On Wednesday, February 3rd, I woke up at around 3:40 am with what felt like an extreme need to go to the bathroom. When I wasn’t able to go to the bathroom it occurred to me that perhaps I was in labor. I had my husband call labor and delivery and they told me that if it just started, I had time to take a bath and time the contractions. I hung up, tried to go to the bathroom and then screamed at my husband and told him to call back labor and delivery and tell them I was coming because the pain would barely subside before it was on me again.
We got to the hospital a little after 4 am and I was 6cm dilated and 80% effaced, then my water broke. There was a moment when the baby’s pulse went down and I was rushed to the OR for a possible C-section. The baby’s pulse went back to normal and I was told it was time to have the baby. The baby was facing up and I was having horrific back labor. I will be perfectly honest and tell you that I wanted pain relief and when I was told that window of opportunity had closed I used a few choice four letter words to alleviate the disappointment.
Since my first experience with having a child involved being in labor for 38 hours, I yelled at everyone in the room that there was no way I could be in that kind of pain for so many hours. I was told it would be minutes and not hours. At 4:48 am, I gave birth to a beautiful, tiny (5 lbs 13 oz) baby girl. She was 17 days “early”.
The whole thing was crazy fast. I woke up from a dream with pain and in a little over an hour I met my new daughter. I am amazed and proud of what my body was able to do. I am thrilled that I stuck to my guns and said I didn’t want to be induced when it was suggested weeks ago. I really wanted to know what it was like to go into labor naturally and my body did not disappoint.
We are both doing well. We are home and getting to know each other. This little girl has stolen my heart. She’s a fighter. To think that I was told that this might not be a viable pregnancy. I look at her and I am just grateful.
I’m deliriously tired. I wrote this as quickly as possible, just to let you know what is going on in my world and to thank you so very much for all the support and prayers many of you have provided during my pregnancy.
I will formally introduce you to the new love in my life very soon.
I’m so glad you posted. I can’t wait to meet the little bundle. xox
I am SO grateful you stole a few moments to update us. What an amazing labor story. Lucky it was over so fast with you being in so much pain. I’m just glad that you’re both healthy and home now. That’s truly wonderful. Oh, and, 5 lbs 13 oz?? Huge! I bet she’ll catch up to Kenley by her 1st birthday. (Not trying to take anything away from you. Your baby is definitely small; just, you know, from my point of view, anything over 3 lbs is huge.:) ) I wish I had some of their preemie and newborn clothes to send you. Enjoy your miracle baby and celebrate the end of your pregnancy!!
Oh yay!!! So happy for you!
(My second labour and was exact same! Out in 2hrs – quite the ride!)
Enjoy this special time–
Congrats. Having them fast like that is the best. ONly took me 3 tries for that to happen. 🙂
Congratulations! That is wonderful news and I’m both relieved and happy for you!
OMG… so quick, so soon… so PERFECT.
I am thrilled to bits you and your new precious baby girl are safe and well.
I can’t wait to see her.
Oh and just so ya know, my quickest labour and delivery was 39 minutes, so I know what it feels like! lol
Enjoy your new daughter….. much hugs.
Oh I’m SO happy for you and your family. Looking forward to hearing more about her. What a joy. 🙂
Oh that is wonderful! Congratulations and what a nice, early surprise. Very exciting.
How wonderful! Congrats on your new bundle of joy!
Congratulations to you and your family – unknown bebe sounds precious!
Felicidades, Mami! Me da mucho gusto saber que las dos estan muy bien. Que Dios las bendiga. 🙂
congratulations to all! I am so thankful to God for her!! I do believe he was walking every step of the way with you during this most difficult of pregnancies. She sounds so very wonderful! I can’t wait to get to meet her more as you deem fit in the days ahead! Meanwhile, take care of yourself and your dear little one and your older daughter and loving husband!! hugs to all!
CONGRATS!!!!! Can’t wait to hear more, enjoy!!!
That is such lovely news and I am delighted you are all well. Congratulations
So wonderful! Congrats to the entire family.
My first pregnancy was like what you’ve described. So empowering, if scary while you’re in the midst of it. So happy for you all.
CONGRATULATIONS!! So glad she is here and healthy. XO!
Aw sweet Mami! Congratulations!
Congratulations Mami!! I am so very happy for you all! Can’t wait to see your new sweetheart!
An hour and 8 minutes?? Woohoo! Sure glad you didn’t go back to bed 🙂 WONDERFUL news!!
So happy you are both home resting and bonding….can’t wait to hear how big sister is doing with her lil sister. Congrats!
I cannot wait to meet her! And so so happy both of you are doing well! All my love to you and your family, congratulations!
