Did you know that I’m in a relationship? No, I’m not talking about my husband, but he knows about it and he’s fine with it. It’s been going on for a few months and I have to say it has been very satisfying on my end. I guess my “partner” is satisfied too because he (or is it a she?) keeps coming back for more. As a matter of fact, even though I’m not into labels, I’m happy to say that my partner considers me a “Preferred Blogger”. That’s right I’m a CSN Stores “Preferred Blogger”, which means I get the opportunity to do giveaways or reviews on a regular basis. This time around I am being offered the chance to do a review and I’m pretty darned excited. If I weren’t pregnant I might consider checking out some bar stools. I’ve been with my husband for almost 10 years (married for 3) and for some reason he has always wanted bar stools. I don’t know why, since we don’t have a bar. Maybe he thinks that if we get bar stools, we’ll have to set up a bar.
The thing is, I am pregnant and babies need certain paraphernalia. I haven’t gotten anything for this baby yet because I have gotten some worrisome reports from my doctors, but maybe it’s time to take a leap of faith and just believe that everything is going to be okay and start getting ready. CSN Stores consists of over 200 stores and there is quite a bit of baby gear to be found amongst them, so I was thinking maybe I could review one of these:
My next ultrasound is on Monday and if the news continues to trend toward better, then I think I just might be able to bring myself to start preparing for the best-case scenario. I’ll keep you posted.
I am glad you are in a relationship and I say Go For It. Let me know how it handles I am looking for one for my husband.
I love the colors on the car seat! It’s not an explosion of pink. Mami, I keep hoping those positive vibes will keep bringing you better and greater news.
I can’t wait to hear about your next ultrasound; here’s hoping for GREAT news! And I love CSN too!
No disrespect intended, but I was giggling all the way through this post. I was offered a chance to review from CNS also, and the key word they wanted me to use was also “bar stools”.
Oh, and I am thinking pink.
Positive thinking. Imagine those purchases!
Take that leap of faith. I pray for good news on your report Monday. Some day maybe Unknown Papi can set up bar and get those stools. Meantime, there will be other stools of a smaller variety to deal with!
I love barstools…especially when they are in a bar!! I say take the leap of faith…you have been getting some encouraging news lately 🙂
That looks like a perfect choice to celebrate the good news we are all looking forward to you getting on Monday. All long as the news is trending toward better, all is good.
I love how you describe your current status and I love your positive attitude even more. All the very best of wishes for Monday, I shall be thinking of you as I find myself doing every time you go for another ultrasound or test.
As for the car seat, I love it, not too pink and oh so very smart.
sounds like a good relationship:)
Praying for more good news my friend.
sounds like a good relationship:)
Praying for more good news my friend.
I wish you the best of results at your next ultra sound and many hours of shopping at CSN and all the other wonderful baby stores:)
I am praying that you are given good news next Monday…I am keeping all my fingers and toes crossed…my daughter won a csn store card on a blog and she said you can get so many things with them that she had a hard time deciding. I am sure they have lots and lots of fun babys stuff! XX
Cuuhhhh-UTE carseat!!! Praying for the upward trend to continue 🙂
you and your baby are in my prayers; I’m hoping the news will be awesome come Monday
Sounds like a great relationship! Fingers crossed for the best case scenario!
I’m really glad you are in a relationship- and I’d say “go for it!
I keep praying for more good news!
B xx
Congratulations on being preferred : ) You crack me up. I always prefer you!
Praying for your beautiful new baby! XO
They have the coolest baby stuff now. I just know everything is going to be fine.
Good luck with the next ultrasound. Good thoughts will be coming your way.
Oh! The pink! Love it. And I am sending hopeful, happy thoughts your way for Monday. Have I told you how strong you are lately? You are. You are ahhhmazing lady and you can do anything!
Keeping my fingers crossed and sending good thoughts from the other side of the Bay Bridge, Mami.
Thanks for the great additions (stupid excuses) to my condom post, and for the follow.
They sell the best stuff. Keeping you in my prayers.
These giveaway things don’t do much for me (please send money if you like) and I avoid some of the blogs that push them all the time.
However, I must say you have the ability to add some fun and humor to it so reading your giveaway posts are worth it.
You had me scared there for a minute. Thought you were going to out yourself for having an affair on the hubs, just based on the title alone! Hahahaha. You always do that to me. Your titles are killer. Meanwhile, I’m hoping and praying that the ultrasound gives great news. Thinking of you.
You partner is outfitting you superbly!
I hope the ultrasound goes well and that all worrisome worries fade. We’ll all keep sending you positive vibes.
As for the bar stools and men … yeah, they all dream of bars and bar stools at home don’t they?
Congrats on the CSN love. I’m still keeping my fingers crossed for better and better ultrasounds. (Sorry I haven’t been by in a bit — had a pretty rough week.)
praying that this good news trend continues….
CSN and I only had one date. I kept hoping I’d hear from him again but I never did. Oh he still sends me emails every now and then, offering me teasy little discounts but he’s never asked me out again. Now I know why! That two-timing little &$^Q#^! 😉
I’m sending my very best vibes to you for Monday. I hope you order tons of baby stuff.. and maybe even a bar stool so your hubby can enjoy a celebratory drink. Best thoughts.. stay positive.
smiles. cnat wait to hear how it goes…praying…
I only feel good things happening for. And positive thinking it the only kind of thinking I do. You will be in my thoughts and can’t wait to hear your good news. Thanks for visiting my site and have a super day!!
Oh I can’t wait for you to get that good news Monday! How exciting to be a “preferred blogger.” Cool.
But they told me I was the preferred blogger!! If you can’t trust CSN, then who can you trust?
P.S. Praying hard that the U/S is 100% positive. XO!
To be honest, I think they have a harem of us.
You and that lil’ bean continue to be in my prayers lady!
I am thrilled to hear that things have been leaning toward the positive. More happy wishes your way.
I’m praying for you…and looking forward to that carseat review, and the hope that it symbolizes.
Seriously a car seat review has never had me teared up before today.
Oh wow are the baby things so much prettier now than they were when I had the wee ones. I love them – and fingers crossed for you! Yay that CSN loves you. Apparently they don’t like me so much as I’ve only been asked to do one. 😉
Can’t wait to hear good news from you tomorrow. I’m actually on the phone with my friend who is pregnant with twins and all sorts of complications and on bed rest right now. Good timing to read this!
OMG I sat on a bar stool yesterday, definitely wait until after the baby’s born! It’s always wise to prepare for the best.
Oh now that is a nice relationship! CSN has some great stuff! That is an adorable car seat.
I’m keeping you and baby in my thoughts and prayers.
Goodness car seats have come along way since I last used one for our daughters!
I am loving CSN more and more.
Can’t wait to hear the news on Monday.