone because I talked with a bloggy friend on it today on my break at work. Want my number? I'd love to talk with you one of these days.
I am also scared to death to lose my phone because if I do I will not know anyone's numbers. It freaks me out if I were to leave it anywhere!
I'm back! First I wanted to tell you, I JUST went and downloaded my blog and saved to my hard drive…whew! Is there anything else I need to do??
And! Where is the psychic?? I miss my psychic.
See… this is why I need a cool phone like that. I'm jealous. VERY jealous. My phone does none of that. Nor do I text. *sniff* Carry on your affair, I say!
Funny, you should ask about the Useless Psychic she will probably be back next week. Maybe you are psychic, but not useless.
LOL, I'm a crazy phone girl too. And it is definitely not because I might miss a call. All those other things!
Stopping by from SITS
I feel the same way about the phone. i don't like to talk on the phone. I usually just let it go to voicemail and, if it's important, I'll email or text whoever it was back. I've had my iphone for a little over a year and I'm wishy washy on it at best. I think it might have been the runt of the litter as it's not as smart as other iphone users say their is. Or maybe my expectations are too high.
I so need to get one of those phones! I think that will be my challenge next week…to find an app that can get me a new phone!
I have many friends with the same lover as you! In fact my hubby phone we nicknamed his girlfriend….certainly gets more attention than me.
Uh – OH… it's time to rethink where you use that phone. 🙂
I here you. And why are kids so instinctively against mommies on computers?
I always inherited my daughter's cast-off mobiles because I have never much liked the things and, without instructions, I've had trouble getting past the basics. Recently my husband bought me a brand new phone but of course now that people know about my aversion to mobiles no one texts or phones me! Doh! I'd be very interested in getting an iPhone, mainly because of the apps (particularly photo related stuff) but I don't think my area supports this phone yet. Double Doh! Yes, we really do live in The Land Beyond Beyond!
I never answer my phone either for the same reasons. I do love my smart phone though.
Not a phone person either, but I love email.
I don't have internet on my phone, so I have to use my computer, but I can easily see how my daghter would probably not care if I was using my phone instead of the computer to comment – great point girl!
I so understand! My husband has started to eye my iPhone with a bit of disdain but my kids don't seem to mind it the way they do when I sit down at the computer. The other night I was playing on one of my apps when my husband came to bed and I actually rolled over and hid it under my pillow so he wouldn't see it. When I heard him snoring, I pulled it back out. I guess I have a problem. Is there an iPhone intervention?
Amen sister! I love my phone! Ironically I don't answer my phone either, I usually fake the 'oops I didn't get to the phone on time' – if they leave a message and I decide I do want to talk to them. There are only a couple of people that I always pick up for. My sister and Lover…
I can totally relate…to the phone…the lists…bed commenting .. everything!
I'm on the fence tilting over to getting a blackberry for the same reasons your wrote about. I even thought about using it in bed while my husband is watching tv.
I'm the same way! I can't stand phone calls and figure if someone doesn't leave a voicemail, it couldn't have been that important. They can always send me a text message, you know? Also, I break into a cold sweat when I forget my phone at home too and turn my car around immediately to get get it. 🙂
You crack me only because we are the same! If I didn't have my calendar reminders I would lose my mind! Yup it just reminded me I had a moment ago I had a meeting tonight, crap and I have to pick someone up! UGH, darn this mommy (mami) brain! You will be the death of me.
I get lost all the time too, I wouldn't make fun of you. You're welcome here anytime 🙂
i have the same problem with making lists and forgetting them…
but i don't use my phone…because i barely know how to use it….i have a cellphone that it always at my side, but is rarely used. seriously…i don't even know how to change the ringer…
total dunce
popping by from sits!
What a popular blog this is? went through some of the posts and I know why.
Yet another great post. Witty and acute observations of modern life. I have an iPhone with no SIM (so can only rely on free wi-fi) and a BB from work. I am always connected and I am addicted. So funny and true about how kids get upset of me using the computer (but mainly because they are NOT allowed to be on…) yet they have no problem with me using the phone. Ok. Maybe because with my iPhone I can hide in the bathroom… Yup. iPhone changes everything, including what you do when you are, you know… 😉
I'm always calling people by accident on my smart phone, but I am in love with the thing. A lifeline, for sure.