OH! MY GOSH!!!!!!! I’m so happy for you! Sounds like me!!!! When my second child came he was 3 weeks early. . .I was stunned! When my third child came she was two weeks late. . .I was stunned! No time for meds…for either one of those births. The first and the fourth were a little different. How wonderful for you and your baby! Congratulations!!!!!!!!
Congrats on your new baby girl!!! I’m so happy for you and can’t wait to “meet” her! I am glad to hear everything and everyone is doing well. 🙂
I believe my son was borderline preemie at about 22 days early. He was 6 lb. 4 oz. He was so tiny, I can’t imagine any smaller.
Congrats again!
I thought you were just here to give a brief update, not to announce your daughter’s birth! Congratulations to your whole family, and Welcome to the World Unknown Babi!
Congratulations!!!! So happy for you and your family! Rest and enjoy! Un beso!
Such good news, Mami and way to go. Congratulations.
Congratulations! I’m happy you’re both okay and home.
Can’t wait to see her…oh, she must be cute little baby with tiny, tiny toes, fingers…
Take care!
CONGRATULATIONS!!! welcome to the little new unknown daughter!!! blessings on you both!!
Congrats! Sending you warm wishes and hugs!
Brought tears to my eyes! Felicidades! I’m so happy for you and your family. She *is* a fighter! {abrazos}
So AWESOME. Mine went really quickly too with my daughter. Congratulations!!!
Lots of prayers for the health of her kidneys and everything else. Healthy baby, fast recovery.
Congratulations on the birth of your daughter 🙂
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! So happy for you and your new little miracle. Will keep checking back to see how the expanded family is doing.
.ps WordPress had MAJOR probs this weekend so I missed Sundays, but will be back 🙂
Oh wow, huge congratulations to you! I bet she is just beautiful xxx
CONGRATULATIONS!!! I’m beyond excited for you, friend!
Congratulations!! Glad to hear everything went so well.
I am so happy for you and can’t wait to meet her.
congrats to all of you – mom dad big sister
thanks for the update
Yay!! No more pregnancy woes. Congratulations, try and get some sleep.
I’m sitting right here crying!!.. but with happy tears!! I’m so happy you decided to wait..!! Doctors are good, but nature is wise and you are AMAIZING!!!!!! I can’t wait to meet your princess.. Mine was tiny too he weighted 5lb 15 oz and now with just 13 months he wears 18 and 24 months size clothes. Thanks for taking time away from your new life to share this with us, you made my day! Lots of blessings heading your way.. Take care.. Maybelline
I forgot to say Congratulations! ;P
Congrats to you and your husband.
OMGoodness….fantastic news! I’ve been out of touch a few days (while on vacation) and I’m just catching up. I’m seriously so excited for you and your family. I’m so stinking happy for you! It’s like our prayers have been answered and your little baby is finally here! Can’t wait to hear all about your new little girl! Sending Hugs and blessings! :):)
Yay!!! Felicidades Amiga!!! (:
So glad everything is ok. How are her wee kidney(s)?
Welcome to the world sweet little girl! Congrats. So thankful that it wall went well…doing the happy dance and celebrating this awesome news! XX
Congrats! I prayed really hard for your baby when you posted about her health. I was in tears when I read she’s perfect 🙂
Hi Unknown Mami!
Awwww, this makes me teary. I remember how it just a few months ago when we were all praying that the little one would turn ok (re not being viable) and here she is. Hello there and welcome to the world, little one.
Congratulations Unknown Mami and to your family! I love little kids and newborn ones make me teary.
Take enough rest and have fun spending time with her =]
That is amazing!! Congratulations, and welcome to your new baby girl.
Love to you and your family! You did good!
I’m thrilled for you! Can’t wait for the formal introduction! I feel like I traveled the path with you and am so happy that your daughter has joined you.
I feel like you traveled the path with me too. Thank you.
I am thrilled, so happy she is here. Wow, that was quick. I can’t wait to see her.
I had a c-section for that very reason 32 years ago. My son was sunny side up and his breathing stopped with contractions. So glad that you got to have her vaginally. This is fantastic news.
So THAT’S why I could hear the angels singing 🙂 I’m so very happy for you. One hour start to finish– Wow, you’re a CHAMP! Thanks for the update. Big hugs to you, hubby, Put Pie and your new baby daughter….. And try to REST!
xoxoxo jj
Wow, I don’t think I ever read as fast as I did through this post until I got to the part where you let us know she was safely arrived and all was well. Give her a great big welcome to the world kiss from me! Heh, I’m sure she’ll be slobbery with kisses by the time you finish reading your comments, eh? Congratulations to you and the family! I’m so happy to hear the good news!
