I’m one of those people who cries all the time. I cry if I’m happy, I cry if I’m sad, I curse if I’m angry and then maybe I’ll cry. I find myself crying at work very often. Not because I’m unhappy, I cry because I write posts about stories and the stories make me cry for all sorts of reasons, good and bad. I’m so lucky I work from home because I think it would be really distracting to have to share an office with me. I’d been known as “the crier” in the soggy cubicle.
So, I spend a lot of time writing every day and I write a ton of posts for my job at MamásLatinas, but I rarely share them here, I’ve decided that needs to change. On Fridays, I’m going to share some links to posts I’ve written throughout the week for my day job that may be of interest to my favorite internet peeps in the world: you, the readers of this blog!
So here goes…a little sampling of what I wrote this week…
- If you have not seen this video of a 2-month-old saying, I love you, you really should. It will do your heart good.
- This on the other hand is absolutely terrible. Some parents who must have misplaced all good sense forced their 11-month-old daughter to parasail by herself.
- Here are 10 things I will teach my Latina daughters and yeah the “Latina” part matters.
- Gwyneth Paltrow could totally learn a lesson from Angelina Jolie about when it’s not okay to complain.
So inter-peeps, what have you been up to this week? Workin’ on anything? Let me know, por please.
And now your Friday Fortune Cookie
(don’t forget to add “in bed” at the end, if you are so inclined):
Speak up, nobody can read your mind.
Hosted by Mrs. 4444
I am happy for you to share, share, share! I <3 you and yes Gwenyth could really learn a lot from a lot of people but Angelina has really shown herself to be a woman of character.
BTW, I cry at everything!
I heard the comments both women made. Angelina is a little more in touch with the reality of the world. Gwenyth doesn’t seem to have a clue.
Thank you so much for sharing your other posts with us. I love your writing.
I am such a crier too.
Have a wonderful Memorial Day!
The stupid things people never cease to amaze me. I watched the baby strapped into a para sail. That is awful. I consider it child abuse. You say it was a promotion?
I would not want to join any customers of that crazy outfit. Stunts like that also has me doubting their safety procedures in general.
I agree, complete and utter nonsense.
Hi Claudya , Having seen you featured on Traci’s A Star In My Own Universe site I thought I’d stop by and say hello. What a great blog you have hear, its been a pleasure meeting you. Tracy
Whoops, that should of course have read HERE.
Oh my goodness that video of the baby saying I LOVE YOU, is awesome!!! It’s great to meet you and I look forward to reading more about you. If Traci loves you, you must be awesome! 😉
Aww, Traci is all kinds of awesome. Nice to meet you to.
Hugs! I wondered why you weren’t sharing the links. You know I love anything you write. My tear glands never wait for me to tell them to flow these days. 😀 Hugs!
Great idea! This week, I’ve been busting my butt to get work done before school ends in 12 school days. Off to check out your posts! 🙂 Thanks for playing!
Yeah! I’m happy to hear about your other posts. Thanks.
And for once, I totally agree with Angelina on this one.
xo jj