That’s my youngest sitting in the dentist’s chair. You can’t tell from this picture, but she loves going to the dentist. So does my eldest daughter. They had an appointment this weekend and when we told them, I kid you not, they both cheered.
They think going to the dentist is fun.
Crazy, right?
Part of why they think it’s fun is because my husband and I have been really good about consistently taking them for checkups and they’ve never had a cavity. Visiting the dentist for them means that they get their teeth cleaned and they get a goody bag with a new toothbrush on the way out.
I, on the other hand, HATE going to the dentist. Like panic-attack-inducing hate. Why? Because I didn’t go to the dentist regularly when I was a child and because of that the times I have gone have been extremely traumatic.
This is my kids going to the dentist:
This is me going to the dentist:
I’m embarrassed to say that even though I make sure my daughters go to the dentist regularly, I haven’t been in years. But I’m going next week because one of my teeth is causing me pain. Hopefully, this time around I will have a dentist that is kind, competent and patient. If it goes well, maybe I’ll stop being terrified.
If you haven’t been to the dentist for a while, consider this a reminder to go. In the meantime, don’t forget to floss.
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San Francisco, CA
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