What wonderful wonderful news!!! Thank God she is here safe. She sounds amazing, I cannot wait to be formally introduced 🙂 Best wishes to you, hubby & putpie. I bet your little family is absolutely perfect.
Oh Mami! I am SO excited and happy for you! Congrats and MUCH LOVE! xoxoxo
So happy for you! Congrats on the new addition to your family! After such a whirlwind pregnancy of emotions good and bad, I am overjoyed to hear you and baby girl are doing well!
Oh my goodness!! Congratulations! I’m so excited for you!!
Congrats Mami!!! Thinking a lot about you. How has Put Pie reacted to the arrival of her sister?
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! So happy for you! I can’t wait to see pictures of her! So glad that you are both doing well!
Congratulations Mami and welcome to the world little baby. I was told second child would be easier, so far from experience and stories, it’s proven to be true. How’s the big sister doing and feeling? How’s Papi?
Yeah Congratulations!!!!!!!
Wow. Your baby girl seems to have a very strong will: she wanted to come out when she’s ready and nobody was going to tell her to wait! 😉 — I wonder where she got THAT?!
I am so glad you and baby are doing well. And did anybody tell you yet that Feb 3, 2011 was the first day of Chinese New Year, the Year of the Golden (metal) Rabbit?!
Now rest and enjoy your new baby girl. So excited for you!
I am so very, very happy for you! I remember vividly the terror when this pregnancy started and I am so grateful you are holding your beautiful daughter.
Congratulations! Awesome!
Well, you went from having a dream of pain to having a baby in an hour, I went from finding out you were pregnant to reading you had a baby in like 2 minutes. Sheesh, it’s been forever… Congratulations!
Amiga, I’m so happy to hear the wonderful news of the birth of your sure to be beautiful baby girl. Can’t wait to see the pictures! Many blessings to you and your entire family. xoxo
Congratulations! I’m so happy for you!
Oh my goodness sweetie, congratulations on a job well done!!! I’m just thrilled that you both are healthy. Answered prayers sweetie, now you are holdin’ Gods precious miracle.
God bless you family sweetie and have a great time gettin’ to know each other. :o)
I can’t wait to see her!
Glad to hear that both you and baby are well. Good thing you listened to yourself and insisted that it was time to go to the hospital.
Awww! How exciting. Very. And I am glad you had a “quick” labor. Congratulations to you and your family.
I’m late to the Congrats party!! Oh, but what a JOY to know that you are home and happy with your house full of girls 🙂 Much love to you and him and her and her!
Congratulations! Yay for second labors that are quick – although I am glad you made it to the hospital with sufficient time! Hope you are enjoying your new little one.
Wow, great news. Welcome to your new little girl and may you and your husband and first daughter enjoy getting acquainted with the new baby. Give her a hug from me.
how awesome!!!! ((HUGS))
I’ve been thinking about you. I’m glad I stopped by today. I can’t wait to meet your new precious daughter. Hugs and much love to you both!!
Congratulations! I’m so happy for you!
Congrats Mami!! I hope you are getting some sleep. Miss you. Love you. {Hugs}
So good to hear this news and that you are both healthy and doing well. Can’t wait to see photos of your little sweetheart.
I am in awe. 68 minutes. Outstanding.
the Universe is Abundant
Congratulations!! I was looking for friday Fragments, and I couldn’t believe I had missed your announcement!! Soo glad that everything worked out, and you are all doing well!!
Congrats!! Welcome to the outside world little girl! May you, she & the whole family enjoy this time together 🙂
So exciting – Thanks for updating us & I can’t wait to meet her 🙂
“not disappointed,” huh? hahaha Congrats again 🙂
Congratulations to you and the entire Unknown Family of four. I look forward to stealing more peeks into your life.
Squeee! I’m SO very happy for you!! Sounds like a wonderful birth experience, albeit VERY fast, and that all is well. Congrats 1000 times over!! xoxo
WOW congratulations youclever thing you 😀 I am so proud and pleased and happy for you and your family. Sorry I wasnt around last week to comment but wanted to share my love and prayers for you still. Well done again, take care hun xx
Hey sweetie!! I just wanted to let you know that I have been completely out of it for a while, but I couldn’t stop thinking about you this week. Sure enough, you had your baby!! I just read a bunch of your posts and caught up. I am OVERJOYED that your little princess is doing great and has one good kidney!! What wonderful news. I imagine you are terribly tired with a newborn and PutPie, but I am so thrilled that you are all okay! Congratuations from the bottom of my heart. I love you guys and can’t wait to hear more about your new addition to your beautiful familia. Hugs and kisses.
Thank you! Sending you love.
Congratulations. I am so happy for you and your family. what a blessing!
I’m so sorry that I missed this post…Congratulations!! I feel like a crap blog-friend! LOL