A friend posted this 99¢ Only Stores promotion and I thought it was a straight up joke, but –it’s not, it is totally for reals. If you celebrate your 99th birthday at the 99¢ Only Store they will give you a 99 second shopping spree.
I’m thinking not too many people make it to 99 and the ones that do probably aren’t movin’ too fast so how much could they possibly get in 99 seconds? I love me a 99¢ Store, but I doubt that if I make it to 99 I’ll even remember this promo. Just in case you or anyone you know is interested there is an entry form you have to fill out. You may want to fill it out now because when you’re 99, you may not want to be bothered.
Last week I posted the first webisode of Convos with my 2-Year-Old and this week I’ve got the second episode of Convos with my 2-Year-Old to share with you. These episodes are reenactments of actual conversations that dad Mathew Clark has had with his 2-year-old. He plays the part of himself and the part of his daughter is played by a grown ass man. I love them!
And now your Friday Fortune Cookie
(don’t forget to add “in bed” at the end, if you are so inclined):
You are better than you think you are.
Hosted by Mrs. 4444
Ha ha! That promo rocks! Maybe just stick to your favorite section – 30 sec to get there, 30 sec to shop, 30 sec to check out. I bet you can do it! 🙂
Finally something to live for!
Because I am naked, I am the boss. Love it!
LOL, I have visions of walkers racing around the aisles! I guess they would pick the one that had the most stuff a 99 yr old could use. (I should not joke, my mom turns 89 soon, she’s slow but steady with her walker!)
Stopping by from FF!
Mom on Caffeine
Too funny and too true…..I love it! Have a great weekend!
What a great tickle party. Anyway, it tickled me.
OMGoodness that is a bit ridiculous I work with a 97-year-old-woman. She is very slow moving but her mind is still sharp.
Hysterical convo’s. I guess he couldn’t get the 2 year old to cooperate..lol
Convos are a crackup – thanks for sharing!
Oh heck yea, that is a conversation with a 2 yr old!!! My son just hit 3, so we are heading into the worst phase for my kiddos 🙁 It’s already started.
My great aunt is 99. I am going to have to tell her about that! She is my baking inspiration!!!
Thanks for the giggles.
LOL! Those are so good. as so right on. I swear I have had the exact same convo with Louie!
Cool stuff! 🙂 I’ve realized 99 seconds can be ample time for certain things! 😀