Did you just write a snippet of my life? Because I felt like you did. I hate answering the phone. I always let the machine pick it up. I go by my personal motto, “the phone is for me to get ahold of you, not for you to get ahold of me.” It's so bad, that I actually have the phone on silent because I get so annoyed. You would think I would be the most introverted person around, but I am actually quite the opposite. I wonder what is wrong with us and phones?!
I have a smartphone and I LOVE how convenient it is to stay connected. I don't always answer the phone, but I love getting the emails immediately.
I sometimes roll over in the morning and just grab my phone and see what fabulous and exciting mail are awaiting me.
I don't understand people who think they are required to answer the phone every time it rings. It's downright rude.
Hon, Clint….my phone….and I are IN love. I know your pain…. ;O)
BTW, as per your comment, I'm SURE your husband likes your buns…. xx
You express a common addiction, most of us do have a panic when we know not the where abouts of our phone.
A love affair with your phone? Now that is something that I can definitely relate to. My “relationship” started off easy enough, but now I can't get enough of my phone. I swear my husband would throw it out the window if he thought doing so would not seriously damage our relationship. 🙂
This is awesome, I will def. do it. I will spread the love, I will spread the love…
So what if you take it to bed at least you don't answer it…really, I do know it's annoying because my hubby sometimes brings his itouch to bed. It like a night light!
Sadly, I have been “caught” in bed with my phone, too. And for some reason, I felt guilty, like I was cheating or something! But man, do I love my phone.
I'm not a phone person either. Glad I'm not the only one.
How long has my father been my father? Umm, all my life, right? So he should know I rarely answer my phone. Either of them. So when I am taking a nap and he calls my cell phone, I ignore it, Then he calls my house phone (which I don't answer) and wakes me up, which pisses me off. So when he places a second call to my cell phone I answer and yell at him.
Been there! Done that!!!
Hey I think this disqus service just dropped out for awhile.
Did you hear that we had a California experience this morning in Illinois? I'm not talking about the state budget.
No, what happened?
yes – shook us awake at 4 AM – gave me a post idea
True – very true all!
we are call screeners, never use our home phone, and are dialed into Sprint. And thankfully I can read comments on my blackberry! LOL.
I love this post!!
I think we must have been seperated at birth… well, maybe not, but I too dislike “THE PHONE” I almost always let it go to voicemail… sometimes, I even get annoyed when it rings. I will almost never pick up the phone just to “chat” with someone…
But If i lose my cell?? that's a whole different story,
and mostly for the same reasons!!
Funny … 😉
I would love a smart phone. My husband has an iPhone and is on it constantly. Drives me crazy, but partly because I'm insanely jealous!
I'm curious, why do you own a home phone if you don't answer it? Our last move we got rid of our home phone. We only have cells phones now.
i am so addicted to my iphone! help!
I'm with you on not answering the phone. And loving my cell more than my kids. I mean…well, yeah. I use it a lot.
And sadly, I'm not even being sponsored to say that!
Our DSL comes through the phone line.
Hahahahaha! I don't have a fancy phone, but I do have a love affair going with our computer. That's what my hubster thinks anyway. And I think I might need to get one of these fancy keyboard phones cuz my kids don't like the constant computer action either, but I don't think they would notice so much on a phone. Every time I try to get on the computer, they race over and demand to play “puter games” on Nick Jr and remind me that “blogs are not as important as family”. Thanks a lot smarty pants. So I either need my own computer or a fab phone. That is if I'm going to continue to enjoy a satisfying affair with the blogosphere.
I would read this comment to my husband, but I'm convinced that he would teach my daughter to say that blogs aren't as important as family. I don't know sometimes blogs feel like family and they don't argue with me.
Visit me at: Unknown Mami.
I never answer my phone if it's a number I haven't seen before, if it's so important, they'll call again. And I can't live without my cell phone either, because it goes everywhere with me and I can check email with it and everything else on the internet. I don't have a smart phone though. i wish I had one.
You my friend are in deed a phone junky…I have a crackberry addiction too. I feel your pain! I don't even bother remember phone numbers anymore. If I lose my phone, I can only remember two numbers by memory…and MY phone number is not one of those numbers!
My phone has made me stupid
Yes! I almost never answer my phone 🙂 but I do text a lot!
Yay for comments!
Just wanted to let you know that I visited your blog and tried to comment repeatedly, but was unable to. Nothing would happen when I would click on “Post a Comment”. You might want to check it out.
Do not wait until December to eat another donut. That would be cruel and unusual punishment.
Visit me at: Unknown Mami.
Keep up the good work, I like your writing.